Vektor - Terminal Redux

L'actualité brulante du Metal traditionnel et de tout ce qui gravite autour.

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Mr. Sandman
Defender of the Faith
Defender of the Faith
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Message par Mr. Sandman »

Dernier message de la page précédente :

Un autre extrait, à 2 jours de la sortie de l'album :

R.I.P Ronnie James Dio ! :(

"La culture, c'est comme l'amour. Il faut y aller à petits coups au début pour bien en jouir plus tard."
Pierre Desproges
Metal Heart
Metal Heart
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Message par metalrunner »

Une intro au faux air de south of heaven et apres la claque :bang: la branlee :bang: le talent a l etat pur :bang: vivement le motocultor :bang:
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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
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Enregistré le : 04 sept. 2002, 21:27
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Message par Everflow »

L'album en intégralité :

I'm the lost one chasing colors to the sun
Colors bleed but never fade
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Metal Heart
Metal Heart
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Message par Haraban »

Putain cette tuerie... :bang:
Ecouté deux fois et c'est de loin mon préféré du groupe. Juste devant Black Future.
Quelle branlée ! :amour:
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Guardian of the Flame
Guardian of the Flame
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Message par BurningDarkness »

Ecouté aussi 2 fois pour l'instant : tuerie intersidérale :bang:
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Mr. Sandman
Defender of the Faith
Defender of the Faith
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Message par Mr. Sandman »

Difficile pour ma part de dire si je le préfère aux deux précédents que j'adore, mais ce nouveau me paraît au moins aussi excellent.

L'écoute du disque devra être bien approfondie perso, toutefois rien que la doublette 'Cygnus Terminal'/'Liquid Crystal Disease' et 'Pillars of Sand' sont monumentaux. :bave: :bow:
R.I.P Ronnie James Dio ! :(

"La culture, c'est comme l'amour. Il faut y aller à petits coups au début pour bien en jouir plus tard."
Pierre Desproges
Chibre lorrain
Chibre lorrain
Messages : 12189
Enregistré le : 27 juil. 2009, 11:31
Localisation : Bochum, Allemagne

Message par Thrashos »

De mon côté Recharching the Void est le titre le plus abouti qu'ils aient écrit jusqu'ici, directement dans mon top 3 du groupe perso. Ce pont vers la fin avec les passages gospels qui calme le tout avant d'exploser, j'ai eu la chair de poule en l'écoutant la première fois. :bow: :bow: :bow: :bang:
Gaëtan au KIT a écrit :Y'a des sites sur internet où tu marques ce que t'as picolé et ça te dit combien de temps il te faut pour dé-saouler. Et ben des fois c'est une semaine...
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Guardian of the Flame
Guardian of the Flame
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Message par BurningDarkness »

Thrashos a écrit :De mon côté Recharching the Void est le titre le plus abouti qu'ils aient écrit jusqu'ici, directement dans mon top 3 du groupe perso. Ce pont vers la fin avec les passages gospels qui calme le tout avant d'exploser, j'ai eu la chair de poule en l'écoutant la première fois. :bow: :bow: :bow: :bang:
Tous les titres sont épiques de toute façon. Je n'arrête pas d'écouter l'album depuis vendredi soir et je le trouve de mieux en mieux. Quelle tuerie !!
Sinon, dans un commentaire Facebook le groupe indique que des dates hors fest sont en cours de finalisation pour le mois d'août. J'espère vraiment que l'une d'elle sera jouable pour moi !
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Metal Heart
Metal Heart
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Message par MDT »

10 revues sur metal archives et déjà 93% de moyenne!
Largement mérité. Cet album est une baffe et une vraie bouffée d'air frais comparé à tous ces groupes qui ne cessent de plagier, de s'auto-plagier et de tourner en rond.
Chapeau les gars ! :bow: :chapeau:
TrVe Guadeloupean Zouk Metal
Chibre lorrain
Chibre lorrain
Messages : 12189
Enregistré le : 27 juil. 2009, 11:31
Localisation : Bochum, Allemagne

Message par Thrashos »

Les membres du groupe en dehors de David arrêtent l'aventure car leur arrangement ne leur convient plus (Dave écrit toute la musique et les paroles, ce qui laisse forcément pas beaucoup de place à la créativité pour les autres à part des arrangements et petites touches ici et là, probablement d'autres raisons plus perso aussi derrière que je soupçonne... mais je vais pas aller les faire chier à leur demander maintenant sachant qu'ils doivent se faire pourrir de messages en ce moment, encore mois les étaler en ligne).

