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Reverend Bizarre - III

Posté : 22 mai 2007, 12:59
par Poseidon
Peter Vicar a écrit :CD 1 (66.06)
1. They Used Dark Forces/Teutonic Witch (29.05)
2. Sorrow (25.20)
3. Funeral Summer (11.41)

CD 2 (63.54)
4. One Last Time (15.39)
5. Kundalini Arisen (4.25)
6. Caesar Forever (15.43)
7. Anywhere Out Of This World (25.32)
+ "Mallorca" (2.35)

Out in August.
Peter Vicar a écrit :Death Is Glory... Now! will be a double-CD compilation of the vinyl stuff released and some other stuff like the pre-production demo we did before recording our first album... out at the end of this year. It feels crazy some people pay really big money for something released just a couple years ago, so we decided to make the vinyl tracks available for anyone not doing it for the sake of mad collecting.

There might also be a split vinyl with Electric Wizard released by Rise Above, depending whether they get their song finally done in their sessions that should start at the end of this month. Our song has been in the can for a while now. Our side, cover of Beherit's "The Gate of Nanna" will be part of the compilation anyway.

Possibly some live stuff released, perhaps as part of the compilation or in vinyl or in both.

Perhaps a split 7" with Mr Velcro Fastener. He does one of our songs and we do one of his.

All our albums in vinyl at some point. Crush the Insects is out and gone from Metal Supremacy already of course. In the Rectory of the Bizarre Reverend will be next, from Storming Death Music (Finland). SDM will do the rest as well, perhaps save the last album of which we have had discussions with Lee Dorrian. The last one would be a triple vinyl.

Posté : 22 mai 2007, 13:12
par metal militia
Bonne nouvelle pour ce groupe dont la mort était annoncé pour cette année.
Ils devaient sortir un dernier album et puis c'était fini.
Espérons qu'ils soient revenus sur leur décsion.

Posté : 22 mai 2007, 13:36
par Poseidon
J'en doute personnellement...

Posté : 22 mai 2007, 16:55
par hallowedhail
Youpi encore un disque plein de gaieté et de joie de vivre! :D :rock:

En tout cas 66 minutes pour trois titres moi je trouve que ca le fait! :rock:

Posté : 22 mai 2007, 23:37
par LeatherKnight
ça me fait super plaisir d'entendre ça!!! Très bon group!

Posté : 12 juin 2007, 01:16
par Everflow
A noter qu'ils sont en première place des charts de singles en Finlande, avec "Teutonic Witch", en version edit de seulement 16 minutes :D :lol:


Posté : 12 juin 2007, 14:54
par Poseidon
16 minutes!? mis c'est du punk ! :lol: