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dernier album de Dokken : Broken Bones

Posté : 25 nov. 2011, 12:37
par Pierre
Ca sortira chez Frontiers au printemps :)
Frontiers Records is excited to announce the signing of Dokken for the worldwide release of the band's forthcoming studio album in the spring of 2012.
The cooperation between Frontiers and Dokken started with the release of the band's CD Lightning Strikes Again in 2007. The album marked a return to Dokken's signature style with melodic hooklines and blazing guitar riffs that epitomized the band's sound on such records as Tooth & Nail, Under Lock & Key, Back for the Attack and Dysfunctional.
"So far we have written 10 songs in only 8 weeks." says singer Don Dokken. "Usually we spend a year or more on our music. I can't explain why this time it came so fast, it just happened. So far the music is very uptempo and heavy, of course we know our fans like the classic Dokken sound and this is where our new music is headed. It's been a band of brothers doing what we love: 'music'".
Dokken plans to finish their new recording by the end of February and go out on the road in June. In a perfect world we would like to release the new album before the summer and then play the festivals in Europe. "Then hopefully we can jump on a package tour in the US", tells Don Dokken. "We want to give everyone a great CD that will keep all music fans Rokkin' during these troubled times!"
Dokken is now formed by Don Dokken on lead vocals, Jon Levin on guitar, Sean McNabb on bass and Mick Brown on drums.
Formed in 1978, Dokken is one of the bands that defined the American Hard Rock trademark sound of the 80's. They have been nominated for a Grammy Award in 1989 and sold more than 10 million albums worldwide. Their next album will be their 11th original studio release.
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Posté : 25 nov. 2011, 17:44
par houguerr
C'est une bonne nouvelle ou pas ? :D

Posté : 25 nov. 2011, 22:18
par steelprophet
bonne nouvelle pour moi en tout cas ;) j'ai adoré ''Lightning Strikes Again'' et si ils peuvent égaler sa qualité je suis preneur ! :up:

Posté : 26 nov. 2011, 08:50
par houguerr
je ne connais que quelques morceaux de Dokken , je les aime bien , mais , je ne connaissait pas la qualité de leur dernière galette . Donc si elle est bien celle ci peut être bien ! espérons le en tout cas . :D

Posté : 26 nov. 2011, 14:37
par steelprophet
houguerr a écrit :je ne connais que quelques morceaux de Dokken , je les aime bien , mais , je ne connaissait pas la qualité de leur dernière galette . Donc si elle est bien celle ci peut être bien ! espérons le en tout cas . :D
des 3 derniers albums,je trouve que c'est le dernier ''Lightning Strikes Again'' qui remonte bien la pente,il est plus ''heavy'' que les 2 précédents qui contenaient pas mal de morceaux mous et de ballades.Heureusement Don Dokken a sorti un album de ballades et s'est mieux consacré aux morceaux hard pour le groupe DOKKEN. :oui:

Posté : 26 nov. 2011, 14:57
par houguerr
Heureusement !!

Posté : 09 mai 2012, 00:03
par Everflow

Posté : 09 mai 2012, 00:19
par Gaëtan
Oh merde... laideur de la mocheté... :euh:

Posté : 09 mai 2012, 05:09
Puique je suis sur un topic DOKKEN, y aurait-il un Defender pour me conseiller? Je n'ai que le "Beast from the East" (eh oui...). Chez mon disquaire, j'ai vu "Hell to Pay", et un autre, avec une jeune fille sur la pochette. Sont-ils bons? Que me conseillez-vous? Thanks .

Posté : 09 mai 2012, 11:56
par Dark Schneider
Dokken c'est avant tout les quatre premiers albums. J'ai une préférence pour Tooth and Nail (en raison de son title track et son solo de fou, et le morceau "into the fire"). Under lock and key est également très bon (souvent considéré comme le meilleur). J'aime déjà moins Back for attack, un peu longuet bien que très chiadé. Le reste ne m'a pas marqué...c'est sympathique mais sans étincelles. Pour moi, DOKKEN c'est avec Georges Lynch.

Posté : 09 mai 2012, 12:11
Merci beaucoup, Dark Schneider, pour ces reneignements. Justement, j'adore le jeu de George Lynch. C'est noté ! :up:

Posté : 09 mai 2012, 12:14
par heavy76
Je confirme pour les premiers albums du groupe mais le dernier, "lightning strikes again", est, pour moi, excellent. On pourrait croire que c'est Georges Lynch à la gratte!

Posté : 09 mai 2012, 12:20
par Yathin Lizzy
Everflow a écrit :Image
Ok, j'ai pigé, pour se faire plus de fric Rock And Rolf a vendu de ce qui aurait du être la pochette de leur nouvel album à Dokken/

Posté : 09 mai 2012, 12:24
par Yathin Lizzy
Dark Schneider a écrit :Dokken c'est avant tout les quatre premiers albums. J'ai une préférence pour Tooth and Nail (en raison de son title track et son solo de fou, et le morceau "into the fire"). Under lock and key est également très bon (souvent considéré comme le meilleur). J'aime déjà moins Back for attack, un peu longuet bien que très chiadé. Le reste ne m'a pas marqué...c'est sympathique mais sans étincelles. Pour moi, DOKKEN c'est avec Georges Lynch.
Under lock je l'ai toujours trouvé trop lisse niveau prod, bien qu'amateur de Fm.

Sinon pareil, je suis pas un inconditionnel de ce qui a suivi Back for the Attack.

Par contre l'album solo de Don Dokken enregistré en 90 avec un super line up (John Norum, Peter Baltes et Mikkey Dee) tient franchement la route.

Posté : 02 sept. 2012, 17:14
par Everflow
Des extraits de tous les titres ici :


Posté : 05 sept. 2012, 13:28
par cillian
Je suis désolé, mais j'accroche pas. Je continue d'écouter les vieux titres avec autant de bonheur (standing in the shadows, dream warrior,...) mais là, je ne retrouve pas des titres de cette qualité.....:(

Posté : 07 oct. 2012, 01:53
par Everflow
Cela sera le dernier album du groupe!
Don Dokken veut passer à autre chose, il a d'autres projets musicaux. You have said that people should not listen to [the new DOKKEN album] "Broken Bones" once, but to listen to it twice.

Don: Yeah, if you listen to it once, you won't grasp the gravity of what we were trying to accomplish. The second time you realize that all of the songs are kind of different and they have their own flavor and their own vibe, their own groove. It's not just nine songs the same old thing. I really worked hard. Jon [Levin, guitar] and I spent eleven months and wrote over thirty songs. Some of these songs we rewrote three and four and five times. I really pushed myself on this one. It's our last CD so I said, this has to be it. I want everything to be stellar. Why is this your last DOKKEN CD?

Don: I want to do other projects. I want to do other things. I think I've said what I had to say in the DOKKEN style of music and I want to stretch out a little bit and do other things. Some musicians don't want to leave their comfort zone.

Don: No, I'm the opposite. I always want to try something different. I'm going to start working on an album with Michael Schenker. It's going to be fun. He's a great guy and he put out a few acoustic CDs. I saw him last month in Bulgaria and he says, "Don, we've always been talking about doing an acoustic record." And I said, "Yeah." So he gave me a couple of his albums that are just instrumental and I said, "Why don't I take them home and see if I can write lyrics and sing over the songs?" And it's coming out really great. It's not rock, it's a kind of chill record. When all the things were happening between you and [former DOKKEN guitarist] George Lynch, with the turmoil and the tension, did you ever think about giving up on this business and just saying, "I'm done. I'm tired of all this fighting"?

Don: No. I mean, I just thought, I'm done, I'm tired of playing with George. Because here we were at the top of our careers, we're becoming superstars, and every day we should've been kissing the ground and saying, "Thank you, God, for this blessing that we've been so lucky to have a successful career and you've got one guy in the band that's like completely always trying to make it unpleasant and miserable." It was really sad, you know. He ruined my dream because he just complained constantly. I think it was just his personality. Some people thrive on misery and I don't. And that was our big problem, with George and I. So yeah, when I broke the band up in 1988, I said, "I just can't take it anymore." We're doing great, we're playing stadiums, hundred thousand people a day, and every day there's a problem, every day there's complaining, every day there is drugs and arguments and it just made it a really unpleasant experience. It's kind of sad. How long have you been playing with Jon Levin?

Don: Ten years. Jon is an angel. We get along great. That's why he's been in the band ten years. Who would have thought my attorney would become my guitar player? And we get along. I think it helped cause him and I would just sit down and he'd play a solo and I'd say, "That's great, that's great, and how about this little part here? I think you can do it better." It was a very positive creative experience. You know, he'll tell you, I used to make him really nervous on the first couple of records 'cause he hadn't played in years. After [playing with] Doro Pesch, he'd become an attorney and he said, "You made me nervous." Reb Beach once said, "I love playing in DOKKEN, but I wouldn't want to make another record with them," because I'm too intense in the studio. And I said, "Yeah, Reb, but you came out of it a better guitar player." I'm very intense when it comes to making music. To me, it's passion and if the song's good then I don't like it. It's got to be great. And that's the way you've always been?

Don: Oh yeah. I mean, we thought we had six songs done. We wrote six more then went back to the first six and I said, we can make these songs better. And we did. And it's hard, but it had to be done.

Posté : 08 déc. 2012, 00:20
par Everflow
Interview où il raconte être libéré, et tacle au passage T&N, le groupe des ex-Dokken : ... much-more/

Posté : 10 nov. 2014, 10:20
par Mr. Sandman
Changement de bassiste, Sean McNabb est remplacé par... Mark Boals (Labÿrinth, Ring of Fire, Dio Disciples, Holy Force, ex-Iron Mask, ex-Royal Hunt, ex-Yngwie Malmsteen, etc.) !

Posté : 10 nov. 2014, 16:44
par Everflow
'tain maintenant Mark Boals fait même des remplacements à la basse, c'est vraiment le Dieu vivant de l'intérim :lol: :crazy:

Posté : 10 nov. 2014, 18:43
par steelprophet
Everflow a écrit :'tain maintenant Mark Boals fait même des remplacements à la basse, c'est vraiment le Dieu vivant de l'intérim :lol: :crazy:
Ce n'est pas pour ces talents de bassistes mais bien pour son chant...c'est lui qui va faire les parties de chants aiguës que don ne peut plus faire...

Posté : 10 nov. 2014, 21:05
par Yathin Lizzy
Ah ben voilà ils peuvent enfin virer don dokken maintenant !