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Posté : 01 janv. 2006, 17:09
par Krabathora

Dernier message de la page précédente :

Nouvel album live : "Live From Mt. Fuji"


Posté : 27 mars 2006, 11:52
par Gaëtan
vs-webzine a écrit :Des nouvelles d'un groupe masqué vétéran : GWAR ! Ils fêtent leurs 20 ans d'existence et sortent pour la peine de nouvelles figurines à leur effigie ! Et nouvelle incroyable : ils annoncent un nouvel album pour septembre co-produit par Devin Townsend. Le concept-album racontera le voyage de Oderus et sa troupe en Enfer... D'où le titre : "Go to Hell"...

Posté : 10 août 2006, 20:32
par Everflow
Pour voir le clip de leur reprise de "School's Out" :

:pointer: ... d=00140190

Posté : 11 août 2006, 01:52
par Gaëtan
Krabathor a écrit :Nouvel album live : "Live From Mt. Fuji"
Merde ! J'ai toujours pas capté ce live !! :o
Quelqu'un l'a écouté ? (On peut rêver... :hum: :D ) Il donne quoi?

Fangface a écrit :Pour voir le clip de leur reprise de "School's Out" :

:pointer: ... d=00140190
La reprise est yeah!!! Mais faut dire que le morceau original est tellement bon !! :rock:

GWAR - Lust in Space

Posté : 23 juil. 2009, 23:39
par Everflow
Les monstres ont signé chez AFM pour l'album qui doit sortir le 21 août.
Intergalactic scumdogs GWAR have inked a European deal with AFM Records. The band's new album, "Lust in Space", will be released in Europe on August 21 (three days earlier, August 18, in North America via Metal Blade Records).

"Lust in Space" track listing:

01. Lust in Space
02. Let Us Slay
03. Damnation Under God
04. The UberKlaw
05. Lords and Masters
06. Metal Metal Land
07. The Price of Peace
08. Where is Zog?
09. Make a Child Cry
10. Release the Flies
11. Parting Shot
12. GWARnography *

* Bonus track available only when album is purchased as a download online

GWAR is streaming the song "Let Us Slay" on the band's MySpace page.

Commented GWAR's lead singer Oderus Urungus, "This song deals with the human race’s lust for blood, all the while maintaining the lie of 'Thou shalt not kill'... It calls upon the humans to embrace their love of death (and therefore GWAR), shed their hypocritical trappings, and proceed with the apocalypse. It's going to happen anyway, so they might as well enjoy it!"

Posté : 24 juil. 2009, 10:22
par jesus
ah ah énorme ce groupe ! bon musicalement parlant je suis pas un énorme fan même si c'est sympa, mais j'adore leur concept :D

Posté : 28 juil. 2009, 21:03
par metal militia
leur délire scénique ça vaut le coup d'oeil c'est sur, mais sur CD bof bof...

Posté : 30 juil. 2009, 02:40
par Gaëtan
Ben jusqu'à Carnival Of Chaos (1997), je trouve ça bien cool sur album : varié, fun, rafraîchissant. Avec quelques hymes cultes et assez incontournables à mon avis.
Après j'ai décroché... We Kill Everything m'a pas marqué plus que ça, et j'ai pas écouté les suivants.
Jamais vu en live encore, je les ai loupés à chaque fois qu'ils passaient dans le coin! :putain: :,(

Faudrait que je me capte Live From Mont Fuji à l'occase, la set-list est cool.

Re: GWAR - Lust in Space

Posté : 22 sept. 2009, 23:13
par Everflow
Le clip de "Let Us Slay", morceau frais et un peu étonnant je trouve. :) Mais je ne connais pas bien GWAR aussi, juste leur registre plus "punk".

Re: GWAR - Lust in Space

Posté : 28 sept. 2009, 02:11
par Yama
Hé mais il est excellent ce morceau !

Et c'est saisissant, sur quelques parties agressives et sur le refrain, on dirait la voix de Matt Barlow, ça me fait bien marrer. :D

Le clip est bien cool aussi. Très intellectuel. :mad:

Posté : 04 juil. 2010, 01:10
par Everflow
Un DVD issu de la tournée vient de sortir :
The new GWAR DVD, "Lust In Space - Live At The National", can now be ordered at Sleazy P. Martini's Hypereal Productions page. The footage for the DVD was filmed at the National Theater in Richmond, Virginia and chronicles GWAR's return to outer space in search of its old Scumdog legion and its battle against Cardinal Syn. The disc contains the band's full 82-minute set, the 10-minute "Behind The Murder" mockumentary, plus a special "features" section, including interview extras, a behind-the-scenes look at special F/X being filmed and a slideshow featuring band shots from the album cover.

The full track listing is as follows:

01. Metal Metal Land
02. Saddam A Go Go
03. Lords and Masters
04. Apes of Wrath
05. Tormentor
06. Where Is Zog?
07. Womb With A View
08. Let Them Slay
09. Maggots
10. Immortal Corruptor
11. The Price of Peace
12. Lust In Space
13. Bring Back The Bomb
14. Have You Seen Me?
15. Sick Of You

Gwar - Bloody Pit Of Horror

Posté : 27 sept. 2010, 23:42
par Everflow
Nouveau morceau :

Et nouvel album des monstres en novembre :
GWAR's new album, "Gwar's Bloody Pit Of Horror", will be released on November 9 via Metal Blade Records. The CD artwork can be viewed below.

A song from the upcoming album, "Zombies, March!", is available for streaming at

Fangoria has announced that it will be working with GWAR on the band's next music video. "Zombies, March!" will be the first clip from "Gwar's Bloody Pit Of Horror", and will be shot in Richmond, Virginia during September and October with Fangoria's own David McKendry.

McKendry (who just finished directing MUNICIPAL WASTE's video for "Acid Sentence") is very excited to be working with this legendary group of monsters.

"When a few of the band members approached me about directing the video, I was pretty sure they were going to kill me and take my wallet, or kill my wallet and take me (it was a hard situation to read)," he said. "But apparently it was legit, and they really want me to direct a video.

"I had always been a huge fan of GWAR's music. Plus the constant threat of being hurled into the jaws of GorGor keeps me on my toes."

Said infernal overlord and GWAR lead singer Oderus Urungus: "When I found out we were working with Fangoria on our new video, I immediately sacrificed 50 Norwegian babies on my Burning Altar of Syphilis. This has led to a huge reaction from the undead community; I mean they were literally coming through the walls! Indeed, I think we are going to have to have some kind of zombie try-outs...

"I don't want to be stuck with mostly old people and o.d.s. We are going for some real variety and everything from fresh abortions to chain-gunned Taliban members will be appearing!"

For what will undoutbedly turn out to be a disturbing video, Fangoria will be recruiting around 75 zombie extras from the Richmond, Virginia/Washington D.C. area. Keep checking for more details.

"I love working with the undead," said GWAR bass player and sexual sadist Beefcake the Mighty, "as long as the catering is adequate."

"Bloody Pit of Horror" is reportedly "heavy as fuck", and features songs like "Hail to Genocide", "Storm is Coming", and "Tick-Tits", the latter of which is "a song about a chick whose tits are covered in ticks…big fat gray puffy ones," said Oderus.

Fresh off the amazing experience that was the 2010 GWAR-B-Q, intergalactic snuff-rockers GWAR continue their relentless assault upon all humanity with the announcement of their first run of dates for this fall's "Bloody Tour of Horror".

Catch GWAR on the "Bloody Tour Of Horror" with THE CASUALTIES, INFERNAEON and MOBILE DEATHCAMP starrting on October 2 in Baltimore, Maryland.

Posté : 28 oct. 2010, 00:00
par Everflow
Ambiance zombies :

Posté : 29 oct. 2010, 15:55
1ere fois que je vois un clip de GWAR (je me souviens d'avoir lu des interviews dans des mags, et leur image ne me donnait pas du tout envie d'écouter) et j'ai été surpris : bien sûr c'est à prendre au 56eme degré, mais je m'attendais à pire musicalement.

Posté : 05 nov. 2010, 16:12
par Mr. Sandman
Le morceau "KZ Necromancer" en écoute: ... -new-album

Posté : 05 nov. 2010, 17:47
Leur look a certainement servi à attirer l'attention des médias, pourquoi pas, après nombreux groupes ont misé sur leur propre look. Mais si je fais abstraction de ces accoutrements hideux (et que je trouve ridicules = agressifs), je suis assez agréablement surpris par leur musique. Je trouve qu'il y a de l'idée, et que l'inspiration des morceaux est plutôt intéressante (références à LOVECRAFT). A quand un GWAR "unmasked" ?

Posté : 05 nov. 2010, 18:57
par Nathagnôle
Beefcake the mighty, n'est autre que le bassiste de RIGOR MORTIS (texas), et c'est pas une fiotte dans le style. GWAR a toujours eu son image bien à lui, et c'est pas des manchots niveau zique. Après, tout n'est pas forcément gigantesque dans leur discographie, mais je les trouve respectables dans leur démarche depuis toutes ces années.

Posté : 09 nov. 2010, 10:24
par Cruchot jr

Album en écoute gratuitement par streaming pour les plus curieux.

Posté : 04 oct. 2012, 00:59
par Everflow
Nouveau guitariste à pustules :
It was a little less than a year ago that the world was rocked by the passing of Flattus Maximus, back to the cosmos from whence he came. And since that day fans of GWAR have wondered how the mighty overlords of GWAR would deal with the void it left within the band. GWAR responded the only way they knew how-by soldiering on-and continued to play as a four-piece. But from the very beginning of that phase, the quest began to find the new Scumdog that was in every way as magnificent as his predecessor.

Today the members of GWAR are pleased to inform their legions of followers, and even more so their many enemies, that once again the band is whole, with the proclamation that long-lost cousin of Flattus, Pustulus Maximus, has officially joined the band in the position of lead guitarist, and will join with the group on their upcoming Fate Or Chaos tour.

Posté : 04 oct. 2012, 15:29
par Jeto
ahaha sympa ! Le nouveau guitariste avoir maintenant si il a du charisme sur scene car gwar c'est sur scene que ca s'apprecie !

Posté : 04 oct. 2012, 16:30
par rolfthetroll
A condition d'avoir un gros ciré bien épais ^^

Posté : 04 oct. 2012, 16:35
par Pierre
Jeto a écrit :ahaha sympa ! Le nouveau guitariste avoir maintenant si il a du charisme sur scene car gwar c'est sur scene que ca s'apprecie !
ou pas...

Posté : 04 oct. 2012, 16:44
par féfé
Dark Avenger sors de ce corps ! :D

En tout cas moi j'espère avoir la possibilité de les revoir en live :rock:

Posté : 04 oct. 2012, 19:43
par L'Ostrogauxe
Ouais pareil ahah, le sang y'a que ça de vrai :lol:

GWAR - Battle Maximus

Posté : 11 août 2013, 13:50
par Everflow
Pas de répit pour les monstres :
Antarctic rock gods GWAR are set to return to the realms of man and reclaim their vice-like grip on the throat of hard-rock humanity after spending the last year-and-a-half working on their follow-up to 2011's critically acclaimed "Bloody Pit Of Horror". The new recording, "Battle Maximus", is GWAR's first full-length studio effort since the loss of their longtime guitar player Flattus Maximus, and is set to hit the streets on September 17 on Metal Blade Records.

"This album is both a tribute to Flattus and a telling of the next chapter in the story of GWAR," said warty front-thing Oderus Urungus. "The combo of the brand new album and show should satisfy even the most hardcore Flattus devotee with the fact that GWAR's slay-skills are as supreme as ever, and the band stands poised to embark on our most earth-shattering world tour yet. We have mourned, we have honored, and now it's time to fucking DEVASTATE in the name of Flattus and the supreme entity that is GWAR."

Oderus continued: "This is our first record in our brand-new Slave Pit Studios, which Flattus had a lead rôle in designing, but without him we had no one left to twiddle the buttons, much less play the blazing metal leads and provide the musical direction that rescued GWAR from the depths of clown-band obscurity. I mean, Balsac is no slouch, but Flattus' departure left a huge hole in our band. We had no choice. We had to blow the Horn of Hate..."

Check out the first track, "Madness At The Core Of Time", below.

The Horn of Hate is an ancient Slave Pit contraption that summons all the Scumdogs in the Universe in the unlikely event that one of them is killed in battle, disintegrated, or becomes a Mormon. As the cosmic tonnes echoed throughout the universe (which unfortunately sounds like a giant duck-fart), the Maximus tribe answered the call by traveling to Earth to wage the mighty "Battle Maximus", a musical trial-by-combat for the right to follow in the footsteps of Flattus. When the dust had settled, but one Scumdog remained standing...the zit-encrusted and undeniably shred-tastic Pustulus Maximus.

"It is a highlight of my corpse-littered life to join my Scumdog brothers and continue the legendary legacy of the Maximus clan," said new GWAR-tarist Pustulus Maximus. "I am not so happy that Oderus vandalized my space-ship, effectively marooning me on Earth, but fuck's time to ROCK!"

GWAR's "Battle Maximus" features twelve brand new tracks that not only honor their departed ally, but tells the story of GWAR's latest struggle against what may be their greatest enemy yet... the insidious "Mr. Perfect", who has travelled through time itself to steal the power of GWAR — the power of immortality, and use this power to mutate the human race into his twisted vision of what the "perfect" human should be. Once again GWAR finds themselves as the only thing standing between the human race and the latest super-powered shithead bent on the destruction of GWAR and the enslavement of their worshippers.

"If anyone is gonna destroy the human race, it's gonna be get ready for the most epic struggle yet. 'Battle Maximus' is destined to further solidify GWAR's place as the masters of Earth and Man, and no time-travelling demonic despot is going to change that, even if we have to kick his ass in every venue from the most puke-smeared club to the most illustrious festival stages worldwide," said Oderus. "The new show is going to feature Mr. Perfect eating his own ass nightly, as well as GWAR torturing the most annoying figures in the world of entertainment, politics, and religion. Prepare yourselves for the most awesome chapter in GWAR's blood-soaked history yet. Hail Flattus!"

"Battle Maximus" track listing:

01. Intro
02. Madness At The Core Of Time
03. Bloodbath
04. Nothing Left Alive
05. They Swallowed The Sun
06. Torture
07. Raped At Birth
08. I, Bonesnapper
09. Mr. Perfect
10. Battle Maximus
11. Triumph Of The Pig Children
12. Falling
13. Fly Now

With the release date set for September 17, the Slaves of GWAR are in a period of frantic activity as they prepare not only for the new album/show, but the fourth annual GWAR-B-Q, presented by Ring-Dog Rescue and Slave Pit Inc., and backed up by the fine folks at Brown Distributing. The event is slated to take place Saturday, August 17 in Richmond, Virginia at Hadad's Lake Water Park. With acts like GWAR, MUNICIPAL WASTE, CORROSION OF CONFORMITY, PIG DESTROYER, and the reunion of the legendary X-COPS, this year's bill is possibly the greatest yet assembled in the blood-spattered history of GWAR's ever-expanding festival. Additional events include the "B4-B-Q" and the "GWA-fter Party".


Posté : 23 août 2013, 10:21
par Everflow