Argh! Un paquet de vynils et des CDs ont été ajoutés à la distro.
C’est le moment de commander pour recevoir ça avant noèl !
Ps : Je n’envoie pas les vynils en lettres, choisissez Mondial relay ou colissimo.
Last distro news:
INFERNAL CONJURATION (Mex) Auto de Fe 7 ep. Old school death
KRATORNAS (Philippines) Hollow Ground Destruction 7 Ep/ Picture disc. Raw black death
PAZUZU (Costa rica)/ MORBID PERVERSION (Bra) Darkest Abominations Split 7 Ep. 2nd hand. Old school death/ Black death. 2nd hand: Cover was a bit damaged due to transport
MACHETAZO (Spa)/ RAS (Spa) Split 7 Ep. Death grind/ Grindcore
CHRISTER PETTERSSON (Swe) Empatihaveri 7 Ep. Grindcore/ Fastcore/ Thrash
ZOMBIE COOKBOOK (Bra) Cine trash 7 Ep. Death thrash grind
ICE DRAGON (Usa) Demon from hell/ Scratch at your skin 7 Ep. Hard rock/ Stoner/ Doom
ASHIAIP (Uk) Nothing Gets my dick harder than the screams of a dying american 7 Ep. Grindcore noisecore. With members of Bollock swine
BOLO (Rus) Red cross 7 Ep. Grindcore/ Powerviolence
AVENGER (Cze) Minster of madness / The black zone CD. Old school death metal.
Rerelease of demos from 94 and 95.
BRIMSTONE GATE (Ger) Return from the brimstone portal CD. Black death
DEEP DESOLATION (Pol) Dwunaste wrota CD. Black thrash/ Blackened thrash
WOLFPATH (Pol) Wolfpath MCD. Digipack. Black metal
BESIEGER (Usa) Honor in obliteration Demo tape. Old school death metal. influenced by the old swedish style, with a more crust side. Tape + sticker. (With a member of Rancorous)
PERSECUTOR (Pol) Dystopian conquest CD. Old school thrash/ Blackened thrash
NIHILISTIC Mini zine/ newsletter 18
The new NIHILISTIC mini zine is ready! This time it contains interviews of MULE SKINNER (Grindcore from Usa) and GOD'S FUNERAL (Doom death from Spain), as well as reviews of: Bocc, Mouflon, Baladro, I Destroyer, Scalpel, Vipera, Razor wire, Hellcrash, Sodomy, Jail, Chromolith, Genestealer, Vengeance, Entumecido, Impalement, Precipicio, Suicidal preacher and Septic excrements.
That's 12 x A5 pages full of underground metal. Pro-printed. 250 copies distributed for free in trades/ orders/ packages... To support the underground!
MOUFLON (Hol) Pure filth CD. Old school death/ Death doom. For fans of old european death metal like Gorefest, Benediction, early Death...
FULMINATE (Usa) Internal degradation Demo tape. Gore death grind/ Goregrind like early Carcass, old Dead infection.
TAXIDERMIA (Ita) Demo 2023 Tape. Old school death
VAYRON (Fra) Dead fish man CD. Old school death with old brutal death influences. Sounds like a cross between old Deicide, Morbid Angel, Pestilence and old Cannibal corpse... (With previous members of Silure)