Opeth - Heritage

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Mout Mout
Le mouton trop gentil
Le mouton trop gentil
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Message par Mout Mout »

Dernier message de la page précédente :

En fait la forme est "rock prog 70's" mais le fond est on ne peut plus convenu et bien loin des 70's... :(
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Metal Invader
Metal Invader
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Enregistré le : 12 juin 2011, 15:45

Message par gedral »

Un peu déçu aussi.
Dans le prog 70's, ça secoue parfois méchamment et Opeth a raté ça.
Résultat, je m'ennuie un peu en écoutant ce disque.
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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
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Enregistré le : 04 sept. 2002, 21:27
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Message par Everflow »

Interview d'Åkerfeldt notamment au sujet du fait que l'album divise les fans du groupe :

Metal Army: How has it been dealing with fans' devotion to the band with this touring cycle, taking into account some people's refusal to accept change?

Mikael: Well, everything is pretty much as normal for us. Being on this tour, the only thing that's been not business as usual is having this set list which fits in with our newer songs off "Heritage". Some fans are disappointed by the fact that I'm not screaming on this album and tour, yet some seem to like it. Our fans, by this time, are kind of ready for this kind of thing. We've been around for a while, so for us to do this sort of thing is not outrageous to me. It makes perfect sense.

Metal Army: Same here. This was the album and tour I was hoping you'd do. To me, if someone doesn't understand this side of OPETH, than they truly don't understand the band.

Mikael: Yeah, it's funny as we're talking right now about how you love "Heritage", and I was just responding to a fan letter in a magazine where the guy absolutely HATED it. He was saying we should split up, that this album "isn't OPETH" and blah blah. In a way, I want everyone to love it, of course, but in a way I'm glad that it's causing such divisive emotions. Some people are really getting into it, and some hate it with a passion.

Metal Army: At the end of the day, do you feel it's a matter of bands doing what they want to do? I mean, with a band like OPETH, you would think fans would embrace this sort of change.

Mikael: I thought that we made it pretty clear early on that we like change, and that we're not going to stay in the same spot for all eternity. I'm surprised when people — especially if they've been with us a long time — are surprised by a direction we've taken. I expect more from my fans, and that's one of the reasons why we did this album; we felt this was as much of an "OPETH record" as any other, and I'm hoping it will be that way for the fans, too. I'm hoping they have more of an open mind than most metal fans.

Metal Army: How early in advance did you feel that Heritage was going to be different, and moving in this direction?

Mikael: I knew even before I started writing, because I felt a bit concerned about our future, because we were somewhere on the outskirts of metal. I felt like I didn't want to do a contemporary sounding metal record, that we didn't belong there, or anywhere else, really. This gave me some concern, because I didn't' really know what I wanted to do; I just knew that whatever music was coming out of me next was going to be different.
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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
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Enregistré le : 04 sept. 2002, 21:27
Localisation : Beyond Within

Message par Everflow »

Concernant son évolution vocale :

http://rushonrock.com/2011/11/07/exclus ... iew-opeth/
RushOnRock.com: Is it the end as far as OPETH and screaming and/or growling vocals are concerned?

Mikael: I can't say, really. I've never turned my back on anything and I'm not going to start now. It's not like I don't like that style of vocal delivery anymore. But I just can't develop any more as a singer if I keep on screaming. In fact, I think I got worse at that as the years went by. But if the future songs require those vocals, then that's what I'll deliver. It seems like a long shot at this stage.
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Chibre lorrain
Chibre lorrain
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Message par guardianofsteel »

Akerfeldt a été victime d'un accident de voiture et serait actuellement à l'hopital.
Swedish progressive metallers OPETH were forced to cancel their performance last night (Monday, May 7) at the Myth in Maplewood, Minnesota after the band's guitarist/vocalist Mikael Åkerfeldt was reportedly involved in a car accident and was rushed to the hospital. Unconfirmed online reports suggest that Åkerfeldt broke his arm, but is otherwise expected to make a full recovery. More details will be made available soon.
Thrashos dans la voiture au Rock Am Bach pendant la tempête a écrit :Putain on va crever coincé là-dedans comme un hérisson dans un pot de Mc Fleury

Message par BLCKME »

Everflow a écrit :Interview d'Åkerfeldt notamment au sujet du fait que l'album divise les fans du groupe :

Mikael: I thought that we made it pretty clear early on that we like change
totalement d'accord; quand on voit le tournant effectué après Morningrise, ils ont du perdre tout autant de fan!
Mr. Gig
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Message par Mr. Gig »

Ah merde pour le coup de l'accident, même s'il s'en sort qu'avec un bras cassé.
Du coup ça risque de compromettre leur venue en festivals cet été, mais s'il peut vraiment récupérer sans séquelle c'est le principal.

Et concernant le nouveau virage amorcé (sans mauvais jeux de mots), je trouve ça dommage que le public boude ce passage définitif au chant clair, d'autant plus qu'Åkerfeldt n'a absolument pas à rougir de sa voix.
Autant j'aime beaucoup leurs disques précédents, autant j'ai trouvé "Heritage" très intéressant (même si ça manque d'un brin d'innovation et de folie), me déplairait pas qu'ils continuent dans cette voix.