Dommage, ça va me faire chier de plus voir l'équipe au complet, et même si David reste le seul compositeur et va continuer avec le groupe et de nouveaux membres (c'est tout frais mais 2 tournées européénnes arrivent bientôt à priori donc il va devoir s'arranger rapidement, surtout vu le niveau des morceaux à apprendre pour les nouveaux) , il y a de quoi se demander quelle direction le tout va prendre, après quasi 10 piges sous ce même line-up il y avait forcèment une connexion qui va pas se développer ailleurs du jour au lendemain.

Le message des membres qui arrêtent:
Greetings Vektonauts. With sadness we must inform you that we, Blake, Frank, and Erik, are all departing from Vektor effective immediately. It has been a completely incredible 10-ish years that has brought us all around the world and introduced us to so many super generous, passionate, friendly people and produced three albums of which we are extremely proud. Seeing the reception for Terminal Redux in particular after all of the hard work put into it has been very humbling. Sadly we've reached a point where we can't continue with the working arrangement we have, for a number of reasons that we find unnecessary to discuss publicly. There's no big story or drama, people and personalities simply change and drift apart and we've reached our limit.

The three of us are lifer musicians and will continue to be. You'll be seeing us in other contexts, other bands, recordings, tours, and more. Our time in Vektor has been a major part of our lives and parting with that will be a serious adjustment, but ultimately we're excited to see other new ways we can put our ideas to use. We are -hugely- grateful to everyone that came out to shows, picked up merch, listened to the music, showed us a great time and kept us going. We accomplished more than we ever thought was possible when we joined and we hope you'll stay tuned for what we do next – you have certainly not seen the last of us.

We don't know if this means Dave will seek new members and continue Vektor or not, that is for him to decide and announce in his own time.

Given that it's the holidays and the future of the band is out of our hands, we'd appreciate some space for the time being as we enjoy time with friends and family (please don't message our personal pages about it, we won't reply). All the best and we'll see you down the road.

-Blake, Frank, and Erik
Et le message de David qui a suivi:
I apologize to anyone who was concerned about the post from earlier today. Vektor is not stopping. I started writing Vektor songs in 1999 and I'm still writing Vektor songs. As long as I live, Vektor will not die.

I appreciate everything that Blake, Frank, and Erik have done to help this ship take off. I also appreciate all of my band mates before them: Willy, Pablo, Adam, Mike, and Kian.

See you on the road!

Gaëtan au KIT a écrit :Y'a des sites sur internet où tu marques ce que t'as picolé et ça te dit combien de temps il te faut pour dé-saouler. Et ben des fois c'est une semaine...
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Guardian of the Flame
Guardian of the Flame
Messages : 4156
Enregistré le : 30 déc. 2009, 22:00
Localisation : Moselle

Message par BurningDarkness »

Thrashos a écrit :c'est tout frais mais 2 tournées européénnes arrivent bientôt à priori
Une date en aout a déjà été annoncée, tu en sais davantage pour l'autre tournée ? Histoire de me rassurer malgré ces départs...
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the fab
Guardian of the Flame
Guardian of the Flame
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Message par the fab »

10 ans c'est long. Ca finit par user si tu n'en tires que des miettes. Je pense que vu le bizness actuel, beaucoup vont laisser tomber l'affaire.
Olivier64: " Y a pas un groupe plus surestimé que Motley Crue. Les Ramones, c'est du rock progressif à coté !!!!!!"
Yathin Lizzy
Defender of the Faith
Defender of the Faith
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Message par Yathin Lizzy »

the fab a écrit :10 cm c'est long. Ca finit par s'user si tu n'en tires que des minettes.
Oh !
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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
Messages : 39137
Enregistré le : 04 sept. 2002, 21:27
Localisation : Beyond Within

Message par Everflow »

Un nouveau Dave Mustaine / Jeff Waters / Jon Schaffer est né? :D
I'm the lost one chasing colors to the sun
Colors bleed but never fade
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Guardian of the Flame
Guardian of the Flame
Messages : 4156
Enregistré le : 30 déc. 2009, 22:00
Localisation : Moselle

Message par BurningDarkness »

Everflow a écrit :Un nouveau Dave Mustaine / Jeff Waters / Jon Schaffer est né? :D
:lol: Possible en effet, même si une usure de la motivation après 10 ans (comme évoqué ci-dessus) peut jouer.
Defender of the Faith
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Message par Pierre »

Après, quand on arrive à un certain âge (en gros la trentaine), il y a des choix de vie à faire pour les zicos. Si l'un s'obstine à vouloir vivre de sa musique, pousser le groupe le plus loin possible en multipliant les dates de tournées, alors que les autres ont leurs copines, un boulot qui les fait mieux vivre et de manière plus stable et une famille, il va clairement y avoir des divergences. Sans compter que le rythme de la vie en tournée n'est pas de tout repos et qu'il peut y avoir une saturation à un moment.
Après, peut-être que David Di Biasi est aussi un apprenti dictateur :D
Franky a écrit :j'ai voté pour toi, car en plus d'être un crétin (comme Gasp), tu es malfaisant. :oui:
Chibre lorrain
Chibre lorrain
Messages : 12189
Enregistré le : 27 juil. 2009, 11:31
Localisation : Bochum, Allemagne

Message par Thrashos »

BurningDarkness a écrit :
Thrashos a écrit :c'est tout frais mais 2 tournées européénnes arrivent bientôt à priori
Une date en aout a déjà été annoncée, tu en sais davantage pour l'autre tournée ? Histoire de me rassurer malgré ces départs...
Je peux pas en dire trop mais c'est prévu pour mai.
Everflow a écrit :Un nouveau Dave Mustaine / Jeff Waters / Jon Schaffer est né? :D
Même si jamais discuté de leurs arrangements, c'est pas du tout le genre de David, même si forcément tout le monde touche pas la même chose. Le fait est que ça a toujours été clair, il écrit tout dans son coin (en plus de gérer le management à un certain niveau), partage ensuite avec eux pour qu'ils fassent des arrangements pour les autres instrus (Erik ajoutant plusieurs solos aussi), pour les deux premiers albums beaucoup de morceaux étaient même déjà là avant les autres membres.

Mais le fait est que c'est tous de très, très bons musiciens, Blake est aussi par exemple un super pianiste, Erik est branché prog et bosse en permanence des trucs qui amèliorent son niveau (parfois avec Blake), Frank il me semble bosse sur des trucs un peu funky à côté... Je pense que la grosse raison était de vouloir produire leur propre musique, à ce niveau de jeu, passer 10 ans à jouer de la musique écrite par quelqu'un d'autre, malgré l'expérience énorme des tournées, des gens rencontrés, pays traversés, public de plus en plus grand, etc. (le tout était super apprécié de la part de tout le monde, aucun soucis côté rythme, famille -je rappel qu'ils ont déménagé de l'autre côté du pays pour donner une chance au groupe - ou boulot) on fini par sentir les limitations voir une certaine frustration côté créativité je suppose, et vu comme le groupe commence à décoller y'a des chances que partir sur des sides projects était pas vraiment une option. Il y a d'autres raisons et l'aspect financier doit probablement peser aussi dans la balance, mais pas autant que tout le monde va le penser et peut-être même sur d'autres points que les gens imaginent pas (j'ai mon idée).

J'espère surtout revoir chacun dans le coin bientôt perso. Pour le nouveau line up, trop bizarre pour l'imaginer encore.
Gaëtan au KIT a écrit :Y'a des sites sur internet où tu marques ce que t'as picolé et ça te dit combien de temps il te faut pour dé-saouler. Et ben des fois c'est une semaine...
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Guardian of the Flame
Guardian of the Flame
Messages : 4156
Enregistré le : 30 déc. 2009, 22:00
Localisation : Moselle

Message par BurningDarkness »

Thrashos a écrit :
BurningDarkness a écrit :
Thrashos a écrit :c'est tout frais mais 2 tournées européénnes arrivent bientôt à priori
Une date en aout a déjà été annoncée, tu en sais davantage pour l'autre tournée ? Histoire de me rassurer malgré ces départs...
Je peux pas en dire trop mais c'est prévu pour mai.
En espérant que la recherche d'un nouveau line up ne vienne pas foutre en l'air ceci alors...
Chibre lorrain
Chibre lorrain
Messages : 12189
Enregistré le : 27 juil. 2009, 11:31
Localisation : Bochum, Allemagne

Message par Thrashos »

Bon, au final il n'y aura aucune date cette année. Dave y a réflechi et (à juste titre) préfère ne pas aller trop vite dans sa recherche de lineup et être certain d'avoir une certaine stabilité. Du coup il va bosser sur le prochain album durant les mois à venir, il a déjà quelques riffs ici et là.
Gaëtan au KIT a écrit :Y'a des sites sur internet où tu marques ce que t'as picolé et ça te dit combien de temps il te faut pour dé-saouler. Et ben des fois c'est une semaine...
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Guardian of the Flame
Guardian of the Flame
Messages : 4156
Enregistré le : 30 déc. 2009, 22:00
Localisation : Moselle

Message par BurningDarkness »

Thrashos a écrit :Bon, au final il n'y aura aucune date cette année. Dave y a réflechi et (à juste titre) préfère ne pas aller trop vite dans sa recherche de lineup et être certain d'avoir une certaine stabilité. Du coup il va bosser sur le prochain album durant les mois à venir, il a déjà quelques riffs ici et là.
Tristesse... Quand je pense que je n'ai toujours pas réussi à les voir en live j'ai quand-même bien les boules :,(
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Metal Heart
Metal Heart
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Enregistré le : 16 sept. 2010, 14:19

Message par houguerr »

J'espère juste que le groupe va garder la même énergie en live quand il y aura un nouveau line-up, dommage car j'aime beaucoup le jeu de l'ancien batteur. :/
ride the night like you ride the lightning

Across the rainbow bridge to Valhalla
Odin's waiting for me
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Defender of the Faith
Defender of the Faith
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Message par olivier64 »

Dean Rispler, le bassiste des DICTATORS, a un joli t-shirt. :mad:
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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
Messages : 39137
Enregistré le : 04 sept. 2002, 21:27
Localisation : Beyond Within

Re: Vektor - Terminal Redux

Message par Everflow »

Le leader du groupe fait à nouveau parler de lui... pour violences sur sa femme cette fois, avec même vidéo à l'appui (que je ne posterai pas).


Reported by BrooklynVegan website: Vektor's vocalist/guitarist David DiSanto has been accused of violent physical assault, sexual assault, and verbal abuse by his wife Katy DiSanto in a series of social media posts. Katy posted video of David physically and verbally abusing her, along with a long statement detailing the history of abuse and repeated patterns of behavior that she accuses David of. You can read Katy's full statement below and the video she posted at this location (cw: violence, domestic abuse). David DiSanto has not yet publicly responded to this story.

Katy's statement:

CW. Abuse, addiction,

"Hello friends. It's not hard for me to write this, but it is hard for me to admit its content. I've felt like a failure for so long, like a bad feminist hypocrite stubbornly clinging to a sense of misplaced duty instead of paying attention to my own rights and well-being. A few people are aware of how my marriage has been deteriorating, especially over the past two years. For those of that aren't, here goes.

"Let me start by saying I'm sorry. I'm sorry for keeping this from so many of you - I really thought it would get better. I thought I would be a burden if I reached out for help - and I'm still afraid people will be angry that I didn't tell them sooner. I was so inundated with admiration for the public aspects of my/our life, that I dared not let anyone down by telling the truth. You can only imagine the mental toll it takes when, for 8 years, I was repeatedly abused then gaslit out of my mind, believing him whenever he flew into a rage and told me I needed to keep "our business between us".

"I'm sorry for how I've let this situation alienate me from my friends, forced myself to hide things from my family, and sometimes caused my personality to warp and distort into the worst version of myself. I'm sorry for not intervening when I knew he was lying to other people in his life. I'm sorry for putting up walls. I'm sorry to any Vektor fans - I've experienced some of my favorite music ruined by harsh truths about fallible people, and now I'm wracked with guilt, feeling like I might be taking something away by speaking out. I'm also sorry David - despite it all, I don't want his life to be bad. I just want my life to be good. And that can't happen while I'm keeping these secrets.

There is no perfect way to handle this. I feel it's best for me to release this information all at once, instead of letting the rumor mill leak and distort the truth. I expect to get blowblack, hate mail, invasive questions no matter what I do (as has every other abused woman who's come forward in the 21st century) but for now I feel like I'm doing what's rational.

The thing with abuse is, you don't see it coming. If you knew someone had the capacity to be awful, the relationship never would've started (presumably). Unfortunately, as in my case: narcissists are very good at being flashy and flattering to keep you distracted until it's too late. Down the road this turns into pervasive manipulation that warps your perception - a spiritual death by a thousand cuts. Some victims never see their way out of it.

"But who, me? How could it happen to me? I'm too smart, independent, take-no-shit kinda gal. I'd never let that happen to me, right? But here I am. So now I know. It can happen to anyone.

"For those of you I've met more recently / don't know my background: Almost nine years ago, I connected with someone who seemed like a smart, talented, ambitious man (at least by the standards of someone barely into the naive wilderness of their 20s) and seemed eager to make my life wonderful. In the years since, we made monumental accomplishments - there's no denying that. We planned a future, adopted animals, toured, traveled, bought a house. (Perhaps it was the relentless pace of progress that kept me going in spite of obvious problems.) He bought me gifts and provided material things. It crushes me to say that on a parallel timeline, I've watched pre-existing, untreated (or under-treated) mental illness and alcoholism erode his mind and expose the monster hiding inside.

"I soldiered on in the worst of times, hoping against hope that he would get better. I've been given so many promises that never came true. He sometimes made sincere improvements, all of which were ultimately negated by selfish enablers and his own bad choices. Many, many people have been caught in the same trap as me - only seeing the single glimmer of hope in a briar patch of lies, believing that love can cure all ails and overpower addiction. I still believe sometimes, it can. But not in this case.

"The warning signs were there from the beginning, but my optimism and his manipulative love-bombing overshadowed them again and again. I should've known when he stole our wedding money and spent it on booze because he'd been fired from his job for showing up hungover too many times (or not showing up at all). I should've known from the compulsive and incessant lying. I should've known when he strangled me in that San Antonio hotel room until my cries for help prompted another room to call the cops. I should've known the handful of times he claimed he was sobering up - until I inevitably found all the empty liquor bottles and beer cans he'd been hiding. I should've known from that time I was sexually assaulted in SLC and he locked me in a basement and told me to not talk about it. I should've known when he showed preference to other women just to try and make me upset. I should've known from the literally thousands of times I was told that his indiscretions and abuse were my own fault. I should've known when he tried to rape me. I should've known when he smacked me across the face with his phone. I should've known when he slapped me and threw me against the wall because I tried to move his beer. I should've known when he picked me up in the air, slammed me on our bed, and hit me over the head as hard as he could with a cushion. I should've known when he'd fly into jealous rages, fabricate scenarios, and punish me for things *I never did or said* (things that existed only in his imagination, but had real life consequences). I should've known when he punched holes in our bedroom door and later justified it by saying I should calm down, it could've been my face. I should've known when he locked my dog outside in below-freezing temperatures for over an hour. I should've known when he vandalized our house with spray paint and told me to clean it up. I should've known when I was standing in the police station at 2am, trembling, filing a report but begging them not to arrest him because I had no money and I'd lose everything if he went to jail again. I should've known when he repeatedly abandoned his own dog so he could stay out and get drunk. I should've known the dozens of times he put our lives in danger by picking me up from work drunk - and the hundreds of times he's put other people in danger by driving drunk (sometimes to the point of blacking out) all over town while insisting it's his right to do so. I should've known every time he weaponized other people as tools of abuse - falsely claiming others did or said things in attempts to undermine or humiliate me. I should've known every time he left me crushed, crying, alone, confused, then apologized and did it all again.

"I should've known, but I didn't - because a person who confuses narcissism with love, slowly conditioned to view abuse as acceptable, isn't thinking clearly.

"I also should've known it was a mistake to let myself become financially dependent on him. This, above all, left me trapped far longer than I would've been otherwise. After years of equally sharing all household financial burdens, I pushed aside my skepticism when he told me that he could support both of us with the business I helped him start, the staff I helped him acquire, the client base I brought to him, if I quit my paycheck job and fully pursued my apprenticeship. I rationalized it by telling myself I'd done my part in supporting him for so long in all his professional pursuits, so I didn't feel badly about letting him return the favor. (I was also still somewhat in denial of the severity of my situation) Now, I cringe when I realize how I played right into his trap. Once I did go all-in, instead of being a loving benefactor to a long-time partner, he used it to ramp up his control of me. Whenever I expressed dismay at any of his reckless, illegal, or abusive actions, he would respond by using escalating threats of abandonment to scare and silence me. He knew loss of his income would lead directly to my financial and professional ruin, and reminded me of it frequently.

"I'll always have love for the good version of the person that used to be inside him. But memories can only steel you against pain for so long. During all this, I'm not sure what exactly was the tipping point where I realized I was living as a shadow of myself, acting as my own prison guard. But, something did eventually snap - and for at least the past *year and a half*, I've been adrift as a living widow. Realizing the man I married was gone, but still unable to leave my castle - only imagining my life on the other side of the walls while trying to exist in an unstable reality.

"During this transitional phase, I became increasingly exhausted by his denials of events and started recording many of our conversations and arguments (with his knowledge) to guard myself against gaslighting and assess what my contributions were to the conflicts (which is how I wound up with the footage attached this post). I've also taken advantage of the past year to learn more about my legal options and rights.

"Thankfully, I've gained more emotional and mental strength in recent months, and I've been lucky to know a few amazing people who've helped me see up from the depths and/or reconnect with my self-worth (I can never thank you enough for that). I've worked very hard to learn how to leave the past behind and now I'm speaking for the present. I've stopped begging and started bargaining. We've "agreed" to separate multiple times - with him offering to continue temporary financial support in order to be rid of the "burden" of me, as he puts it - but he never actually leaves. He yells, threatens, runs away, disappears, etc but then he wants to pretend everything's fine the next day. I've been living in a Lynchian purgatory, never knowing where he'll be, what version of himself I'll be confronted with, when I can let my guard down. Still constantly being assigned blame for all
problems. Despite my efforts to stop enabling his addictions and behavior, the abuse continues whenever he gets an opportunity.

"Now that I've exposed my private life to an almost pedantic point, the obvious question is: Why am I doing this so suddenly, all at once, now? It's not an emotional knee jerk, to be sure. It's been so long coming. I've long since cried all my tears and mourned the loss of the future I thought I was building and the person I thought was my best friend. I'm able to stop hiding and share the situation with you all because I've had enough, and finally filed a PFA which will grant me temporary protection until an official hearing. A PFA (Protection from Abuse) order can be issued by the Family Courts of Philadelphia in cases where an individual seeks physical and legal protection from an abusive person outside of criminal charges (which I could file, but I'm not). I also have reason to be concerned that some individuals may catch wind of what's happening and will try to protect David by slandering or disparaging my reputation while I wait for the official hearing, so I feel it's important for me to take ownership of this publicly.

"So, in conclusion: my life has looked shiny on the outside but inside it's been a living hell. But, the tide is turning, and we will no longer be living together or functioning as a romantically married couple. I'm unsure of his next moves, but I will be in the same house and attending work as normal.

"However, my mortgage, my health, my credit are still at risk. My current income won't even cover my basic expenses for a week, let alone a month or more. It could take several months for any court ordered spousal support to support to kick in, if it's granted. I know I'm doing what I need to do, but I'm somewhat at a loss of how I will deal with this going forward. If anyone has any input, I'm open to it.

"Since you've made it this far, I hope I can count on your support as I go through these final stages of a difficult time. Even though I've been to therapy, there's still human connection that's needed. And, besides my financial and physical status, I have other concerns. I don't know how to take care of my dog while I work 12 hour days. I don't know to finish renovations on the house. I don't know a lot of things.

"What I do know is I'm able to move forward. I'm also scared, determined, relieved. I don't have to keep feeling ashamed for hiding things from people I care about. I can be myself again and pursue rewarding relationships with good people. It's time to bring back / experience more positivity. I have so much to offer the world, a partner, my friends. I never want to waste another day on some bullshit. I want to get back a simple, normal life. It's my own fault that I've made myself go through this alone for so long, but I hope the road forward won't be as lonely. I hope to see much more of you soon. Thank you for reading. I love you all very much."
I'm the lost one chasing colors to the sun
Colors bleed but never fade
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Guardian of the Flame
Guardian of the Flame
Messages : 4156
Enregistré le : 30 déc. 2009, 22:00
Localisation : Moselle

Message par BurningDarkness »

Reformation de Vektor annoncée hier !
Retour d'Erik Nelson + Stephen Coon et Mike Ohlson comme nouveaux membres.

J'espère du nouveau son et surtout les voir enfin en live l'année prochaine

:bang: :bang: :bang:
Metal Heart
Metal Heart
Messages : 2222
Enregistré le : 03 août 2009, 13:31

Message par metalrunner »

Super bonne nouvelle :bang: :bang: :bang:
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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
Messages : 39137
Enregistré le : 04 sept. 2002, 21:27
Localisation : Beyond Within

Message par Everflow »

Ils avaient vraiment splitté? En tout cas c'est une bonne nouvelle.
I'm the lost one chasing colors to the sun
Colors bleed but never fade