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Posté : 29 sept. 2016, 11:22
par Pierre

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J'avoue n'avoir pas pris le risque de l'acheter sans l'écouter avant :D

Posté : 29 sept. 2016, 11:41
par Stéphane
Bah oui, sans un mec qui sait composer à ses cotés c'est de suite plus compliqué :diable:
Peavy a expliqué récemment que dans Rage Smolky était crédité sur plein de morceaux ou il n'avait quasi rien fait, Peavy le créditait plus ou moins forcé sinon il cassait trop les couilles.
Donc en gros dés qu'il changeait une note il se créditait le morceau, sinon il boudait lol
Mais apparemment contrairement à ce qu'on voit sur les livrets des albums il a pas composé des masses dans Rage :-o

Pour Almanac j'ai écouté quelques morceaux vite fait, et c'est super bof tout ça.

Posté : 30 juil. 2017, 23:43
par Everflow
Deuxième album annoncé, toujours avec 3 chanteurs :
ALMANAC, the band featuring former RAGE guitarist Victor Smolski, will release its sophomore album, "Kingslayer", on November 3 via Nuclear Blast. The disc was recorded at HeyDay Studios in Wuppertal, Germany and once again features cover artwork by Hungarian artist Gyula Havancsák (ACCEPT, DESTRUCTION).

ALMANAC stands for a new dimension of symphonic power metal, featuring three singers Jeannette Marchewka (LINGUA MORTIS ORCHESTRA), Andy B. Franck (BRAINSTORM) and David Readman (PINK CREAM 69).

In March 2016, ALMANAC unleashed its acclaimed debut album, "Tsar", followed by a European tour along with ORDEN OGAN, as well as a European headlining tour earlier this year.

"Our second strike is complete," says Smolski. "'Kingslayer' is the logical follow-up to 'Tsar', just more compact, heavier and faster. The experience now under our belts gained from our many live experiences, including the two tours and festivals, has been fully implemented in the studio. The band have grown closer and stronger, you can feel this unified energy within the new tracks. We took a lot of time and gave our very best. 'Kingslayer' is a crafted metal album with a lively power sound!".

ALMANAC recently played at Czech Republic's Masters Of Rock festival, where they debuted the first two new tracks live, "Losing My Mind" and "Children Of The Sacred Path". The concert was filmed and will be part of a bonus live DVD which will accompany the limited first edition of "Kingslayer".

Read more at ... Aur7rwr.99

Posté : 01 oct. 2017, 21:51
par Everflow
J'ai eu beaucoup de mal à reconnaître Andy B. Franck dans ce nouveau clip :euh:

Posté : 01 oct. 2017, 21:56
par Mc Brain
J'espère que ce deuxième album sera meilleur que le premier qui était assez lisse et oubliable...

Posté : 02 oct. 2017, 16:31
par Achille
Ouais bah vu le single là c'est bien parti pour être encore plus lisse et encore plus oubliable... :D

Posté : 05 nov. 2017, 17:35
par Everflow
Extrait en live :

Almanac (Victor Smolski avec membres de Brainstorm + PC 69)

Posté : 01 déc. 2017, 00:25
par Everflow

Almanac (Victor Smolski avec membres de Brainstorm + PC 69)

Posté : 29 déc. 2017, 13:44
par over'phil
comment dire j'avais trouvé le premier sympa mais la c'est la copie du premier et c'est chiant au possible,
Question quel critère pour être chez Nuclear blast euh faire de la soupe :)

Almanac (Victor Smolski avec membres de Brainstorm + PC 69)

Posté : 20 janv. 2018, 23:45
par Everflow
Andy B. Franck quitte le groupe pour se consacrer à nouveau à Brainstorm.
Vocalist Andy B. Frank is parting ways with Almanac, the symphonic metallers led by ex-Rage guitarist Victor Smolski.

Says Andy: "After nothing less than three exciting and very interesting years in Almanac, playing several tours and festivals in Europe, I decided to leave Almanac. The project started with much promise and pleasure, but due to remaining private time-schedule problems I think it’s time for me to move on, not to stand in their way. So I’d like to thank all the bandmates very much for a great time and wish’em nothing but joy, health and success for all their upcoming plans in the future!

"Now I will be extremely focused on the new Brainstorm album which will be released in the fall later this year. Together with my friends in Brainstorm we will try everything possible to make it the best, most intense and heaviest Brainstorm album by far. Also followed by a big tour and many, many festival appearances!

"Anything else? Nothings confirmed so far, we’ll see...

"To those who became friends of mine and supported me over the years and to all metalheads around the planet, THANK YOU so much: you’re amazing… YOU ARE THE BEST! See you soon, stay wild and metal up your ass! Cheers."

Almanac (Victor Smolski avec membres de Brainstorm + PC 69)

Posté : 29 juil. 2018, 20:03
par Everflow
David Readman quitte également le groupe, du moins c'est sous-entendu.
Les 2 sont remplacés par un unique chanteur.
Almanac have officially introduced the new singer Patrick Sühl to the band. They also welcome Marc Dzierzon as the drummer. Before becoming Almanac's new singer, Patrick Sühl performed in the band Gun Barrel and several cover bands playing the music of bands like Judas Priest, Whitesnake and Deep Purple. According to Victor Smolski, Patrick's remarkable vocal range makes a second male singer superfluous from now on.

Victor says: "I'm happy to introduce Patrick Sühl to you as our new band member! Unfortunately, due to scheduling conflicts David is not able to join us on our upcoming tour dates. As an Almanac fan right from the beginning Patrick now takes over all male voices with his metal-power. Also on our last European Tour I invited Marc Dzierzon on drums. His modern metal style of playing drums kicks ass! I'm looking forward to our Festival Tour in August/September!"

New singer Patrick adds: "When Victor called me I didn't have to think for one minute. Do I want to sing in a band with such incredible compositions and musicianship?! Well, of course! Tsar and Kingslayer had their fair amount of airtime in my car's stereo and I'm very much looking forward to touring and creating more extraordinary music with this band. See you guys on the road!"

Re: Almanac (Victor Smolski avec membres de Brainstorm + PC 69)

Posté : 22 janv. 2020, 21:43
par Everflow
ça joue, par contre le(s) chant(s)... :/

sinon, du live :

Almanac (Victor Smolski avec membres de Brainstorm + PC 69)

Posté : 08 févr. 2020, 23:50
par Everflow
Toujours pareil pour moi, ça envoie (le riff à 3'!) mais le mélange des chants ne fonctionne pas du tout, comme si on les avait collés artificiellement sur une instrumentale.

Almanac (Victor Smolski avec membres de Brainstorm + PC 69)

Posté : 09 mars 2020, 22:46
par Everflow