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Destruction réenregistrent leurs vieilles douceurs

Posté : 10 mai 2006, 00:40
par Everflow
... des premiers albums, pour un prochain disque.
"After the return from their successful Latin America tour (sadly interrupted with some promoter problems as reported) the band is now preparing for their next release. After the North America tour starting May 26th the guys will hit the studio to record a 'best of the early years' album!

"As it's really difficult to get the old records those days and to avoid a 'best of album" with only old recordings in rather poor quality, we've have chosen the solution to re-record many of the '80s classix, including one or two tunes of the 'Crack Brained' album (where Schmier wasn't singing!!!). It's great fun to pick and rehearse the old songs at the moment. With a powerful sound and the brutal energy that the band delivers nowadays, there is no doubt that this will fuckin' shred!

Posté : 10 mai 2006, 01:29
par Ranu
décidément, ils s'y mettent tous, après Testament et Anthrax !

Enfin, c'est toujours plus intéréssant qu'un best-of classique.

Posté : 10 mai 2006, 09:53
clair, good news ça !!!