Puis au vu de ce que jouent les deux groupes actuellement, j'ai trouvé l'affiche Opeth / Pain of Salvation excellente en Novembre !
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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
Messages : 39187
Enregistré le : 04 sept. 2002, 21:27
Localisation : Beyond Within

Message par Everflow »

Il n'a pas été blessé dans un accident de voiture, et n'a pas de bras cassé, il s'est en fait cogné et ouvert un peu le crane dans le tour bus de Mastodon, en enfilant un slip rouge :lol:
"Hi guys! I'm writing from beyond the grave.

"Seriously, I was not in a car crash and I haven't broken my arm. All that happened is I hit my head in MASTODON's tour bus as I was getting a new pair of (red) underwear out from my suitcase.

"Wish the story was more rock and roll, believe me.

"Anyways, I split my head open down to the skullbone and had to be taken to the emergency. They gave me a bunch of shots in the wound, cleaned me up and stapled my head shut with 8 metal staples. Head is sore and if I smile it feels like the wound is gonna burst open again, but I'll be on stage by tomorrow again.

"I feel extremely disappointed that we couldn't play at The Myth in Minneapolis, but paramedics told me I couldn't. We will reschedule the show for our next trip to the USA. So all rumors of me being in a car crash are false. I did crash my head into a car, though, well... a bus, really.

"Sorry for disappointing our fans in Minneapolis but I hope you understand. See you next time."
I'm the lost one chasing colors to the sun
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Mr. Sandman
Defender of the Faith
Defender of the Faith
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Enregistré le : 28 oct. 2007, 10:52
Localisation : Près de Tours

Message par Mr. Sandman »

Le pianiste/flûtiste et compositeur Björn Johansson Lindh qui jouait sur le titre 'Famine' de Heritage, est décédé hier dès suite d'une tumeur au cerveau. Il avait 69 ans.

Mikael en était un grand fan :
“Today, Saturday 21st of December I'm reached by the horrible news that Björn J:son Lindh has made the final journey. Even if I knew he was very ill I can't understand it. Not only was he an idol of mine, he also contributed some immortal playing to the Heritage record. I spent a few hours with him, and thought he was the coolest dude ever. His music lives on. I still listen to his solo records with great joy. J:son was an institution to the Swedish music scene. Our collective condolences go out to his loved ones. I am currently taken aback by sadness of his passing and I'm drinking a glass of wine to his honor, listening to Ramadan. Björn, I didn't really know you, but yet I did. Your music is in my DNA. You will live on. Lots of love from the Opeth camp."
R.I.P Ronnie James Dio ! :(

"La culture, c'est comme l'amour. Il faut y aller à petits coups au début pour bien en jouir plus tard."
Pierre Desproges
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Mr. Sandman
Defender of the Faith
Defender of the Faith
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Enregistré le : 28 oct. 2007, 10:52
Localisation : Près de Tours

Message par Mr. Sandman »

Pour son 25ème anniversaire, le groupe planche sur un livre rétrospectif, auquel on peut contribuer si l'on a des archives sympathiques :
To celebrate their 25th anniversary, the members of OPETH are putting together a retrospective book. Therein, they'll tell their full story for the first time - the good, the bad, the ugly - in their own words, with a little help from former members, label bosses, management, producers, and anyone else that's been there for the key moments in the band's illustrious career.

Opeth's long and winding story will be illustrated throughout with rare and unseen images of life on the road, working in the studio, and other unique glimpses into the world of Opeth.

Rocket 88 Books are inviting fans to get in touch if they have any items of visual interest: photos, posters, ticket stubs, flyers, anything!

Let Rocket 88 know what you have by email at info@opethbook.com and they will review all that's sent in with consideration for inclusion in what will be a truly exceptional book about one of metal's most important bands. Your stuff could be in the book!
R.I.P Ronnie James Dio ! :(

"La culture, c'est comme l'amour. Il faut y aller à petits coups au début pour bien en jouir plus tard."
Pierre Desproges
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Mr. Sandman
Defender of the Faith
Defender of the Faith
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Enregistré le : 28 oct. 2007, 10:52
Localisation : Près de Tours

Message par Mr. Sandman »

Et accessoirement, leur nouvel album est terminé et devrait sortir en juin chez Roadrunner.
R.I.P Ronnie James Dio ! :(

"La culture, c'est comme l'amour. Il faut y aller à petits coups au début pour bien en jouir plus tard."
Pierre Desproges
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Bad Karma Since 2007
Bad Karma Since 2007
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Message par Larry »

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Psyko Killer
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Message par Psyko Killer »

:lol: :lol:
Prochains concerts: Pyrenean Warriors Opean Air / Rising Fest / Iron Maiden 2021? (Goteborg-Paris-Zurich-Stuttgart-Barcelone) :cheers: