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Posté : 18 févr. 2009, 11:40
par True Belief

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Je viens de l'ecouter et excellente surprise pour ma part ! on est bien d'accord ce n'est pas G'N'R but who cares ? si le groupe s'appelait Axl & Co ou Deep Anal Abyss, I don't give a shit ! car le contenu est tres bon.Je trouve les compos bien travaillées,les ambiances notamment,et la voix d'Axl se porte a merveille !et la prod est superbe.Un disque qui va encore se bonifier avec le temps! un bon 4/5.

Posté : 18 févr. 2009, 13:31
par weik
Un truc que j'ai du mal à comprendre : apparemment aucun clip n'a été fait pour promouvoir cet album ... En fait il n'y a eu quasiment aucune promo de ce skeud ... why ? un truc qui a couté des millions et qu'on ne fait quasiment rien pour l'aider à s'écouler ...

Posté : 18 févr. 2009, 15:14
par NicoGan
Le clip existe (Better) mais d'après les rumeurs y'aurait des pbs de droits à l'image non résolu (source un site de fan des Guns).

M'enfin ça m'étonnerait qu'à moitié. :hum:

Posté : 06 mars 2009, 22:49
par Wolrag
J'ai énormément de mal avec ce disque ...
Rien ne me reste en tête, le son de guitare est ...
dave a écrit :j'ai mis 1 pour la voix d'Axl, le reste n'est qu'une sombre plaisanterie, c'est de la pop musique !!! avec un son de gratte catastrophique...
Comme ça.

1/5 pour les Guns, 3/5 pour la pop rock ... 2/5.

Posté : 07 févr. 2010, 23:34
par Everflow
Ron Thal déclare qu'il s'agit du "White Album" (Beatles) des Guns ;) "Chinese Democracy" has been available to purchase since November 2008, so now you've had time to fully digest the album and everything, what is your view on it?

Thal: My view on "Chinese Democracy"? Well, first, I think it's so different from the music that the band started with. To me, it's like comparing "The White Album" (1968) to "Meet the Beatles!" (1964). I always think of everything in terms of THE BEATLES, because I'm just a big BEATLES fanatic. To me, "Appetite For Destruction" came out, and that was everything up until "A Hard Day's Night" (1964) — it was the thing that just blew everyone away. Shea Stadium, 1965, couldn't even hear the band; it was just the audience screaming, and pissing in their pants. As they then started getting more into the musical side of things with the "Use Your Illusion" albums, that is equivalent to getting more into "Revolver" (1966) and "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" (1967), where it was becoming more musical. It wasn't just attitude and rock 'n' roll — they were starting to really compose. Now THE BEATLES, they kept on putting albums out and you can chart the changes as the band morphed into what they became in their last few years, with "The White Album", "Let It Be" (1970), "Abbey Road" (1969).

The thing about GUNS N' ROSES is it all happened in a cocoon, where it went in as one creature and came out as something totally different. I think that because of that, when "Chinese Democracy" came out, people thought "That's not the caterpillar I was expecting". It was like "Right. It's a butterfly". I think it took probably a good year (laughs) for people to start forgetting about the baggage that was attached to this album, like the issue that it's not the same band members, it's not all the same band members that wrote and played on it, and that it's not the same sounding music. GUNS N' ROSES is a different creature now, but that's what makes it special. Where else in the history of rock music are you gonna find an album that has a decade of all these different people contributing all this cool stuff? Robin, and Paul, and Brain, and Buckethead, and me and Frank, and Tommy and Richard, and Dizzy and Pitman, and Sebastian Bach too. Nowhere are you gonna find an album that has such a history to it, and that has accumulated so many building blocks from such a long journey.

To me, "Chinese Democracy" isn't your typical album where you write it, record it, release it, promote it, and tour. This is a totally different creature, and I think a lot of people needed a minute to realize that for it to sink in, and to stop trying to fit it into the mould of a typical album because it's not a typical album. It's so much more experimental, and it's just a totally different thing. To me, "Chinese Democracy" is "The White Album" for GN'R, in a way. Maybe I'm wrong, but to me it seems like the album is more accepted now than it was when it first came out, and that over time, people are gonna forget about the journey that it took to come out, and they're just gonna listen to the songs and the music and just take them as they are. Either they like them or they don't.

I found as we played these shows in Asia, that people are really responding to the new songs. I didn't know how people would react, because you know that they're gonna cheer like crazy for "Welcome to the Jungle", for "Paradise City", for "Sweet Child O' Mine", for "Nightrain", but now they're cheering for "Street Of Dreams", and for "Better", and for "Prostitute" (laughs). When the song kicks in, they know what song it is and they burst out, and it's good to see. I'm glad that that's happening, and I hope that in time, when this is all just history and people are looking back on it, that people will appreciate this one of a kind fucking genuine experience that brought this album to be what it is. For me, how do I think of the album? I just think of it as this long road that finally reached its destination. It's like driving a very long drive, and finally getting there (laughs). Do you feel "Chinese Democracy" was unfairly criticized?

Thal: I think that people definitely judged "Chinese Democracy" without listening to it a lot of the time, and I think they based their ideas on what they thought of GN'R's current situation, or on their opinion of Axl and things like that. I think that definitely biased some people, but not all. I think with any album, people are gonna love it, people are gonna hate it, and some people will just be indifferent, and it won't mean anything either way. With the amount of expectation for the album though, I think that it definitely changed the way people viewed it, and they went into listening to it with ideas already in their heads. It's hard not to with an album that took longer than usual to be released, but then sometimes albums take time. Do you feel that some hoped for "Appetite For Destruction Part Two"?

Thal: I'm sure there were those expecting that, yeah, but again, they were expecting the caterpillar and not the butterfly — the whole cocoon thing. It's like where THE BEATLES became long haired, screaming hippie dudes, but people were still expecting the mop tops to come out, and go "WOOOOoooo". People just continued where they left off with it, so if they left off at "A Hard Day's Night", they're expecting "Beatles For Sale" (1964) next.

Posté : 05 mars 2010, 00:08
par metalblasphemer
Je trouve la comparaison relativement osée. Surtout lorsqu'auditivement, on préfère la chenille au papillon alors que ce devrait être l'inverse... :lol:

Posté : 30 juin 2010, 12:24
par brother of steel
J'aime beaucoup ce Chinese Democracy (tres travaille forcement :D) , j'en attendais pas tant. La prestation d'Axl est tout simplement magistrale, une voix irremplacable :o

L'album comporte son lot de brulots comme Better, There was a Time, I.R.S., Madagascar, This I Love :,( et Prostitute. Une telle concentration de hits en fin d'album n'est pas pour me deplaire, et peu m'importe en fait si ce disque doit plutôt être considere comme un projet solo que comme un album des Guns a part entiere.

Un bon gros 4/5 :up: :up: :up: