
L'actualité brulante du Metal traditionnel et de tout ce qui gravite autour.

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Headlines - The Latest News

20th August 2005 - Steve's Breakages

This is turning into a new feature on our web site we like to call it
'Accident of the Week ' so far we've had Bean's head this week's accident goes to Steve 'Rocking & Falling over' Ramsey who currently has a very bad break in his upper left arm and a compacted shoulder joint not to mention the sprained right wrist. I hear you ask did Steve get these injuries para-gliding or snow boarding off the south face of Everest and the answer is no, some how he managed to do this much damage to his arms on a wall outside his house, sometimes lady luck deals you a shit hand! Though he's going to be out of action for a few weeks while the breaks mend his doctors are confident that he should be back on his guitar soon and all at claddy HQ wish him a quick recovery.

Rocktown festival Germany and Dominion Hull UK

Once Steve is fixed up again he will not be getting too much time off as we have lined up these two festivals for September and October. We had planned to try and fit another short tour in late October but because of Steve's broken arm we will be now putting this into early next year so that we can use our time this year to start writing for a new album. More details about the festivals are listed below, with web links for those of you who wish to buy tickets for these events.

The Rocktown Festival will be held on 9th and 10th September 2005. The line up includes Skyclad (GB), Suidakra (D), and V8Wankers (D), Final Breath (D, Kaptain Sun (S) and Custard (D) More details can be found at;


The Dominion festival will be held at The Piper Club, Hull on Sunday 2nd October. The address of the club is Newland Avenue, Hull, North
Humberside, HU5 2NN. More details can be found at:
Dominion Autumn Assault Hull The Piper Club
02 Oct 2005
No under 18's
12pm - 12am

Human Fortress
Pain Control
Conquest of Steel
Pitiful Reign

DOA 2005 and Tuska Festivals

Finally, many thanks to everyone involved with the Doing Open Air and Tuska festivals. All their energy, commitment and hard work really helped make the shows great for us. Some pictures from the Tuska festival can be found at the following link and there are several links to pictures and reviews of the Dong Open Air on our message board. ... tuska-2005


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Ca semble se confirmer pour février la tournée.

Pourrait y avoir une date en bretagne aussi.

Hors sujet : Au fait, Sacred Sin, c'est bien?
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Metal Heart
Metal Heart
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Message par Set »

Ahhh, une date en Bretagne ça serait vraiment parfait ! Aurais-tu plus d'infos ?
Follow The Signs ...
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Les membres de Skyclad sont en train de composer le prochain album. D'après ce que j'ai entendu dire ce sera encore plus metal que "A semblance of normality" avec beaucoup d'enchainements de riffs genre "start/stop" et je sais déjà qu'il y a un morceau prise de tête rythmique en 15/8 temporairement nommé 'Bean's nightmare' (bean étant le surnom de Graeme, le bassiste). D'après ce que Kev m'a dit, les nouvelles compositions sont pour l'instant un peu folles, plus heavy, plus rapides mais le groupe pense que Georgina et son violon auront une grosse part cette fois ci (pas d'orchestre comme sur ASON).
On ne sait pas encore s'ils vont conserver l'accordage de guitare grave utilisé pour ASON. Pour l'instant ils bossent leurs titres en concert pitch.

Je pense que la semaine prochaine on saura quel est le nouveau label du groupe. Et on y verra plus clair sur la sortie ou non d'un EP avant le nouvel album. On devrait aussi bientôt connaître les dates de la deuxième partie de la tournée de "A semblance of normality". (france).
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J'ai contacté DMP qui organise leur deuxième et troisième partie de la tournée A semblance of normality.

Voilà sa réponse :

Thanks for your interest in SKYCLAD.

For now there are 2 tours being planned accordinf to this plan:

South Europe: February - friday 17 to sunday 26
Central Europe: April - friday 07 to sunday 23

The band is also available for one-off shows during the weekend, if you are interested.

Please send information about your venue.
Look forward to hear hear from you soon.
Kind regards,

Donc ben si vous connaissez des gars qui voudraient organiser un concert de skyclad dans la periode donnée mettez les en relation ^^.
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Bon on y est.

Kevin Ridley vient de m'emailer :

"Hi BJ just for you mate. I hope this makes you happy haha. We're getting more shows through now and I'll get them on the board ASAP - so for now here's a date just for you to stick in your diary.

09.04.06 Skyclad – Sunday – FR – Paris - L’Espace Curial

I suppose you'll be able to give us all the info on the gig etc lol

Cheers Kev.

