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Santa Cruz (glam / hard 80's de Finlande)

Posté : 25 avr. 2019, 10:16
par Pierre

Dernier message de la page précédente :

Effectivement ça n'a plus rien à voir :o

Santa Cruz (glam / hard 80's de Finlande)

Posté : 18 juin 2019, 22:36
par Everflow

Santa Cruz (glam / hard 80's de Finlande)

Posté : 26 août 2019, 21:49
par Everflow


Santa Cruz (glam / hard 80's de Finlande)

Posté : 11 avr. 2022, 13:22
par Everflow
La carrière du groupe devrait prendre un coup (quoique...) après cette vidéo où on constate que sur scène le chant est en playback. :hum: Limite dérangeant à regarder.

Santa Cruz (glam / hard 80's de Finlande)

Posté : 15 avr. 2022, 08:17
par cillian
Oui, j’avais vu ça !! Ce qui me choque c’est qu’il ne sont pas dérangés, tout leur semble normal. Ils se sont fait démonter par Eddie Trunk (qui anime une émission de metal), beaucoup de monde trouve honteux le procédé qu’ils utilisent.
Leur réponse à tous a été un truc du genre « allez vous faire @#*%$¥§£ »

Santa Cruz (glam / hard 80's de Finlande)

Posté : 15 avr. 2022, 21:22
par Everflow
En effet pour le chanteur rien d'anormal car selon lui ce ne sont que des bandes de support vocal et "tout le monde le fait". Hum.
After initially suggesting in an Instagram Story that the whole thing was planned and intentional, Archie, whose real name is Arttu Kuosmanen, finally addressed the criticism in a video message posted to his social media on Tuesday (April 12). In the two-minute video, which can be seen below, he said: "I just feel like I need to clear some shit out. Obviously, there's been a lot of backlash after our show at the Whisky last Wednesday. And we've been accused of 'miming' on the track, which is not true. We did have backing tracks, but we just had some layers, and that is literally what every fucking big band is doing right now, which just happened to fuck up the timing, so I feel like I need to clear that out right now."

Archie then reproduced his vocal track from the section of "Under The Gun" where the alleged "miming" took place, and explained: "This is my vocal. This is what I do live. That's my track. That's 100 percent live. And what we had in the P.A. was an octave-lower harmony and an octave-higher harmony to back that shit up." He went on to play a recording of what he said was on tape to back up his live performance during the Whisky concert, and he added: "So, please do not talk about something you don't know anything about or do not accuse us of doing something that's not true. So, piss off and shut the fuck up."

In addition to uploading a video message explaining the Whisky mishap, Archie shared an Instagram Story in which he publicly apologized to Trunk for telling him last week in a social media post that he "fucked with the wrong crew" and that his "career will be over soon". "Even though I don't think he was in the right for what he did," Archie said of Eddie, "calling him names was NOT the move and not how one should behave."