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Posté : 25 oct. 2010, 09:34
par Murder-One

Dernier message de la page précédente :

Elle est belle mais ça fait bizarre sur le rocher.... en tout cas très belle initiative ! :bravo:

Posté : 25 oct. 2010, 09:37
par Haraban
Fallait-il la planter sur un cailloux?

Posté : 25 oct. 2010, 10:07
par lelite
Haraban a écrit :Fallait-il la planter sur un cailloux?
Rocher - Rock - HardRock :oui: bien vu :oui:

Posté : 25 oct. 2010, 12:34
par brother of steel
Murder-One a écrit :Elle est belle mais ça fait bizarre sur le rocher.... en tout cas très belle initiative ! :bravo:
comme ça, il est In Rock for ever :true:

Posté : 25 oct. 2010, 22:38
par Everflow
Murder-One a écrit :Elle est belle mais ça fait bizarre sur le rocher.... en tout cas très belle initiative ! :bravo:
Elle est comme Excalibur dans son rocher, attendant Arthur. :knight:

Posté : 30 oct. 2010, 01:09
par Everflow
Hommage live signé JLT à présent :

Posté : 30 oct. 2010, 11:57
par jerome83
Il a pas le talent de son père le JURGEN BLACKMORE..... Le massacre sur le solo :o :( :euh: :/ .....Si j'étais son père je le déshériterais.... :D

Posté : 30 oct. 2010, 15:24
par lelite
:lol: :euh: c'est clair ...c'est pas un pain c'est la boulangerie là :P

Posté : 21 nov. 2010, 02:20
par Everflow
David Feinstein, son cousin, revient sur sa relation avec Dio lors de sa carrière et notamment au sein du groupe ELF :

By Robert Gray

On November 25th, 2009, it was publicly announced that legendary vocalist RONNIE JAMES DIO (of BLACK SABBATH, HEAVEN & HELL, DIO, RAINBOW and ELF fame) was suffering from the early stages of stomach cancer. Ronnie’s cousin and erstwhile bandmate in the groups Elf and RONNIE DIO AND THE PROPHETS, The Rods frontman David “Rock” Feinstein, was abroad when he heard the news about Ronnie’s unfortunate illness. “I was out of the country” confirms David. “I got a text message I think from Wendy or someone saying that... and I knew that Ronnie was about to start a Dio tour in Europe for a month - he was supposed to leave three to four days after I got this message. I got a message saying they had to take Ronnie to the hospital because he had bad stomach pains, so I called and I spoke with Wendy. She said that they didn’t really know anything about what was wrong at the time, but that they were putting Ronnie through a lot of different tests so they could try to find out what was wrong.”

“I remember that two days later I was told by Wendy that he had been diagnosed with stomach cancer” David continues. “He was going through the early stages of stomach cancer, and the tour had to be cancelled and everything like that, and Ronnie was going to start his treatment in Houston. He and Wendy were flying to Houston every two weeks so he could get treatment. Everybody was confident and positive about the fact that Ronnie would get over this and so on, but it was still very disheartening to hear the news. I then began talking to Ronnie more on the phone back and forth during that time, and exchanged text messages and so on. I did get a chance to go to California two months before he passed away to visit him for a week and stay at the house, which was near the end of March. We got to talk a lot and just spend all that time together, and I really am thankful for that. I’ll remember that for the rest of my life. He was in a lot of pain, though he seemed to be doing well from the chemotherapy and everything. I went home, and I just had a horrible feeling about seeing him in such pain.”

Despite succumbing to the illness, Ronnie was “a real trooper” during his stomach cancer battle. “When I was there, I know that he was in a lot of pain every day” David discloses. “I said to him “Ronnie, can’t you take anything for the pain?”, and he said “Well, I don’t really want to because I don’t want to affect my chemotherapy treatment”. I said “Jeez, how can you be in so much pain?”, and he said “Well, I’m gonna ask the doctor”. He asked the doctor, who told him he could take pain medication. When I went home and he went back to the doctor, he sent me a text message and said he was gonna start taking some Advil which is over-the-counter pain medication. He thought that it would make him feel better, and there were certain days that it did make him feel better. But yeah, he was a real trooper; he really started eating the right things that would help the medicine and help the treatment to fight the cancer. He did everything that he could, and he went through a lot of pain during that six months before he died. None of us thought that he wouldn’t make it through; we all thought positive, we all felt that he was gonna beat it, and we were looking forward to him getting back onstage and performing again, and making more records again and doing things together. It was kind of a shock when he actually did pass away because none of us really expected that to happen.”

In plain terms David and Ronnie were cousins as has been established, but their relationship actually went deeper than that. “Ronnie and I had a great relationship” David reminisces. “It was funny, because when we were together it would kind of blow people’s minds sometimes because we looked so much alike and we were about the same height. When people would see us walk into a place they would take a double take because they thought they were seeing double, so we used to have a lot of fun that way in a couple of places. Our interests were pretty much the same, and our interests in music were the same. Ronnie loved sports and loved watching sports on TV. I liked certain sports too; not necessarily the ones he did, but we had a really great relationship. I always looked forward to being around him because he would make me laugh so much. He had an incredible sense of humour, and it was just natural for him. I just found myself laughing all the time, and I was always in a good mood when I was around him. We had a really great relationship, and I really feel sick over the fact that he’s gone. It’s affected me really terribly, and it will for a long time. I’m just really, really pleased that we finally – after all these years – got to do something musically again together.”

“Our relationship went much deeper than being cousins, especially since we played in the band together from the beginning” he reflects. “When you’re in a band with someone, even when you’re not related it becomes a brotherhood. You spend so much time with the people in the band; you’re on the road with them every day, you’re sleeping with them, and you’re eating with them. Everything you do, and every day that you’re out on the road or recording, you’re dealing with these people. It creates relationships with these people, and the fact that Ronnie and I were already tight together because of blood and family ties made it even stronger. It was a very tight relationship.”

David’s visit to California in late March 2010 would be the last time he saw his cousin. Ronald James Padavona, known by his legions of fans as Ronnie James Dio, passed away at 7:45am CDT on May 16th at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. Ronnie’s wife Wendy had called David just before his cousin died at the age of 67. “Wendy called me and told me a day or two prior that he wasn’t feeling well and that they brought him to the hospital, that they were gonna do what they could, and that they were gonna give him a blood transfusion and so on. It was only the matter of a day or two though, and then he passed away.”

The news shocked many, especially since an update from Wendy on March 14th explained that the main tumour troubling Ronnie had shrunk considerably, and that their visits to the MD Anderson Cancer Center would be made every three weeks instead of every fortnight. On April 8th at Club Nokia in downtown Los Angeles, the Heaven & Hell frontman even accepted an award for “Best Vocalist” at the Revolver Golden Gods Awards. “I think people that were close to him – people in the band, people he was associated with every day... Of course, they saw Ronnie every day and they knew exactly what he was going through” David explains. “People that just knew from what was going on over the internet didn’t really know because they only knew what the media let them know. Ronnie went through a lot of pain, and he fought really hard to beat it. It’s a horrible disease, you know? Sometimes you can’t beat it, and it just got the best of Ronnie. He really fought it and was incredibly brave with it, and really had a very positive attitude to the fact that he would beat it, but it just got the best of him. It was obviously too far advanced.”

Though no longer being with us, David still has numerous memories he cherishes. “There’s a million stories I could tell” the original Elf guitarist admits. “I should probably try to think of some of these. I remember one time though... We were on the road, and we finished... I forget exactly where it was, but it was down in the Southern part of the United States and there were a lot of bands involved – six to eight. They were all riding on a couple of different buses, and after the show it was one of the nights when we didn’t stay overnight. We had to get right back on the bus and take off to go to the next show, which was about a ten-hour drive. Back then there were no bunks on the buses: there were just seats, and up overhead there were luggage compartments where you could put your suitcases. We took off that night, we got on the bus, and we rode all night. We got to our destination at seven in the morning, and we all got out of the bus. It was very hot outside. We went into the hotel, and we couldn’t check in. We looked around and looked around, and Ronnie was nowhere to be found. We started to freak out because we had to play that night, and I thought that Ronnie must’ve missed the bus, that he didn’t get on the bus and that he was ten hours away. Of course, there were no cell phones back then so I started to worry, and looked around and looked around. I went back out onto the bus, and I looked to see if I could see him or anything. I looked up into the luggage compartment up over the seats, and Ronnie was laying down up in the luggage compartment sleeping. He didn’t wake up when the bus stopped (laughs), so I woke him up and said “Come on – we gotta go inside”. At that time, the air conditioning was turned off in the bus and it must’ve been a 100 degrees in the bus. It was very hot, but he had crawled up there in the luggage compartment just so he could stretch out, and fell asleep up there. That was one pretty funny thing that happened.”

Of course, all of us at and readers of the site appreciate David talking frankly about his cousin’s illness, and that it’s difficult for him considering how close he was to Ronnie. “I’m happy to talk about it because I know people want to know what really went on” David stresses, becoming clearly emotional during the interview. “It was just very sad for me. I still listen to the music all the time, and I still get teary-eyed when I listen to his music because I think about him and all the stuff that he would be doing right now if he was still alive; the music that he’d be making, and the performances that he would be doing. He still had a lot to give to the music world, and not just the music world but the world in general. He wasn’t just loved for being a rock star and being a great singer, but was also loved by the fans for being such a great person. He really cared about people, and cared about the fans. He was a good person all-round.”

Posté : 08 déc. 2010, 22:26
par lelite
En attendant des news de notre participation une photo sympa de la grande époque :up:

Posté : 08 déc. 2010, 22:41
par Metal Knight
Bien cool, je l'avais jamais vu, merci !

Posté : 31 déc. 2010, 14:45
par postman
pareil que fonz, hier je me suis ecouté le Jorn et le H&H à Wacken :rock: :bang:

Posté : 13 janv. 2011, 18:42
par frantz
Le père de Ronnie est également décédé en 2010 ( le 28 décembre ) à l'âge de 92 ans.

Posté : 13 févr. 2011, 17:27
par metalion
frantz a écrit :Le père de Ronnie est également décédé en 2010 ( le 28 décembre ) à l'âge de 92 ans.
:o :o :o !!! Eh si ça c'est pas une coincidence!!

Posté : 14 févr. 2011, 21:16
par guardianofsteel
Je trouvais plus l'autre topic, alors je le mets là. Death Angel qui rend hommage à Dio :

Posté : 06 mars 2011, 13:51
par olivier64
Je ne sais pas où le poster, donc ce topic fera l'affaire : magnifique reprise de Catch the Rainbow au Bloodstock Open Air en 2010 (vue sur VS).

:bow: :amour:

Posté : 06 mars 2011, 14:00
par Bib
Excellente reprise en effet ! :amour: :rock:
C'est peut-être bien ma préférée de Rainbow en plus ! :amour: :amour: :amour:

Posté : 14 avr. 2011, 13:30
par houguerr
bien bonne reprise . :)


Posté : 16 mai 2011, 06:21
par jerome83
Cela fait 1 an que R.J Dio nous a quitté :,( :,(

Posté : 16 mai 2011, 07:44
par olivier64
:,( :,( :,(

Posté : 16 mai 2011, 08:49
par kingdavid of steel
bientôt la canonisation ? :rip:

Posté : 16 mai 2011, 09:50
par Thrashos
RIP, merde ca passe vite... :,( :bow:

Posté : 16 mai 2011, 10:44
par metalion
ça passe à une vitesse, c'est à peine croyable. Dire que je devais le revoir au sonisphere et qu'il nous a quitté juste avant l'été.. :,( :,(

Posté : 16 mai 2011, 11:14
par Le G@SP
Un an déjà :o :,(

Posté : 16 mai 2011, 11:14
par cillian
J'suis un peu perplexe avec tous ces "hommages" qui lui sont rendus par divers groupes....certains se servent de sa mort pour faire de l'argent, ça me dégoûte.
Le plus bel hommage, ça aurait été de rassembler tous les participants de "Hear n Aid" pour chanter "Stars".

Posté : 16 mai 2011, 16:51
par Fonz
:,( :,( :,( Il est avec nous chaque jour. :rock: