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Posté : 13 janv. 2012, 18:11
par Yathin Lizzy

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lelite a écrit :
demodefontenay a écrit :
Metal B a écrit :C'est carrément ça....excepté Metal Health, Party All Night et The Wild and The Young, je vois pas de gros classiques à leur actif. Ils se sont fait connaître grâce aux covers de Slade et la grande gueule de Du Brow et basta.
Un peu aussi parce que se groupe comptait en ses rangs un certain RANDY RHOADS :D
J'ai jamais écouté Quiet Riot avec R.Roads ça se trouve facilement en CD ?
Il y a un album qui s'appelle "Quiet Riot -The Randy Rhoads years" qui est une compilation de titres enregistrés avec lui.
Les 2 premiers albums (Quiet Riot I & Quiet Riot II) je ne sais pas si on les trouve encore.

Après oui, il faut avoir à l'esprit que Metal health a été le premier album de Hard Rock a avoir été classé premier au Billboard et cela a marqué un tournant dans l'histoire du hard et donc du Metal. Ils ont ouvert la voie à d'autres groupes de Hard Us.
C'est surtout en cela que le groupe est devenu légendaire.

Mais en même ils ont construit leur carrière sur une (excellente) reprise de Slade.

Les disques sont honnêtes, c'est du bon Hard Rock , mais voilà, c'est pas Thin Lizzy.

Posté : 13 janv. 2012, 18:16
par Dark Avenger
En même temps, aucun groupe de hard US n'est Thin Lizzy, si tu vois ce que je veux dire ;) ; ni Poison, ni Motley,ni WASP, ni cinderella, ni Dokken, ni Ratt, ni White Lion, ni même Guns'n'Roses ou Skid Row.

Posté : 13 janv. 2012, 18:23
par Dark Avenger
Dark Schneider a écrit :Metal Health est quand même bourré de classiques du début à la fin, mais il est vrai que le reste de leur disco, c'est pas trop ça. (le titre "Twild and the young" est excellent mais l'album en lui même reste moyen).
La dessus, je dois dire que je ne suis pas d'accord; je trouve l'album Quiet Riot III excellent du début à la fin, et c'est probablement leur album que je préfère des années 80.

Je trouve également l'album Condition Critical excellent; il resseble effectivement beaucoup à Metal Health, et il a le désavantage d'arriver après, mais objectivement il n'est pas moins bon que ce dernier.

Posté : 13 janv. 2012, 18:31
par Yathin Lizzy
Dark Avenger a écrit :En même temps, aucun groupe de hard US n'est Thin Lizzy, si tu vois ce que je veux dire ;) ; ni Poison, ni Motley,ni WASP, ni cinderella, ni Dokken, ni Ratt, ni White Lion, ni même Guns'n'Roses ou Skid Row.
Oui je vois ce que tu veux dire.
Ce que j'explique c'est que autant je peux comprendre qu'on puisse continuer à faire vivre Thin Lizzy sous forme d'un tribute band officiel constitué de membres qui ont plus ou moins le groupe....
....autant dans le cas de Quiet Riot ça me paraît beaucoup moins justifié.Banali est le seul membre d'origine et les autres zicos ont l'air de se faire royalement chier là dedans. C'est comme si Twisted Sister décidait de continuer avec l'actuel chanteur d'Angra, tu vois un peu la gueule que ça aurait ? Et voilà quoi, les gens connaissent 2 chansons de Quiet Riot.

Encore une fois , je ne dis pas que le groupe est mauvais, mais faut relativiser ce n'est pas une tuerie.

Posté : 13 janv. 2012, 18:34
par Yathin Lizzy
Edit : Le bassiste est là depuis un moment aussi. :D :D :D :D

Posté : 13 janv. 2012, 18:55
par Dark Avenger
Effectivement, je suis assez d'accord avec toi; par contre si Cavazo faisait partie du line up, et si Shortino était là aussi, personnellement ça me brancherait bien de les voir en live...

Posté : 14 janv. 2012, 00:44
par Metal B
C'est pas Rudy Sarzo le bassiste actuel? Il n'y a que Frankie Banali du line up d'origine? N'importe quoi ce groupe!

Posté : 11 févr. 2012, 01:35
par Everflow
Leur concert au US Festival en 1983 sort des archives en DVD :
Following a pair of DVD releases, Shout! Factory has announced the release of several performances on CD from the famous US Festival in California including QUIET RIOT. Spearheaded by Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, the US Festival intended to be a celebration of technology and culture, with a temporary stage and open-air venue paid for by Wozniak himself just for the purposes of the festival. The event featured "Heavy Metal Day" on on May 29, 1983 with the aforementioned QUIET RIOT along with the following stellar lineup: MÖTLEY CRÜE, OZZY OSBOURNE, JUDAS PRIEST, TRIUMPH, SCORPIONS and VAN HALEN.

Despite the historical value of the performances, the festival was a failure, with two reported deaths at the 1983 festival and Wozniak and promoters losing some $24 million. Setbacks aside, the performances remain a worthy footnote in rock history, and Shout! Factory aims to memorialize these moments, first through DVD and now on CD.

On March 27, the CD/DVD combo of QUIET RIOT's set will be released, featuring the following track listing:

01. Danger Zone
02. Run for Cover
03. Love’s a Bitch
04. Cum On Feel the Noize
05. Slick Black Cadillac
06. Let’s Get Crazy
07. Battle Axe
08. Let’s Get Crazy (Reprise)
09. Metal Health (Bang Your Head)

Posté : 14 mars 2012, 19:22
par guardianofsteel
QUIET RIOT has recruited Scott Vokoun as its new lead singer. The band is scheduled to play in Scottsdale, Arizona at the end of the month before embarking on a short tour in mid-April.

QUIET RIOT played several shows in early February with ex-MONTROSE vocalist Keith St. John following the departure of Mark Huff.

Commented QUIET RIOT drummer Frankie Banali: "I spoke several weeks ago with my friend and vocalist Keith St. John to once again thank him for lending his talents to QUIET RIOT during our time of need. Keith stepped in on very short notice so that QUIET RIOT could meet our live dates in February. Keith knocked it out of the park with great vocals and performances and we are forever in his debt."

Posté : 20 mars 2012, 11:16
par cillian
Alors ils ont viré leur chanteur peu motivé ? C'est pas plus mal ! :D Il a l'air de bien s'en sortir au niveau voix. Question présence sur scène, il peut mieux faire...

Posté : 24 nov. 2013, 00:15
par metal militia
encore un changement de chanteur : bye bye Scott Vokoun, Hello Jizzy Pearl

Posté : 24 nov. 2013, 09:44
par franang
j'attends avec impatience qu'ils recrutent gilbert montagné comme chanteur...

Posté : 25 nov. 2013, 01:17
par Everflow
QUIET RIOT's current lineup is as follows:

Jizzy Pearl - Vocals
Frankie Banali - Drums
Chuck Wright - Bass
Alex Grossi - Guitar

Read more at ... ebbBXee.99

Posté : 25 nov. 2013, 13:42
par Dave Smallwood
Banali tente de faire durer son délire mais ce Quiet Riot n'a vraiment plus grand chose à voir avec le line Up plutôt sympa quand y jouait Randy Rhodes, Kevin DuBrow et Rudy Sarzo. Question charisme, ça envoyait du lourd !

Donc pas grand intérêt à mes yeux.

Posté : 25 nov. 2013, 14:00
par Thrashos
Bah, pas pire qu'un Black Star Riders qui tournait encore il y a peu sous Thin Lizzy ou un Death To All en ce moment je pense, le line-up actuel étant (bien que loin d'égaler l'original c'est clair, comme pour les autres) pas dégueu quand même sur scène. ;)

Posté : 26 juin 2014, 11:18
par Mr. Sandman
Un 'album' sort demain, avec 6 nouveaux titres et des lives :
QUIET RIOT will release a new album, "10", on June 27 via iTunes and Amazon through RSM Records. The effort will contain six new songs — including the single "Rock In Peace" — with the band's current singer, Jizzy Pearl (LOVE/HATE, L.A. GUNS, ADLER'S APPETITE, RATT), on vocals and four live tracks from 2007 with late QUIET RIOT singer Kevin DuBrow, which are from the last professionally recorded live shows DuBrow and QUIET RIOT played. The effort will feature guest appearances by bassists Rudy Sarzo (QUIET RIOT, DIO, OZZY OSBOURNE) and Tony Franklin (QUIET RIOT, THE FIRM, BLUE MURDER, WHITESNAKE).

A trailer for "10" featuring an audio snippet of "Rock In Peace" can be found below.

QUIET RIOT drummer Frankie Banali told Loudwire about the new CD: "One of the things Kevin and I always took great pride in was to continue to record new music and release records even when we knew that in the deflated almost nonexistent music industry, records don't sell or are illegally downloaded. We continued to do it for the music, for the fans, for promotion and for self fulfillment. That was my mindset, to continue the recorded history of QUIET RIOT beyond the loss of Kevin. I wanted to do it because guitarist Alex Grossi had yet to appear on a QUIET RIOT record. This is also the first time in 18 years that Chuck Wright has recorded with the band. I also invited Rudy Sarzo to play on two songs; he last appeared on record with QUIET RIOT 12 years ago in 2001 and Tony Franklin on two tracks, who played bass on the 2006 'Rehab' record."

Posté : 08 oct. 2016, 23:50
par Everflow
Changement de chanteur pour un nouvel album :
Quiet Riot have announced yet another singer change. They introduce Seann Nicols (formerly of Adler's Appetite) as their new vocalist starting in 2017. Quiet Riot are currently in the studio with Seann recording their forthcoming full length album of all new material, to be released on Frontiers Records in early 2017.

They will also be releasing a music video, which will be the first Quiet Riot music video since 1989. The band will kick off their tour on January 27th in Medina, Minnesota and will continue their touring schedule around the globe.

Vocalist Jizzy Pear, who is departing to concentrate full time on his solo career, will finish off the 2016 Quiet Riot tour dates through December. Drummer Frankie Banali says the departure is amicable.

The Los Angeles quartet became an overnight sensation thanks to their monster 1983 smash album Metal Health. After several member changes, and three years after the untimely passing of original lead singer Kevin DuBrow in 2007, Frankie Banali, an original member of the 1982 Metal Health classic line up, continued the musical legacy of Quiet Riot along with bassist Chuck Wright who has been in and out of the band since 1982, and guitarist Alex Grossi who has been in the band since 2004.

Posté : 08 oct. 2016, 23:52
par Yathin Lizzy
Dommage qu ils n aient rien enregistré avec Jizzy Pearl...

Posté : 05 mars 2017, 00:15
par Everflow
Les chaises musicales continuent pour le chanteur, voici un mec repéré dans l'émission American Idol :
Heavy metallers Quiet Riot have announced yet another change in the frontman position. "American Idol" alumnus James Durbin has replaced Seann Nicols as the singer of the band. Nicols was with Quiet Riot for just a few months, but long enough to record the vocals for the band's upcoming album, Road Rage (due April 21st on Frontiers Music). The California-born singer James Durbin, who placed fourth on Idol, will make his live debut March 18th in Wichita, Kansas as the band does a few North American dates during the next two months.

"After doing all of five live shows [with Nicols], it became apparent to everybody that it really wasn't going to work," Quiet Riot drummer/bandleader Frankie Banali told Billboard. "There were some serious creative and personal differences. I'm not the type of person who will stay in a bad marriage for the kids - the kids in this case being Quiet Riot. It was unanimous it could not go any further."

"I think there's some really awesome gems in the Quiet Riot catalog that are really overlooked," says Durbin. "I love 'Put Up or Shut Up.' I love 'Condition Critical' and 'Thunderbird,' even the song 'It Sucks to Be You' from the Quiet Riot documentary [Well Now You're Here, There's No Way Back]. I'm really looking forward to putting my spin on it as a singer. I feel I'm much more melodic in my singing than some of the singers Quiet Riot has featured in the past, so I'm looking forward to soaring those vocals over the crowd."

The group is also planning to return to the studio soon to start the recording era of Durbin in the band.

Posté : 10 juil. 2017, 00:20
par Everflow
Non, ce n'est pas une femme qui chante.
Mais le problème c'est plutôt la chanson...
"Freak Flag", a brand new song from QUIET RIOT, can be streamed below. The track is taken from the band's new album, "Road Rage", which will be released on August 4 via Frontiers Music Srl.

QUIET RIOT is led by drummer Frankie Banali, who is joined by bassist Chuck Wright (who has been in and out of the band since 1982), guitarist Alex Grossi (who has been in the band since 2004), and new vocalist James Durbin.

Durbin, who became known as the "metal guy" on 2011's season of "American Idol" after performing "Living After Midnight" and "Breaking The Law" with JUDAS PRIEST, hooked up with QUIET RIOT last month after the dismissal of Seann Nicols (a.k.a. Sheldon Tarsha; formerly of ADLER'S APPETITE). Nicols was with QUIET RIOT for just a few months, but long enough to record the vocals for an early version of "Road Rage".

"Road Rage" was originally scheduled for release in the spring of 2017, but with the injection of newfound energy for the band with the addition of Durbin in the vocalist slot, the band decided to scrap the original sessions and record a new version of the album with the new and improved lineup.

Banali said: "QUIET RIOT has always recorded songs that have a link with the QUIET RIOT 'sound' and at the same time always musically moving forward. 'Freak Flag' is such a song with a strong connection to our iconic sound from the past, which I think our longtime fans will appreciate and newer fans will embrace."

Durbin added: "'Freak Flag' is a concept I've been holding on to for a few years. It's all about being you no matter what life has labeled you with. We're all broken and searching for acceptance, but there's a beauty in that search and it's something that should be celebrated."

"Road Rage" track listing:

01. Can't Get Enough
02. Getaway
03. Roll This Joint
04. Freak Flag
05. Wasted
06. Still Wild
07. Make A Way
08. Renegades
09. The Road
10. Shame
11. Knock Em Down

"The recordings for the new 'Road Rage' record have been an incredible musical journey in the storied history of QUIET RIOT," said Banali.

"I asked vocalist James Durbin to fill the very large shoes of the late great Kevin DuBrow because I knew he could. While no one can ever replace Kevin DuBrow, he has the same spirit and drive that Kevin had.

"James is an amazing live performer with insane vocal range, but he is also a very gifted songwriter and brought to the 'Road Rage' record totally unique original lyrics and melodies. Not only do they fit perfectly to the music we wrote, but took the songs to a completely new level.

"All the work that we have put into this record has been well worth the wait!

"I am extremely proud of guitarist Alex Grossi, bassist Chuck Wright and especially James Durbin for the work we have created on this record.

"QUIET RIOT continues to tour relentlessly and will be on the road throughout the year. Expect to hear your QUIET RIOT favorites as well as new songs from 'Road Rage' at our shows!"

Durbin comments on joining the band and his work on "Road Rage": "The crown jewel, on top of joining one of your favorite bands, has to be writing, recording and releasing a new album. No matter what, you are now a part of that band's history and I'm honored to have had the opportunity to do that with QUIET RIOT.

"I spent just over three weeks marathon songwriting brand new lyrics and melodies for every song and recording vocals.

"I'm extremely proud of the 'Road Rage' record, not only that I had the band's support and trust to deliver, or how great of a personal accomplishment and blessing it's been, but that we can keep the QUIET RIOT freak flag flying and have the chance to inspire a new generation of fans!"

Read more at ... qEm7qXO.99


Posté : 12 août 2017, 00:48
par Everflow

Re: Quiet Riot de retour

Posté : 07 févr. 2020, 10:16
par Gandalf
J'ai trouvé par hasard un album "Hollywood cowboys" du combo, et il s'avère qu'il est de l'an dernier, je savais même pas qu'ils existaient encore ! :lol:
À la première écoute ça passe pas trop mal même si la prod est moyenne et que je croyais que c'était une chanteuse au micro :mouais:
Je me le remets tiens !

Re: Quiet Riot de retour

Posté : 03 août 2021, 13:22
par Everflow
Rudy Sarzo revient dans le groupe.
QUIET RIOT is set to welcome Rudy Sarzo back into the band after an 18-year absence. Rudy was one of the original founding members of the legendary "Metal Health" lineup. He played bass on the "Metal Health" album, which sold over ten million copies and spawned the hits "Cum On Feel The Noize" and "Metal Health" and on the follow-up record "Condition Critical".

Sarzo appeared in the most notable music videos in the MTV age and toured with the band until 1985 and again from 1997 to 2003. During his years out of the band, Sarzo was a member of OZZY OSBOURNE, WHITESNAKE, DIO, BLUE ÖYSTER CULT, QUEENSRŸCHE and THE GUESS WHO. Rudy is looking forward to recording and touring with QUIET RIOT beginning in 2022.

With the move, longtime QUIET RIOT bassist Chuck Wright is graciously stepping aside to continue his recent solo efforts while heightening his rôle with his award-winning residency show "Ultimate Jam Night" at the legendary Whisky A Go-Go which all the members of QUIET RIOT fully support.

QUIET RIOT and their management would like to formally thank Chuck Wright for his many years of dedication and perseverance and, most importantly, his distinguished talent. Wright has served off and on with QUIET RIOT for nearly 40 years, appears on nine albums, and is known as the bassist for QUIET RIOT's mega-hit "Metal Health" (Bang Your Head) and "Don't Wanna Let You Go". He was a contributing songwriter on 1986's "QRIII" and appeared in the band's video for "The Wild And The Young", among others. Wright has been one of the band's longest touring and recording members and will continue touring with the band through the end of 2021. Chuck is and will always be an invaluable member of the QUIET RIOT family.

Sarzo discussed his return to QUIET RIOT earlier today (Monday, August 2) during an appearance on SiriusXM's "Trunk Nation With Eddie Trunk". He said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "I am returning home, going home to QUIET RIOT in the beginning of 2022, next year." He also noted that "next year marks 50 years of my journey with QUIET RIOT, because that's when I met and I started playing with Frankie Banali, another founding member of the 'Metal Health' version of QUIET RIOT. To me, that was a turning point [for me] as a musician."

Regarding how his return to QUIET RIOT came about, Rudy said: "After Frankie told me in 2019 that he had pancreatic cancer, and then he started his fight, it was a daily fight. I mean, he would be taking multiple treatments to fight it, and he would be touring. And so it was really an exhausting thing. So we stopped kind of hanging out as much because, obviously, he was too tired. So we would text each other a lot, every day, and stay in touch.

"He let me know in April of 2019 [that he was diagnosed with cancer], and COVID happened in 2020," Rudy continued. "That really made it impossible for me to be in his presence. It wasn't until a couple of days before he passed away that I was able to go to his house. Regina [his wife] requested it, and I spent time with him. And then, the following day, when he was taken to the hospital, Regina made it possible for me to be with Frankie for his last hours. So, after Frankie passed away, I went over to Regina's house, and we talked, and she expressed to me that Frankie wanted me to come back to the band, that he wanted to have a founding member there in the band. So, we talked about that.

"I was already traumatized by Frankie's passing, so it was a decision that I had to take a lot of time to think about it — let the mourning period [pass]," Rudy added. "I had to do that. So, the time came when I was ready to accept the reality, that it's our responsibility, of us left behind, to carry on with the legacy and celebrate it. So that's when I decided. I said, 'Okay, it's time for me to come home.'"

Sarzo's return to QUIET RIOT was first reported by Metal Sludge last Thursday (July 29).