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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
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Message par Everflow »

Ah ben voilà :rock:
I'm the lost one chasing colors to the sun
Colors bleed but never fade
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Faites passer le mot, hein, qu'on soit pas quatre au concert, parce que je les ai tellement saoulés pour qu'ils viennent en France et à Paris, lol... ca ferait mauvais genre
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Si quelqu'un a des infos sur la salle j'en ai pas beaucoup (j'y suis jamais allé) ^^

C'est vrai qu'il est interdit de cloper la bas? Et qu'en est il des boissons?
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Guardian of the Flame
Guardian of the Flame
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Message par Agent-M »

A l'Espace Curial, il me semble qu'il est interdit de fumer ouais ('fin y'a pas mal de salles où c'est théoriquement le cas, donc...) et ils ne vendent pas de bière, que du cidre...
Sinon c'est une espèce de MJC enclavée en plein milieu d'une cité, mais rien de bien méchant non plus, puis les conditions sont bonnes, la salle comme la scène sont spacieuses avec un bon son :up:
Mais on m'avait parlé de la Maroquinerie pour ce concert, apparemment ça a donc changé ?
Lethal Mind (thrash prog) -
Corrosive Elements (death thrash'n'roll) -
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Ben en fait c'est pas encore confirmé à 100 pourcents. ça peut encore changer. Où as tu péché ça?
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SKYCLAD To Release New EP - Jan. 22, 2006

British "folk metal" act SKYCLAD are currently working on a special EP that will be released in time for the band's tour dates in April. The CD will feature a brand new recording of the instrumental track "Jig-a-Jig", along with the songs "The Roman Wall Blues", "They Think It's All Over - Well Is It Now?" and "Mr Malaprope" from the "A Semblance Of Normality" sessions. This EP will not be available in any record stores — it will only be available from the band's webshop and on tour. Meanwhile, SKYCLAD are also working on a new album which is to be recorded over the summer and released before the end of the year.

Upcoming SKYCLAD shows:

Jan. 28 - Athens, GRE - Another Club
Feb. 18 - Corroios, POR - Cine-Teatro
Feb. 19 - Porto, POR - HC Rio
Feb. 24 - Irun, SPA - Tunk
Feb. 25 - Vigo, SPA - Iguana
Apr. 09 - Paris, FRA - L'Espace Curial
Apr. 12 - Naples, ITA - Duel Beat
Apr. 21 - Giessen, GER - Jokus
Apr. 22 - Merseburg, GER - Gasometer

More dates will be announced soon.

SKYCLAD's most recent album, "A Semblance Of Normality", was released in 2004 through Demolition/Dreamcatcher Records. The album was mixed and mastered at the Damage Inc. Studio in Italy by Dario Mollo, who has previously worked with ANATHEMA, CRADLE OF FILTH, TONY MARTIN and GLENN HUGHES, among others.

(vu sur blabbermouth).
Caught in a Mosh
Caught in a Mosh
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Message par CanaDave »

Ben voila j'ai réservé mon 9 avril. C'est une sacrée expérience sur scène ce groupe et ça fait trop longtemps qu'ils n'étaient pas venu pour rater ça.
Pis c'est dimanche des rameaux... comme j'men branle (je suis Protestant) ça finira au Pub :D :cheers:

Les paroles du groupe mériteraient une section Lyrics à elle toute seule ici pour décrypter tout les jeux de mots et les contrepétries en Anglais.

J'avais hâte de revoir le printemps, ben là c'est pire ;)

To have arrived on this Earth as a product of a biological accident only to depart through human arrogance would be the ultimate irony.
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En plus le mini album pour la tournée uniquement. Donc hop!
Paraitrait qu'ils pourraient revenir en france un peu plus tard (et à paris encore). Mais c'est des rumeurs ^^
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British "folk metal" act SKYCLAD have inked a deal with Greece's Black Lotus Records. The band are currently working on a special EP that will be released in time for the band's tour dates in April. The CD will feature a brand new recording of the instrumental track "Jig-a-Jig", along with the songs "The Roman Wall Blues", "They Think It's All Over - Well Is It Now?" and "Mr Malaprope" from the "A Semblance Of Normality" sessions. This EP will not be available in any record stores — it will only be available from the band's webshop and on tour. Meanwhile, SKYCLAD are also working on a new album which is to be recorded over the summer and released before the end of the year.

Upcoming SKYCLAD shows:

Jan. 28 - Athens, GRE - Another Club
Feb. 18 - Corroios, POR - Cine-Teatro
Feb. 19 - Porto, POR - HC Rio
Feb. 24 - Irun, SPA - Tunk
Feb. 25 - Vigo, SPA - Iguana
Apr. 09 - Paris, FRA - L'Espace Curial
Apr. 12 - Naples, ITA - Duel Beat
Apr. 21 - Giessen, GER - Jokus
Apr. 22 - Merseburg, GER - Gasometer

More dates will be announced soon.

SKYCLAD's most recent album, "A Semblance Of Normality", was released in 2004 through Demolition/Dreamcatcher Records. The album was mixed and mastered at the Damage Inc. Studio in Italy by Dario Mollo, who has previously worked with ANATHEMA, CRADLE OF FILTH, TONY MARTIN and GLENN HUGHES, among others.
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Kiss of Death
Metal Heart
Metal Heart
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Enregistré le : 29 oct. 2005, 16:54

Message par Kiss of Death »

à part Wayward Sons of mother earth , les autres albums ont été à chaque fois de plus en plus mauvais, ça fait depuis 5 ou 6 ans que je n'ai pas écouté ce groupe et d'ailleurs je ne connais que les 3 premiers. Leur violon ça m'a vite gonflé.....
SABBAT et SATAN/PARIAH c'était quand même beaucoup plus puissant.
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Question de goût. Je trouve qu'au contraire leur son et leurs compositions se sont bien améliorées par rapport à leurs débuts.

Et là avec le nouveau line up c'est même carrément mieux.
11 albums derrière eux, à mon avis tu as raté quelques évolutions ...

Ceci dit si tu n'aimes pas le violon dans le métal, évidemment n'écoute pas Skyclad.
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Skyclad est confirmé pour le Ragnarok festival en ecosse.

Et une date à Berlin est ajoutée à la tournée.
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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
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Message par Everflow »

Martin Walkyier arrêtera toute activité musicale après la sortie du projet The Clan Destined :
Former SKYCLAD/SABBAT singer Martin Walkyier has posted the following message on the web site of THE CLAN DESTINED, his short-lived collaboration with ex-IMMORTAL bassist Iscariah:

"I'm sorry that it has been such a long while since I've written anything on here, but my elderly father's rapidly deteriorating health has been taking up ever more of my time and efforts lately. Much has been happening, and I would like to take a moment to bring you up-to-date with the events of the past few months.

"Iscariah (Stian Smoerholm) quit THE CLAN DESTINED in December 2004 for his own personal reasons, leaving me with the most daunting task of single-handedly completing the songs and recordings we had been working upon together for almost two years. I cannot begin to explain to you how truly saddened I was by Iscariah's sudden decision to depart THE CLAN DESTINED, as up until that time I had been enjoying our unique and innovative musical collaboration enormously.

"To be honest, dear reader, the first few months of 2005 were not the most joyous time for me. What with family matters to deal with, and a very unfinished demo to complete for THE CLAN DESTINED with little hope of any success in sight. Not wishing to waste the countless hours that had already been invested in this project by myself, Iscariah and several other renowned musicians, I set about the job of completing the 'In The Big Ending…' recordings in the most efficient and effective way available to me at that time. As I'm sure you can probably imagine, many sleepless nights were spent with my head in my hands over this unfortunate turn of events (but thankfully it seems my prayers were not totally in vain). The Goddess sometimes moves in the most mysterious ways!

"THE CLAN DESTINED six-track demo recordings are now finished, mixed and ready for public release as soon as a suitable licensing agreement can be negotiated. It is my heartfelt wish that the 'In The Big Ending…' demo tracks should be released as a lasting memorial to the THE CLAN DESTINED band which almost was, and to what it might eventually have become had it only been given a fair chance to shine. The full story of exactly how this demo was completed is a tale I do not have the time to entertain you with at present. It is however a gripping yarn filled with numerous heroes and villains, plus more twists and turns of fortune than I'd previously encountered in almost 20 years of making metal music. I feel compelled however to bring two worthy names to your attention. They are those of Andy Sneap and James Murphy; the gentlemen whose kindness, true friendship and creative support were my 'solid rock' during what proved to be a most turbulent time. I shall never forget the assistance and encouragement they gave me, as well as the enormous part they played in creating the THE CLAN DESTINED demo tunes you're all finally about to hear. Working together with Andy and James was the best fun I'd had all year, the many laughs and late nights of mixing we shared are memories that I'll cherish forever. Horns ablaze there metal brothers!

"I'm fully aware that there have been several deeply malicious things written about me on the internet and printed in the metal press of late. I have neither the free time or mindset to even dignify such comments with a reply, and would greatly appreciate being allowed to concentrate upon far more important issues right now. I must say however that it never was, or ever would be, my intention to 'steal' either Iscariah's music or his royalties, and I strongly resent each and every statement that has been issued saying the contrary. I may be many things, but a thief is most certainly not one of them! Those responsible for this childish slander should be aware that it constitutes what is known as 'defamation of character.' My lawyer has been a frequent visitor to the various Internet message boards and forums lately. He tells me that his finger is sore from clicking on copy and paste, and has dutifully noted down all that's been circulated, when, where and by whom it was written.

"Having done much thinking and soul-searching following recent events, I have finally come to the firm and final conclusion that 'In The Big Ending…' will be my last-ever musical release. As I'm certain you're aware, I'm not normally known for being a quitter — but this time things have truly gone too far I'm afraid. I always knew that constructing this THE CLAN DESTINED band would be very hard work, but could never have even imagined that it would end with this pathetic kind of kindergarten squabbling, immature gossip and wicked Chinese whispers. I guess everyone has their stiff-upper-lip-limit, and sadly as far as making music goes, I've just reached mine. I have done my utmost to complete this demo as promised, to the best of my ability with the resources and forward-thinking people available. I would like the 'In The Big Ending…' songs to be a tribute to the good times we all shared, as well as to this set of unique recordings we've collectively created. I dearly hope that its long-awaited release will not be tarnished in any way by the legal action which will swiftly ensue should these defamatory remarks not now cease immediately.

"I would like to end this news update on a rather more positive note, (no pun intended). It is an example of what can be achieved by musicians cooperating as a team, even if they are working under the most unusual and often very difficult circumstances. A finished mix of our THE CLAN DESTINED cover version of the track 'T.C. Lethbridge!' by THE SONS OF T.C. LETHBRIDGE is now available for you to check-out as an mp3 on THE CLAN DESTINED downloads page.

"I would like to thank all those of who have sent me messages of support to this TCD homepage — you have been a source of inspiration and encouragement during my darkest hours. My heartfelt gratitude goes out to all those of you who have helped to turn this mini-CD dream into a shining reality; whether by purchasing a t-shirt from the homepage, or offering your talents and services to THE CLAN DESTINED cause. You have assisted in making my final release into something that we can all be collectively proud of — I Am Because We Are! To the very few short sighted people who have attempted at every turn to prevent these recordings from reaching completion I have only the following words to say: 'No spoken or written word can ever be a substitute for one's own practical experience. No one too can convince another who does not wish to believe what he is told. Only the doubter loses by his incredulity!' T.C. Lethbridge 'Ghost & Ghoul' Chapter 1, page 26."
I'm the lost one chasing colors to the sun
Colors bleed but never fade
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C'est pas neuf et y'a un topic dédié à Martin déjà dans les profondeurs du classement. En fait il s'est planté quand il a envoyé à blabbermouth son annonce. Il a remis l'annonce qui date d'il y a deux mois. Ce qu'il voulait faire c'est dire que la démo de TCD est finalement en vente sur son site (pour ceux que ça interesse).
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En reparlant de Skyclad, ça serait bien que les fans se manifestent sur le site officiel hein, histoire de montrer qu'il faut qu'ils reviennent au plus vite et pour un concert plus long.
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Skyclad a eu un accident de la route à Naples. Heureusement que des dégats matériels. Ils ont pu assurer la suite de la tournée (qui se finit ce soir).
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La tournée est enfin finie, le groupe rentre en Angleterre pour préparer le nouvel album. Il faudra d'abord passer chez le marchand de grattes car Steve s'est fait voler sa guitare (encore!) lors de la dernière date.
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Lundi 18 septembre à 21h heure anglaise (22h paris) aura lieu un chat avec Kevin Ridley et le batteur Arron Walton dans la chatroom du forum de skyclad :
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Juste pour re-upper le chat de ce soir.
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Skyclad sera en concert à la Locomotive à Paris le 20 Février 2007. Tornaod assurera une première partie et il devrait y avoir un ou deux autres groupes sur l'affiche. Elianor organise une nouvelle fois cet évènement. Bravo à eux! Attendons néanmoins la confirmation définitive avant de nous enflammer.

Sinon, en dehors de ça le groupe compose le nouvel album (14 titres en travaux, aucun complètement finis) et devrait jouer un ou deux nouveaux titres au concert de février. Enfin, le groupe est en contacts avancés avec 3 ou 4 labels. :cheers: