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Posté : 09 avr. 2008, 21:11
par Cardinal-Sin

Swiss avant-garde/metal pioneers CELTIC FROST have released the following statement via their official web site:

"CELTIC FROST singer and guitarist Tom Gabriel Fischer has left CELTIC FROST due to the irresolvable, severe erosion of the personal basis so urgently required to collaborate within a band so unique, volatile, and ambitious."

Posté : 09 avr. 2008, 22:44
par jesus
raaah et le concert à bulle (suisse) le 21 juin ca en devient quoi ? j'allais justement poster pour l'annoncer : le groupe a confirmé un concert pour les 10 ans du musée giger (le mec a peint la pochette de "to mega therion")

Posté : 09 avr. 2008, 23:15
par Tony Le Pouilleux
Fais chier, fais chier que le maniaco-dépressif suisse dissolve son band (car le Finlandais, je m'en fous un peu).

Posté : 10 avr. 2008, 07:57
par Jérome
Ben, tant pis, de toutes façons je ne suis qu'à demi étonné....dommage car "Monotheist" était un très bon retour, mais bon pour moi de toutes façons Celtic Frost n'est plus depuis l'après "Into the pandemonium".

Posté : 10 avr. 2008, 10:07
par Bib
Encore un belle reformation gag ! :lol:

Enfin, dommage pour les fans... :(

Posté : 10 avr. 2008, 10:45
par Tietienne
Fait chier, ça sentait pourtant bon les dessous de bras la reformation de Celtic... en tout cas, ça valait plus la peine que celle d'Obituary. Tant pis, puisque c'est comme ça, je vais écouter To Mega Therion, na

Posté : 10 avr. 2008, 19:11
par NicoGan
jesus a écrit :raaah et le concert à bulle (suisse) le 21 juin ca en devient quoi ? j'allais justement poster pour l'annoncer : le groupe a confirmé un concert pour les 10 ans du musée giger (le mec a peint la pochette de "to mega therion")
M'enfin Giger est plus connu pour avoir fait le design d'Alien :D

Posté : 10 avr. 2008, 22:42
par jesus
ouais je sais mais c'était pour expliquer pourquoi celtic frost lui rendait hommage :D

Posté : 10 avr. 2008, 22:57
par Everflow
Pas très étonnant vu le caractère imprévisible et tourmenté de Fischer, mais je pensais quand même que ça durerait un peu plus longtemps que ça.

Posté : 16 juin 2008, 20:30
par Cardinal-Sin
Statement in regard of Celtic Frost

We are deeply sorry about the cancellation of the summer festivals and the Giger Museum Anniversary Show this year.
We regret the adversity that this caused fans and promoters alike.

Tom Gabriel Fischer has left the Band, but Celtic Frost is still alive, albeit in a coma of sorts.
Franco and I are not going to continue recording or touring as Celtic Frost.
This would be preposterous without one of its founding members, the original voice and its defining guitarist.
But we are not going to officially disband CF.
We hope that there might be a possibility of talking things over and overcoming the differences that caused this schism.
Most certainly this will not happen now, but maybe sometime in the future.

After all, this is not the first time in the history of this band that things have gone wrong.
In the meantime Franco and I will continue to create music of our own.
Under what name or with whom else shall remain open for now.

For the time being, we accept Tom’s decision as being better for all of us and we would like to whish all the best for him and his future projects.

A thank you is due to all fans & friends for their support in these difficult times.

We hope that at least the work of these past years was as pleasurable to you as it was to us.

With regret and confidence

Martin Eric Ain & Franco Sesa

Posté : 02 août 2008, 02:13
par Everflow
Fischer termine la biographie de Celtic Frost :
Former CELTIC FROST and current TRIPTYKON frontman Tom Gabriel Fischer has issued the following update:

"I just returned from Berlin, where I continued work on the design of 'Only Death Is Real', the illustrated history of HELLHAMMER and early CELTIC FROST, with the book's layouter, Hendrik Hellige. If all goes according to plan, the book will be in print in 2009 as a large-format and very detailed biography covering the years 1981 to 1985. It also features artwork, flyers, memorabilia, and hundreds of photos, most of which have never been published before. The material we have compiled during the past three and a half years is simply stunning. Even if one is only marginally interested in HELLHAMMER and CELTIC FROST, the book will provide a truly unique glimpse at the early days of extreme metal."

Posté : 11 sept. 2008, 01:27
par Everflow
Si jamais c'était pas assez clair, maintenant ça l'est avec ce communiqué final :
Martin Eric Ain and Tom Gabriel Fischer of the Swiss avant-garde/metal pioneers CELTIC FROST have issued the following statement:

"In the wake of the events transpiring earlier this year, we, who together formed CELTIC FROST in 1984 and together reformed the group in 2001, have discussed the situation and agree that any continuation of CELTIC FROST without either one of us would be irreconcilable with our original ideas and detrimental to the group's legacy. We have therefore jointly decided to lay CELTIC FROST to rest for good and to treasure and honor what we have created together in the course of the history of this truly unique band. All that is left to do now is to bow our heads in sincere gratitude and pay respect to CELTIC FROST's audiences and friends who have made this group's existence possible in the first place."

Fischer announced his departure from CELTIC FROST in April, citing "the irresolvable, severe erosion of the personal basis so urgently required to collaborate within a band so unique, volatile, and ambitious."

Posté : 11 sept. 2008, 18:24
par Noxos
Et un groupe qui meurt ! :(

Posté : 06 nov. 2012, 20:04
par olivier64
DOCUMENTAIRE SUR CELTIC FROST !!! :bang: :bang: :bang:

Posté : 06 nov. 2012, 20:14
par Nathagnôle
MERCI MEC!!!!!!!

Posté : 06 nov. 2012, 20:58
par olivier64

Posté : 27 févr. 2014, 23:58
par olivier64
Le tout premier concert de CELTIC FROST en 1985 :

:bang: :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang:

et en bonus, un concert de 1987, a priori incomplet mais en excellente qualité, j'ai trouvé le lien sur le forum TRIPTYKON, et Tom G. Warrior n'a rien dit contre, donc je le poste ici sans souci : ... Enjoy !

Posté : 28 févr. 2014, 11:52
par Yathin Lizzy


Posté : 09 oct. 2015, 19:36
par Mr. Sandman
Une compilation tribute sortira en LP le mois prochain.
Avec du Phil Anselmo dedans.
Next month, Corpse Flower Records will unveil Morbid Tales: A Tribute To Celtic Frost, a maniacal 12″ compilation featuring the likes of Persekutor, Acid Witch, Temple Of Void, Municipal Waste, Hayward featuring Scott Kelly and Jason Roeder of Neurosis, Evoken and Coffin’s Slave featuring Scott Carlson of Repulsion all paying tribute to one of extreme metal’s most influential acts.

In advance of its release, today Decibel Magazine is pleased to unveil a diseased rendition of “The Usurper” from Celtic Frost’s To Mega Therion as performed by art rock eccentrics CHILD BITE with PHILIP H. ANSELMO (Down, Superjoint, Pantera, Housecore Records et al). ... he-usurper
