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Adagio - Life

Posté : 08 sept. 2011, 00:35
par Everflow
C'est l'excellent américain Kelly Carpenter (ex-Beyond Twilight, ex-Outworld) qui sera le nouveau chanteur des français.
commented Kelly:

Firstly, let me say how excited I am to join Adagio and proud to be part of such a talented line-up!
I have been a fan of the band since hearing first their album ”Sanctus Ignis”. Stephan and I have been in contact for quite some time and have discussed the possibility of me joining on a few occasions but until now it’s been geographically impossible to make it happen. He and I have both remarked that it was “meant to be” and after singing for the band on their tour of Japan it was clear that we all had a great sound and chemistry together.
I traveled to France recently to record a few demo tracks and begin working with the band on the upcoming…what can I say? kills!
So… I big salute to all of the fans out there…I’m honored and determined to help bring you the darkness, beauty and power that is Adagio!!

commented Stéphan:

We are immensely happy to announce that Kelly has officialy joined Adagio! We toured together in Japan in 2007 and from that very moment, we all knew that he WAS the singer of Adagio. He is surely one of the most impressive Metal singers out there today, we had fun like hell in Japan together, and if wasn't enough, we share the exact same taste for dark and progressive stuff ...Kelly was the missing link to the perfect line up. Unfortunately, due to the fact that he was living in Texas, it has been impossible to make it happen. Eventually, a couple of months after the tour we did with Kamelot last year, Kelly sent me an email saying he was now living...In Belgium !! Which made the five of us sure of one thing, Adagio had now the ultimate line-up !! We’ve already recorded 4 songs together, it sounds fuckin awesome, and we’re now ready to bring you guys back the Underworld.

Posté : 08 sept. 2011, 09:04
par Blackout
Han ça c'est une super nouvelle :D
Je suis étonnée qu'ils n'aient pas pris un "français" :up:

Posté : 08 sept. 2011, 09:21
par chevelu
Ca tourne beaucoup les chanteurs chez eux. Ils n'ont quasiment jamais eu de chanteurs français non ? Peut-être sur le premier album et encore je ne suis pas sur.

Posté : 08 sept. 2011, 10:37
par Blackout
chevelu a écrit :Ca tourne beaucoup les chanteurs chez eux. Ils n'ont quasiment jamais eu de chanteurs français non ? Peut-être sur le premier album et encore je ne suis pas sur.
Bah d'après ce qu'ils en disaient eux mêmes (d'après une connaissance à moi qui les connait) ils avaient l'intention de prendre un français, donc c'est surtout la dessus que je suis étonnée, et non de façon générale :D

Posté : 08 sept. 2011, 10:48
par Pierre
Leur premier chanteur était David Readman de Pink Cream 69. Effectivement, le groupe n'a jamais eu de chanteurs français. En tout cas, le recrutement de Carpenter est un bon choix :up:

Posté : 08 sept. 2011, 10:58
par ominergy
+1, j'avais un peu oublié le groupe mais l'annonce de cette collaboration me fera à coup sûr jeter une oreille sur le prochain album :oui: !

Posté : 08 avr. 2016, 16:56
par Mr. Sandman
Le groupe commence de nouveau à faire parler de lui en ayant recruté une violoniste et annoncé un nouvel album pour l'automne 2016.

Mais pas d'infos quant au chanteur (ou même batteur) du groupe puisque Kelly Carpenter est parti.

Posté : 08 avr. 2016, 21:29
par Polochon
Le batteur (Eric Lebailly?) a quitté le groupe?

Sinon "les esprits" ont posté une vidéo sur Facebook:

Posté : 12 déc. 2016, 00:30
par Everflow
Un titre est dispo en ligne, mix non définitif, mais résultat intéressant :
French melodic metallers ADAGIO will release their fifth full-length album, "Life", in the spring. The disc will mark the band's first release in seven years.

"The impetus behind the band's dormancy spanning almost a decade was our commitment to doing justice to our material," says guitarist Stéphan Forté. "To release the album in an incomplete or premature state would be a disservice to the music, the band, and most of all, to the fans."

With "Life", ADAGIO pushes the experience past just music, plunging the listener into a powerful introspective experience. Stéphan says: "Fear, joy, sorrow, love, pain, ecstasy... What if we could visit each of these emotions like exhibits in a museum? 'Life' takes you on contemplative journey, exploring the complex yet beautiful contortions of the subconscious mind." Each track is like a portrait in a gallery giving the audience a glimpse into the minds of the band members.

Stylistically, "Life" brings ADAGIO back to their progressive roots while expanding their musical boundaries. From the heavy "Subrahmanya", which is available as the first single now, and which combines traditional eastern ethnic and djent influences, to the dark and mesmerizing "I'll Possess You", "Life" is an epic canvas of atmospheres which will take the listener back to the ethereal places they had once visited but never managed to find again.

This album features several lineup changes for ADAGIO. "Life" marks the return of singer Kelly "Sundown" Carpenter, who had previously handled vocals for the band in a live situation. It also brings us the new addition violinist Mayline, adding new ethnic textures and dimensions to the band's sound.

"Life" will be released worldwide through Zeta Nemesis, funded through a highly successful crowdfunding campaign. "The crowdfunding campaign was a great accomplishment for us; we're incredibly thankful that our fans had such great faith in us, even after our long absence from the scene," Stéphan says. "This organic grassroots process has yielded the purest results and we are confident that this release will be heralded as the band's finest effort yet."

ADAGIO 2016 is:

Kelly Sundown - Vocals
Stéphan Forté - Guitar
Franck Hermanny - Bass
Kevin Codfert - Keyboards
Guillaume Bergiron - Drums
Mayline - Violin

Posté : 04 juin 2017, 18:45
par Mr. Sandman

Posté : 06 juin 2017, 00:19
par Everflow
Avec ce chanteur ça se rapproche de Beyond Twilight (en moins barré), je préfère ça au néoclassique. :mad:

Posté : 31 juil. 2017, 01:12
par Everflow
L'album complet!

Posté : 31 juil. 2017, 09:36
par Big Henry
J'ai justement écouté l'album samedi je crois. J'étais pas trop motivé parce que perso quand ils me parlent tous de djent j'ai un peu tendance à m'enfuir mais bon...ça passe plutôt bien.
Pas encore assez écouté pour avoir un avis tranché mais je vais approfondir dès que possible, il a l'air intéressant cet alboum!