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Posté : 18 avr. 2010, 18:32
par trace la route

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Vu l'enthousiasme de tout le monde et si cet album sent bon les 3 premiers albums et beinh, je vais également sauter dessus sans hésiter...Ce groupe méritait d'être aussi reconnu que Motley, dommage que les albums ont pas suivi après...

Posté : 28 avr. 2010, 00:31
par Everflow
Interview de Pearcy sur ce retour en forme : ... 0.htm?nl=1

Posté : 28 avr. 2010, 01:10
par Yathin Lizzy
Bluffant ce retour .... je me passais encore l'album tout à l'heure.
:o :o

Posté : 28 avr. 2010, 18:29
par Dave
album tout simplement excellent !!!!! quasiment rien à jeter !!! c'est à peine croyable... un des meilleurs albums du groupe avec "Out of the Cellar", gros son, album très heavy, seul le morceau "Best of Me" est un poil plus soft, ça cartonne grave dans les enceintes !!! et la patte De Martini.... Quel guitariste !!!
Piercy est vraiment au top !!! il a pas perdu grand chose le bougre, d'ailleurs c'est un truc qui m'intrigue un poil... il a la même voix qu'il y a 25 ans :D enfin je sais pas ce ce que j'ai ressenti à l'écoute...
En tout cas cet album est une pure merveille !!!

Posté : 27 oct. 2010, 23:52
par Everflow
Malgré la bonne réception de l'album, Pearcy annonce que le groupe va se mettre en pause :
On the band's current status and future plans:

Pearcy: "I've been there and done it. Now I'm just trying to enjoy what I do and get on with it. And if something's not right, I have the option — I always have the option — to step to the side and do what I need to do for my brand and my business and Top Fuel Records and my racing and my own solo career. And that's what I've done. We finished a great show in Japan — this huge gig [at the Loud Park festival] with HALFORD and HELLYEAH and a bunch of other bands — and that was great. So I think we're gonna be on a hiatus for awhile and everybody'll do their own thing and we'll take it from there."

Posté : 28 oct. 2010, 12:23
par Dave
Vraiment dommage... surtout que les voir en live aura pu être sympa !

Posté : 28 oct. 2010, 12:56
par Thrashos
Moi qui voulait rattraper les annulations de cette année... :/

Posté : 02 nov. 2010, 01:48
par Everflow
Pearcy va se consacrer à un album solo en fait, dans lequel il joue uniquement de la guitare :
Legendary RATT singer Stephen Pearcy has sent the following exclusive update on his activities:

"I'm personally taking a break from Ratt to concentrate on my label Top Fuel Records, work on a new solo album and BATTERING RAMM, a project that I'm looking forward to as I'm just playing guitar in that, That music is way more aggressive then anything I've done in the past.

Also other new ventures under my new management at MMG (A FrontLine Company with Jim Morley-Bobby Collin), and just enjoy time off.
And get busy with the drag race stuff 2011.

I will say, there does need to be some major restructuring in the Ratt camp per say before I step back in, that's a fact! If any other member is unhappy, there's obviously personal concerns and valid reasoning.

We (Ratt) had a great end of tour show in Japan at Loud Park 10 with ROB HALFORD, HELLYEAH and others recently. Without getting into anything personally, its more the business side of things that bothers me, if that can be taken care of without animosity and procrastination, everything else should fall into place for another record and tour to support it. But just not right now, not for awhile with me until then.

The band is NOT breaking up. We made a great record with Infestation and now hearing that were on the Grammy nomination lists (for single and album) says a lot for that hard work.

I have the utmost respect for Robert Crane (bass) and Carlos Cavazo (guitar), and look forward to writing and playing out there again with them anytime.

And I don't believe the things that are being spewed online about their respected positions in Ratt or any bands. They have every right to say what they feel, when and how they want to, I would if I spent a minute in that band. Like I am now.

Until then, stayed tuned!!"

Posté : 02 nov. 2010, 13:05
par heavy76
C'est un peu dommage de faire une pause alors que je trouve qu'il était bien repartis.

Posté : 11 janv. 2012, 22:12
par Everflow
Juste pour dire qu'ils bossent sur un nouvel album :rock: :tata: ... om-ratt-2/ I know you've been working on your new solo album, "Sucker Punch", and a few other projects, but it almost seems like 2011 was a year to kinda chill out a little.

Pearcy: When I started recording "Sucker Punch", I decided I was going to take my time and not gonna push to get it out at any particular time. I didn't want any pressure when it came to when it would be released. I did release three sample singles and did a video but the real deal is going to be finished soon enough. I still have yet to record a few songs and solos, but all of a sudden we moved into writing the new RATT record. It's interesting because some of the songs I wanted on my solo record were actually written for the new RATT record. Warren [DeMartini, guitar] and I are actually in writing mode for the new RATT record right now. It's coming along amazing, actually. We've got some great stuff on the table right now. This new RATT record is gonna be strong. I'm glad I waited with these songs. "Sucker Punch" will be out way before the RATT record as not to interfere. Did you ever have doubts there would be a new RATT record this year?

Pearcy: I'm always writing anyway, but some of those songs were going to be presented for the RATT record. I thought we were gonna get into it sooner so I thought, "Fuck it, I'll just start a solo record," to keep busy. It's been a few years since the last solo record. I just like to keep up on the writing. Some of the songs I had ready for the solo record will end up for the new RATT, which is great. That's what I was writing them for in the first place. There's this feeling when RATT gets rolling. We know when it's time. I'm glad we started writing when we did. A few days ago Warren had this idea. He started playing a riff right outta the box. What the hell is that!? He said it was something he quickly recorded before he really woke up. He had a thought for this riff and had to put it down. I grabbed it and we started building a song around it and it's amazing. It made the hair stand up on the back of my arms. Holy shit!

Posté : 12 janv. 2012, 17:08
par GuldenDraak91
En espérant que cette fois-ci, la tournée ne soit pas annulée.

Posté : 09 févr. 2012, 23:51
par Everflow
Dave Castagno from Radio Screamer spoke with RATT drummer Bobby Blotzer at the 2012 NAMM show which was held in Anaheim, California recently.

About the band's upcoming studio album he said that "we started a few weeks ago. We're in pre-production and it will be out in August. We're still writing and we'll work up about 30 songs and pick 12. We've been working every day. It's good to be back. We took a year off and that was boring! So I branded my own wine and hot sauce line. But it still didn't fill the void of performing and tour which is what I live for. We're getting along fine. It's like being married to five guys. It's not easy, but you've got to work at it. I've been this band for 30 years and it's lasted longer than my marriage!"

Posté : 20 févr. 2012, 17:15
par Dave
GuldenDraak91 a écrit :En espérant que cette fois-ci, la tournée ne soit pas annulée.
c'est clair !!! Bon c'est plutôt bien ce nouvel album, je pensais que le groupe allai rester en stand by après les déclarations de Pearcy.

Posté : 26 mars 2012, 11:12
par guardianofsteel
Le bassiste se fait la malle :
Bassist Robbie Crane has officially quit RATT, the band he had played with since 1997. During an appearance on this past Thursday's (March 22) edition of the "Headbangers At 11" show on the 93.3 KDKB radio station with host Mike Gaube, Crane stated about his decision to leave RATT, "I've been playing in LYNCH MOB since October of 2010. It's a thing that I've always loved doing, and I love playing with the band. As of recently, I've moved on from RATT — I definitely quit RATT — and I let them all know that. But you know what?! Iit's not because of LYNCH MOB. I'd been with RATT for 15 years and it was time to move on. I love being in LYNCH MOB and this is where my heart's at."

Posté : 26 mars 2012, 12:10
par houguerr
Dommage :(

Posté : 14 mai 2012, 18:14
par demodefontenay
retour de JUAN CROUCIER dans le groupe

Posté : 14 mai 2012, 20:09
par lelite
Aussi cool qu’inattendue comme news ( il avait dit avoir coupé les ponts avec le groupe :euh:), ça devrait donner un plus au niveau compos pour le futur album :)

Posté : 14 mai 2012, 22:50
par Graptemiss
Hahaha je tombe sur ce topic alors que "over the edge" passe dans mes oreilles!! :lol:

Posté : 15 mai 2012, 18:22
par demodefontenay
le 13 mai dernier en concert avec RATT

Posté : 15 mai 2012, 18:25
par demodefontenay

Posté : 15 mai 2012, 21:44
par lelite
demodefontenay a écrit :L E CONCERT COMPLET ICI
MERCI :bow: :bave:

Posté : 16 mai 2012, 02:44
par steelprophet
demodefontenay a écrit :L E CONCERT COMPLET ICI
J'y étais !la claque intégrale :bravo:

Posté : 18 mai 2012, 00:18
par Everflow
demodefontenay a écrit :retour de JUAN CROUCIER dans le groupe
Réactions de tout le groupe :
Commented guitarist Warren DeMartini, "I happened to see Juan after a signing at Charvel guitars last January at NAMM. This guy walks up with RATT's 'Out Of The Cellar' LP and it had every bandmember's autograph except his and mine. Juan said in disbelief, 'Do you know what the odds are of this happening in a crowd of 100,000 people? Another couple minutes and this wouldn’t be possible!' I think that says it all. Rehearsing with Juan [the week before the M3 Rock Festival] was like going back in time to our last performance together in RATT at Irvine Meadows two decades ago — [it felt] like it was yesterday."

Frontman Stephen Pearcy added, "After all these years, regrouping with the original band members is like riding a bike — you never forget. The first day in rehearsal was like years ago. Amazing, to say the least."

Guitarist Carlos Cavazo commented, "I'm sure this could create yet another successful page in the band's history."

Drummer Bobby Blotzer said, "Juan and I go way back, playing in bands together since age 16. Having him back in fold with us for the M3 festival after being gone so many years is intriguing. We've been rehearsing for several weeks and it sounds like RATT 'n' Roll."

Croucier himself declared, "It's hard to believe that it's been almost 20 years since we last played together. I’m personally looking forward to reconnecting with RATT fans worldwide and I'm hopeful this will last far into the future."

Posté : 02 févr. 2014, 17:23
par Everflow
Album à prévoir pour cette année, et à noter que Jimmy DeGrasso officie désormais à la batterie :
RATT singer Stephen Pearcy was interviewed on a recent edition of the weekly two-hour classic hard rock and metal show "Noize In The Attic" (web site). You can now listen to the program using the widget below. (Note: The Pearcy interview begins around the 57-minute mark.)

Asked about the progess of the songwriting sessions for RATT's new album, Pearcy said: "We've actually been writing for the new record for quite some time. Warren [DeMartini, guitar] and I actually went into the studio and cut a song. So hopefully a new RATT record this year is what we want. Our 30th-year anniversary and our tenth record, so it'll be OK."

He added: "Warren and I are spearheading the next record to be what it should be — more EP [1983], 'Out Of The Cellar' [1984] thing. Just real hardcore, basically. We've already recorded [one track], like I said. And if this song we recorded is the only song ever released, I'd be way happy…

"We just have so much good riffs and music we haven't even tapped into. It's good stuff. I mean, it excites me, and if I'm excited… I'm way into it.

"Warren's got some great shit going on right now, and it's perfect timing. Like I say, tenth record, 30th anniversary.

"We want a record out; that's what we want. We're going into the studio soon enough. We already have a producer, so it's just a matter of getting in there.

"We're gonna start recording the RATT record hopefully in the next few months, and it'll definitely be out this year. And we're trying not to do shows, even though there are some on the books. But the less shows we do, the better, because I'd like to just get the record done. And that's where I'm at. I want a new RATT record for the 30th year, and we'll take it from there. We'll do shows here and there, but it's not a priority at all."

Pearcy also spoke about how former QUIET RIOT guitarist Carlos Cavazo has adjusted to being in RATT more than five years after joining the band as the replacement for John Corabi.

"[Carlos is] never gonna fill [late RATT guitarist] Robbin's [Crosby] shoes, but the fact that he's a flying-V guy and has a certain composure and he likes hard rock and he comes up with the rifffs... He wrote the licks for 'Eat Me Up Alive' and 'Best Of Me' on [RATT's last studio album, 2010's] 'Infestation' and I heard those riffs and I just started writing immediately. I knew exactly what to write with his music. So if he brings shit like that around again, it'd be great."

RATT's first studio record in 11 years, "Infestation", sold around 14,000 copies in the United States in its first week of release to debut at position No. 30 on The Billboard 200 chart. The CD was issued on April 20, 2010 via Loud & Proud.

Read more at ... o74RFMT.99

Posté : 02 févr. 2014, 18:34
par Dave
De Grasso c'est costaud !!! on va voir ce que ça donne vu l'excellent album précédent, je pense acheter direct !!! j'espère pas être déçu !!!

Posté : 02 févr. 2014, 18:48
par lelite
Dave a écrit :De Grasso c'est costaud !!! on va voir ce que ça donne vu l'excellent album précédent, je pense acheter direct !!! j'espère pas être déçu !!!
Je sais pas où vous avez lu cette news concernant le remplacement de B. Blotzer par J. Degrasso ? :scratch:
De Martini, Pearcy, Croucier, Blotzer and Cavazo will start working on the next RATT recording early 2014. Only time will tell, it took (10) years for "Infestation".

The band has been in pre production off and on for most of 2013 for the new record, it looks as thou the band has settled on a producer and look forward to a world tour for the bands (30) year anniversary 2014.

Posted by Roadrunner in RATT News 10.15.2013 07:46:00 PM |
Sinon excellente news peut être seront ils au Bang Your Head 2014 :D