Testament - The Dark Roots Of Earth

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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
Messages : 39187
Enregistré le : 04 sept. 2002, 21:27
Localisation : Beyond Within

Message par Everflow »

Dernier message de la page précédente :

Paul Bostaph parle de sa blessure et sa guérison en cours :
On the "serious injury" which has forced him to sit out the recording sessions for TESTAMENT's new studio album and not be able to take part in any touring activities with the band:

"I have a rehearsal studio of my own, and [back in March] I finished rehearsing and there was some equipment stacked around my drum set that, when I rehearse sometimes, I keep that studio a little dark… which is always good except for when you can't see what you are walking around. And I tripped over some stuff on the floor, fell, and subsequently, a couple of hours later, I had a lump on my wrist. I wasn't sure what it was and I went into physical therapy and the lump had caused tendonitis, so it kept me off the drum set for a while. And I just have had the lump removed. I think now it's been three weeks. And what it turned out to be was I was born with what they call an extensor muscle that was attached to my index finger of my right hand, which is an extra muscle. They removed the muscle, the tendonitis is gone. Now I'm just recovering from the surgery, so as soon as I do that, I'll be back behind the kit again."

On why it has seemingly taken so long to get the surgery done:

"Usually, when it comes to, especially a wrist, or anything in particular when it comes down to physical injury, the last thing you wanna do is go to the knife unless it's a clear-cut case where you need surgery. When it comes to a wrist, it's such a delicate area that I know drummers that have gone and had surgery on their wrist, and now they don't play anymore. It's something where when you have a wrist injury, you wanna exhaust all possibilities in terms of physical therapy 'cause the problem could go away with time and healing.

"When I was younger, I had tendonitis, and every doctor I saw wanted to cut me. 'Surgery will fix it,' [they told me]. And I said I didn't wanna do that. So I [followed] my own therapies and it went away over time. So with that experience in mind, instead of going straight to surgery, which… Even MRIs didn't show what the problem was with my wrist, because I don't think too many people are born with an extra muscle where mine was. So that was it. And I'm on the healing path."

On how it seems to have taken a long time to get to this point in his recovery:

"It actually did seem like a long time, but not only because of TESTAMENT's schedule. I'm really not the kind of person who likes to sit around and do nothing, and because of the wrist injury, that's literally what I was doing — other than running, 'cause my feet work. I'm used to playing drums all the time. You don't really know how much you use your hands until you can't. So I couldn't even twiddle my thumbs. So, yeah, it did seem like a long time. TESTAMENT had a timetable; they had to get a record done. There was no way that I could force myself to get behind the kit to record a record or do any kind of touring without knowing that I would do more permanent damage and potentially not be able to play drums anymore, and that's not an option."

On when fans can expect to see him behind the kit again:

"As soon as I'm ready to play. Basically, the tendonitis problem is gone; it was the result of the 'mini-me' that was in my wrist. The tendonitis that was caused from that is gone, but now they had to make an incision in my wrist, and because of that, anytime you get an incision, scar tissue develops after the surgery. So the scar issue is around all my tendons, and that has to be broken up through physical therapy, which is now happening. I'm getting my range of motion back, and after I get my range of motion back, then I get my strength back, and as soon as I get the confidence to start playing behind the kit, which is all repetitive motion. When you've got scar tissue surrounding tendons, and it's really tight and you try to push it, and you start doing any kind of a repetitive-motion exercise, which would be drumming, you could make whatever you were trying to fix, like, worse, or permanent.

"I've been getting timetables [from doctors] ever since I injured [my wrist], and they never turn out. The last time I saw my doctor, the doctor said, 'Take up the sticks whenever you're ready.' So as soon as I feel healthy enough and I'm confident that my wrist feels good, then I'll start picking up the sticks again and I'll start playing.

"I'm a very physical player, so there's only one way I know how to play, and if I can't do that, then that's just not playing drums to me. So I'm just gonna take my time."

On how he feels about Gene Hoglan (DETHKLOK, FEAR FACTORY, STRAPPING YOUNG LAD, DARK ANGEL, DEATH) playing drums on the new TESTAMENT album:

"Gene's a god behind the drum set. The only thing that I think about when I heard that Gene was doing the new TESTAMENT record is, 'Oh, God, I've gotta learn that dude's parts?' There's a benchmark for metal drumming — I think Gene and [Dave] Lombardo [from SLAYER], those two guys set it, for me."

On whether it was awkward not being around for the writing and recording of the new TESTAMENT album considering that he is still the band's official drummer:

"Yes, it was very strange. I've been going through a lot this entire year. This entire year has been very interesting. Not only did I have the wrist injury, I went through a divorce this year as well. So the divorce came first, then the wrist injury happened. And it was like, 'OK. What next?' I was really kind of disconnected from creativity this year. The physical injury really kind of threw me back; I didn't know what was wrong and I didn't know if I would be playing drums anymore. And the band had to forge ahead. And they had my 100 percent understanding and blessing to do that."
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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
Messages : 39187
Enregistré le : 04 sept. 2002, 21:27
Localisation : Beyond Within

Message par Everflow »

James Murphy, ex-Testament, vend des recueils de paroles de Testament (en anglais et farsi) pour payer ses frais médicaux. Il serait victime d'une rechute de sa tumeur d'il y a 9 ans. :/

If anyone wants one of these, I'm selling them, signed, for $15 via PayPal in the US, $25 to the EU. Just message me with the subject 'Testament Farsi Book'. It's a unique collectors item that compiles all of Testament's lyrics from the first several albums in both English and Farsi. I have a couple boxes of them, and I'll be using the proceeds for my prescriptions."
Florida-based guitarist-turned-producer James Murphy, who is best known for his guitar work with TESTAMENT, DEATH, OBITUARY, CANCER and DISINCARNATE, has posted the following message on his Facebook page:

"Some troubling news for me in the last couple days. The bloodwork that was done recently revealed that the hormone indicator for the tumor I battled and defeated nine years ago is now 20 times higher than the low it reached as recently as one year ago. This could be indicative of a recurrence. Next step is an MRI, scheduled for the 11th of this month, to determine how much the tumor has grown. I am keeping a positive attitude about it and just moving forward."

Deron Miller (WORLD UNDER BLOOD, CKY), who worked with Murphy on WORLD UNDER BLOOD's debut album, is trying to raise money to help cover James' medical expenses. He has posted the following message on his Facebook page:

"James Murphy, legendary rock/metal guitarist (helped me with WORLD UNDER BLOOD's 'Tactical' CD) has just informed me that the brain tumor he was diagnosed with in [2001] had been improving and shrinking for the last several years... is returning rapidly. If my wife Felissa and I could get our Facebook friends to each PayPal at least $1, he will have an easier time covering the expenses that come with having no insurance and being a musician/producer. I'm asking you to contribute as much as you want, but the person that contributes the most will recieve something very special from my wife and I. I'm not trying to make a competition out of this, I just want my buddy well again. Please share this post and the PayPal address is felissarose123@aol.com. 100% of the money will go to his treatment and expenses. Thanks so much in advance!!!"
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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
Messages : 39187
Enregistré le : 04 sept. 2002, 21:27
Localisation : Beyond Within

Message par Everflow »

Chuck Billy discute du nouvel album :

http://www.metalkaoz.com/interviews/323 ... billy.html

Will you include songs from the upcoming TESTAMENT album?
No, just because there is too much internet now and too many people have their cell phones in the concerts, so we don’t want a bunch of shitty recordings of our new music. They never pay attention that these recordings sound terrible.

So, the new album is entitled “Dark Roots Of Earth”?
Yes, exactly.

Is there any meaning behind the album title?
Yeah, you can say that. TESTAMENT have always been a band that you can call “planet conscious” and many albums have songs talking about these matters. Also, the band is actually going back to its roots since the original lineup is back.

Is this also a song title?

Do you have any other song titles to share?
Yeah, there is “Cold Embrace”, “True American Hate”, let's see what is in there...

(interrupting) That sounds interesting: “True American Hate”…
(laughs) Yes, it does.

What are the lyrics for this about?
Well, with all the wars that have been going around there are people in other countries burning American flags and are upset with the Americans. But there is also a double meaning in this; see that's happening also in the States. Our own Americans hate each other doing similar acts. So, I think this title goes in both ways, Americans hating Americans and foreign people hating Americans.

How many songs will be in the new album?
We are going to have ten songs.

Will there be any bonus tracks for special editions and things like that?
Yes, we have a couple of cover songs that we are going to play and there will be a couple of songs that I will be singing in Spanish.

That will be interesting. What about the covers can you say more on this?
We are going to pull out some old school songs like from Sammy Hagar, maybe from THIN LIZZY but we haven’t yet decided. We have some songs in mind but there is no final decision.

Ok, what about the lyrics; is there a concept or a main theme behind them?
No, there is none. Every song can stand on its own.

How long did it take you to write and record it? I presume that the album is ready, right?
Yes, we have two songs to think but the rest of the album is done. The entire process was kind of long since we took our time with this one. I think we had been writing the songs for probably 3 to 4 months. You know, we don’t do things like we did in the past; write the music and get in the studio to record it in six weeks. We took our time, we did some live shows and we did not rush things.

If you were to compare the new album with “The Formation Of Damnation” what would you say?
Well, I think it is more mature. “The Formation Of Damnation” was more like “The Gathering” a real thrashing and strong record. This album is also strong but the songs have life of themselves and I can only describe them as being mature. Especially, after playing again with the original lineup for so many years again and doing “The Formation Of Damnation”, this album makes sense of what we should be doing right now.

You mentioned the lineup; so, what are the differences working with the original lineup after all these years?
Well, I can say that the formula is there. The songs / albums we wrote without Alex [Skolnick] were not built around the lead guitar and we didn’t write lead breaks like in “The Formation Of Damnation” and in the new album. I think this way of writing music sounds more like the old TESTAMENT formula.
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Mad Martigan
Wild Child
Wild Child
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Enregistré le : 11 févr. 2012, 12:58

Message par Mad Martigan »

L'album est prévu pour le 27 juillet, et voici la pochette ! :
Evil, reveal your darkened secrets. Evil, may the infernal flames crush the saints.
Satan, I obey to you master. Evil, reveal your darkened secrets to me.
Chibre lorrain
Chibre lorrain
Messages : 12189
Enregistré le : 27 juil. 2009, 11:31
Localisation : Bochum, Allemagne

Message par Thrashos »

Ouh, ça va faire des beau t-shirts bien moches ça! :D :bang:
Gaëtan au KIT a écrit :Y'a des sites sur internet où tu marques ce que t'as picolé et ça te dit combien de temps il te faut pour dé-saouler. Et ben des fois c'est une semaine...
Chibre lorrain
Chibre lorrain
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Message par guardianofsteel »

Et surtout une release party à Selestat :D
Thrashos dans la voiture au Rock Am Bach pendant la tempête a écrit :Putain on va crever coincé là-dedans comme un hérisson dans un pot de Mc Fleury
Chibre lorrain
Chibre lorrain
Messages : 12189
Enregistré le : 27 juil. 2009, 11:31
Localisation : Bochum, Allemagne

Message par Thrashos »

Carrément, le jour même! Après, ce qui sera surtout released ce sera nos estomacs le soir même, puis le lendemain. :D
Gaëtan au KIT a écrit :Y'a des sites sur internet où tu marques ce que t'as picolé et ça te dit combien de temps il te faut pour dé-saouler. Et ben des fois c'est une semaine...
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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
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Enregistré le : 04 sept. 2002, 21:27
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Message par Everflow »

A voir ce que ça donne en plus grand mais ça sent la classe :up:
I'm the lost one chasing colors to the sun
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Guardian of the Flame
Guardian of the Flame
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Message par mike-polar »

Je kiffe la pochette :up:
Chibre lorrain
Chibre lorrain
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Message par guardianofsteel »

Avec des covers en veux-tu en voilà :

01. “Rise Up“
02. “Native Blood“
03. “Dark Roots Of Earth“
04. “True American Hate“
05. “A Day In The Death“
06. “Cold Embrace“
07. “Man Kills Mankind“
08. “Throne Of Thorns“
09. “Last Stand For Independence“
Bonus tracks:
10. “Dragon Attack” (Queen cover)
11. “Animal Magnetism” (Scorpions cover)
12. “Powerslave” (Iron Maiden cover)
13. “Throne Of Thorns” (extended version)
Thrashos dans la voiture au Rock Am Bach pendant la tempête a écrit :Putain on va crever coincé là-dedans comme un hérisson dans un pot de Mc Fleury
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Dark Avenger
Fan de Gojira et Pantera
Fan de Gojira et Pantera
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Message par Dark Avenger »

J'sais pas pourquoi, je sens que je vais l'acheter... ;) :lol:
Ad Metal Eternam a écrit :Clair ! Et puis Thrashos a le truc qui fait les vrais thrasheux et que n'auront jamais les donneurs de leçons pseudo-élitistes qui croient tout savoir: il est sympa :yeah:
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Enregistré le : 09 juil. 2004, 14:53
Localisation : BREAST ! BRITTANY .

Message par STEELER »

Il est fort possible que je me laisse tenter aussi ! Je ne possède que "The RITUAL", que je trouve très bon ! Mais je n'ai pas réussi à trouver la date de sortie dans les bacs. De plus, est-ce que toutes les covers (alléchantes) font partie du disque officiel, où est-ce une version limitée. THANKS for your help.
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Heavy Metal Maniac
Heavy Metal Maniac
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Message par heavydevy01 »

Si tu ne possède que 'the ritual', je te conseille fortement le premier album du groupe, 'the legacy'. Une perle de thrash, bourré de classiques du groupe comme 'over the wall' , 'burnt offerings', 'raging waters', 'apocalypic city' :rock: le seul gros point négatif est sa prod étouffée qui mériterait un sacré dépoussiérage (je suis loin d'être fan des remasters mais pour ce genre d'albums je ferais exception).
Chibre lorrain
Chibre lorrain
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Message par guardianofsteel »

Il sort le 27 juillet, c'est dit un peu plus haut :D
Thrashos dans la voiture au Rock Am Bach pendant la tempête a écrit :Putain on va crever coincé là-dedans comme un hérisson dans un pot de Mc Fleury
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Enregistré le : 09 juil. 2004, 14:53
Localisation : BREAST ! BRITTANY .

Message par STEELER »

Merci pour ces renseignements, dear DEFENDERS ! :up:
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Dark Avenger
Fan de Gojira et Pantera
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Message par Dark Avenger »

heavydevy01 a écrit :Si tu ne possède que 'the ritual', je te conseille fortement le premier album du groupe, 'the legacy'.
Je te seconde, mais je rajoute egalement les 2 albums suivants, The New Order et Practice What You Preach; assurément des classiques du thrash de la Bay Area.
Ad Metal Eternam a écrit :Clair ! Et puis Thrashos a le truc qui fait les vrais thrasheux et que n'auront jamais les donneurs de leçons pseudo-élitistes qui croient tout savoir: il est sympa :yeah:
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Enregistré le : 09 juil. 2004, 14:53
Localisation : BREAST ! BRITTANY .

Message par STEELER »

:up: C'est noté ! THANKS boys ! :oui:
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Metal Heart
Metal Heart
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Message par Set »

STEELER a écrit ::up: C'est noté ! THANKS boys ! :oui:
Après tu peux découvrir de très bon titres des 2 premiers albums (The Legacy & The New Orderqui sont des tueries :bang:) avec First Strike Still Deadly sortit en 2001 qui propose des réenregistrements ! Et honnêtement, c'est :bang: :bang: :bang: !

Et si tu veux du bourrin, tu peux continuer ta lancée sur The Gathering qui est totalement énorme !
Follow The Signs ...
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Messages : 651
Enregistré le : 09 juil. 2004, 14:53
Localisation : BREAST ! BRITTANY .

Message par STEELER »

:up: Merci, Set ! J'ai noté 'The Gathering". Avec tous ces conseils, je devrai être comblé !
Fall to your Knees and Repent if you Please
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Dark Avenger
Fan de Gojira et Pantera
Fan de Gojira et Pantera
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Enregistré le : 31 janv. 2006, 16:27
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Message par Dark Avenger »

personnellement je trouve l'album The Gathering pas indispensable;ils ont un line up de tueurs sur cet album(Lombardo,DiGiorgio,Murphy) et à l'arrivée le résultat est en deça de ce qu'on aurait pu esperer avec de telles pointures. L'album est franchement pas mal(surtout pour un album de thrash sorti en 1999 ;) ), mais pas extraordinaire.Sortir un album avec James Murphy à la guitare, sur lequel il n'y a même pas un solo de guitare digne de ce nom, il faut quand même le faire.Un peu comme le Outkast de Kreator(avec Tommy T Baron a la gratte).
Ad Metal Eternam a écrit :Clair ! Et puis Thrashos a le truc qui fait les vrais thrasheux et que n'auront jamais les donneurs de leçons pseudo-élitistes qui croient tout savoir: il est sympa :yeah:
Chibre lorrain
Chibre lorrain
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Enregistré le : 27 juil. 2009, 11:31
Localisation : Bochum, Allemagne

Message par Thrashos »

Dark Avenger a écrit : peu comme le Outkast de Kreator(avec Tommy T Baron a la gratte).
Après ça pour le tenir de Tommy lui-même, ça vient du fait qu'il est arrivé dans Kreator seulement au dernier moment pour enregistrer au studio, tout était déjà composé sans lui et il exécutait juste sans y avoir participé.
Gaëtan au KIT a écrit :Y'a des sites sur internet où tu marques ce que t'as picolé et ça te dit combien de temps il te faut pour dé-saouler. Et ben des fois c'est une semaine...
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Dark Avenger
Fan de Gojira et Pantera
Fan de Gojira et Pantera
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Enregistré le : 31 janv. 2006, 16:27
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Message par Dark Avenger »

Moi je pense que le contexte de l'epoque,fortement défavorable aux solis de guitare, y etait aussi pour quelque chose...
Ad Metal Eternam a écrit :Clair ! Et puis Thrashos a le truc qui fait les vrais thrasheux et que n'auront jamais les donneurs de leçons pseudo-élitistes qui croient tout savoir: il est sympa :yeah:
Guardian of the Flame
Guardian of the Flame
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Message par SophiePetoncule »

je te conseille fortement le premier album du groupe, 'the legacy'.
Set a écrit : Et si tu veux du bourrin, tu peux continuer ta lancée sur The Gathering qui est totalement énorme !
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Ad Metal Eternam
Warrior en pyjama
Warrior en pyjama
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Message par Ad Metal Eternam »

Nouveau titre, "True American Hate":

:pointer: http://www.blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?m ... mID=175960
"Ma mère ?! Vous voulez dire que j’aurais un ticket avec ma mère ?! Oh, dur, c’est pas le pied !
- Encore ? Mais qu'est-ce que c’est que ces histoires de pieds ? Les pieds seraient-ils le point sensible des hommes du futur ? C’est peut-être dû à un accroissement de l'apesanteur...
- Quoi ???"
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Poulpe névrosé
Poulpe névrosé
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Enregistré le : 05 sept. 2002, 22:06
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Message par Le G@SP »

Du blast beat dans TESTAMENT :D Bon sympa le morceau mais pas inoubliable, un peu comme leurs dernières productions, m'enfin par rapport aux autres vétérans du genre c'est de la bonne qualité :up:
Viva, viva, viva the Blues / In Aztec land they will play like gods / Viva, viva, viva the blues / The sombreros will have eyes just for them / REMEMBER... =T=
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Bad Karma Since 2007
Bad Karma Since 2007
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Message par Larry »

On dirait presque plus du Annihilator actuel que du Testament :euh: :euh: :euh: