ABYSSAL SUFFERING (France) Demo tape... Out now! Death metal/ Old brutal death

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Metal Heart
Metal Heart
Messages : 1168
Enregistré le : 18 mai 2007, 21:08
Localisation : Nord pas de calais
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Message par Gabalgabow »


Underground brutal death, with influences of 90's technical death, and remains of the early thrashing genre...
Sounds like an undergrounded mix of old Deeds of flesh, Gorguts, Pestilence, Timeghoul...
With a member of Traumasphere, Penthos...


This demo was initially confidentially released in 2005 as a CDr,
but is now available again as a pro printed tape and pro cover! Limited to only 70 copies.


Now released by VISCERAL CIRCUITRY Recs:

Also available through NIHILISTIC Distro:

.. 667
NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine: http://nihilistic-webzine-distro.fr

MORE THAN SOUNDS Blogzine: https://morethansoundszine.blogspot.fr
Avatar du membre
Metal Heart
Metal Heart
Messages : 1168
Enregistré le : 18 mai 2007, 21:08
Localisation : Nord pas de calais
Contact :

Message par Gabalgabow »

NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine: http://nihilistic-webzine-distro.fr

MORE THAN SOUNDS Blogzine: https://morethansoundszine.blogspot.fr