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Great White / Jack Russell

Posté : 18 mai 2006, 18:51
par lelite
Je crée un topic pour rendre hommage à ce groupe qui a marqué les 90's avec son Heavy Rock teinté bluesy ; Que deviennent t'ils ? depuis l'incendie d'un bar en 2002 dans lequel ils jouaient , du aux effets pyrotechniques . Ils devaient reprendre après un arret d'activité, du au procès et par respect des familles touchées par ce drame. Si vous avez des infos ...
En attendant, voici un clip d'un excellent titre 'Rock me" pour l'illustrer :rock:

Posté : 18 mai 2006, 19:18
par Everflow
Ils veulent refaire des albums d'après ce que j'ai lu y'a quelques temps, mais je sais pas si c'est encore d'actualité...

Posté : 18 mai 2006, 22:47
par Cardinal-Sin
oui il y a une news de Jack Russell récente qui parle d'un nouvel album avec le line up du début des années 90s tony montana, tout ça quoi... à suivre quoi

Posté : 19 mai 2006, 12:21
oui ils devraient remettre le couvert, tant mieux j'aime beaucoup ce groupe même si en studio je leur reprocherais un leger manque de punch

Posté : 19 mai 2006, 13:45
par AdrieN
great white, je ne connais pas beacoup de chansons, mais c'est bien énorme.
stick it est une de mes préférées. :rock:

Posté : 20 mai 2006, 00:57
par Pantoufle
Great White :,(

" Rock me " :rock: de l' album "Once Bitten" en 87 ( p'tain ça me rajeunit pas ) superbe album de Heavy Rock/ bluesiffiant .

Posté : 20 mai 2006, 10:29
par Looner
Leur ancien manager vient d'être condamné pour l'incendie : 4 ans de prison.


Posté : 01 juin 2007, 19:24
par Yathin Lizzy
.... revient avec un nouvel album!
Back to the rythm

Des extraits ici:

Frontiers Records has set an August 31 European release date ror the new album from the reunited original lineup of GREAT WHITE, entitled "Back to the Rhythm". The CD will be issued in a lavish digipack edition on with the following track listing:

01. Back to the Rhythm
02. Here Goes My Head Again
03. Take Me Down
04. Play On
05. Was It the Night
06. I'm Alive
07. Still Hungry
08. Standin' on the Edge
09. How Far is Heaven
10. Neighborhood
11. 30 Days in the Hole (European bonus track)
12. Just Yesterday

Shrapnel will release the album in the U.S.

Check out audio samples at this location.

Since reuniting in January 2007 to perform at a benefit concert, the original lineup of Southern California's GREAT WHITE has moved forward and hit the studio for its first album in eight years. "It's just like old times," states lead singer Jack Russell. "There's a bond that forms between people that is very special. I've missed my friends."

To commemorate GREAT WHITE's 25th anniversary, original members Russell, Mark Kendall (lead guitar), Audie Desbrow (drums), Michael Lardie (guitar, keyboards) and Sean McNabb (bass) have been in studio the last few months writing and recording. The group's new CD, "Back to the Rhythm", was mixed, produced, and engineered by Michael Lardie with all members contributing to to the final mix.

"The new songs sound fresh to me — very GREAT WHITE, but with an approach of what we sound like in a live performance situation," explains Lardie. "Kendall and I are having fun channeling our STONES roots and playing off each other in the Richards/Woods tradition."

With it being the band's anniversary year, GREAT WHITE is once again ready to rock all summer long. The band will hit the road for summer shows nationwide to support "Back to the Rhythm" (Shrapnel Records).

The Southern California blues-rock band first took a bite out of the rock scene in 1984 and has since achieved worldwide success, amassing sales of over six million records. They received a Grammy Award nomination for "Best Hard Rock Performance" for the song "Once Bitten, Twice Shy" and earned a double-platinum certification for the album "…Twice Shy".

The late '80s were boom years for the band, marked by non-stop touring with some of the biggest bands of the era and playing also in Europe and Japan. GREAT WHITE recorded two more albums for Capitol — "Hooked", which was certified gold, and "Psycho City".

Although Capitol issued a "best-of" compilation in 1993, GREAT WHITE had already left the label to begin work on its next studio release, "Sail Away", released on Zoo Records in 1994. "Let It Rock" followed in 1996.

GREAT WHITE then signed with Portrait Records, an imprint founded by A&R guru John Kalodner that featured fellow hard rock acts such as RATT. "Can't Get There from Here" was released in 1999 and is the band's last studio opus thus far.

Posté : 01 juin 2007, 21:43
par Miki
Génial ! Je suis mega-fan de ce groupe ! J'ai hâte d'entendre ça !

Posté : 02 juin 2007, 00:46
par NicoGan
Pour une bonne nouvelle :rock:

Posté : 02 juin 2007, 22:59
par weik
Ganash a écrit :Pour une bonne nouvelle :rock:
... c'est une bonne nouvelle :D

J'adore aussi ce groupe :tata: :tata: :tata:

Rock Me ! Rock Me Noooooooooowwwww !!!!!

Great White-Rising

Posté : 13 févr. 2009, 17:53
par Mr. Sandman
Veteran California rockers GREAT WHITE will release their new album, "Rising", in Europe on March 13 via Frontiers Records.

"Rising" track listing:

01. Situation
02. All Or Nothin'
03. I Don't Mind
04. Shine
05. Loveless
06. Is It Enough
07. Last Chance
08. Danger Zone
09. Down On The Level
10. Only You Can Do
11. My Sanctuary
12. Let's Spend The Night Together (European bonus track)


des samples:

Posté : 13 févr. 2009, 18:03
par NicoGan
'tain mais la pochette moisie :lol: :lol:

Posté : 13 févr. 2009, 18:51
par True Belief
Wouah ils sont toujours là ? chapeau ! et superbe pochette aussi ! :lol:

Posté : 14 févr. 2009, 02:54
par Gaëtan
Ganash a écrit :'tain mais la pochette moisie :lol: :lol:
Clair que ce serait moins récent, ce serait culte !!!! :lol: :lol: :D :D
Là c'est juste nul... :D

Posté : 15 févr. 2009, 22:40
par danymite
Y' a mieux comme pochette, espèrons que l' album soit Mieux ... :D :lol:

Posté : 15 févr. 2009, 22:45
par Krabathora
Je ne suis pas fan du groupe, mais qu'est-ce que vous reprochez à la pochette ?
Franchement, elle tue :up:

Posté : 15 févr. 2009, 23:41
par steelprophet
c'est a se demander si c'est le même artiste qui avait cette horreur:

musicalement,si c'est dans la lignée du précédent(moins hard, +rock n roll)je passerais mon chemin.

Posté : 20 avr. 2009, 21:42
par Everflow

Posté : 30 août 2010, 20:45
par Everflow
Pendant que Jack Russell se fait opérer de l'intestin, c'est Jani Lane l'ancien chanteur de WARRANT qui le remplace.
According to Everything Jani Lane, former WARRANT vocalist Jani Lane will fill in for GREAT WHITE frontman Jack Russell while Jack is recovering from major surgery after suffering a perforated bowel (a medical emergency in which a hole in the bowel opens to allow its contents to empty into the rest of the abdominal cavity). "I consider it an honor and a privilege!" says Lane.

Posté : 10 nov. 2010, 01:15
par Everflow
Leur guitariste explique que ce sont les abus qui ont mené à ces problèmes de santé de Jack Russell :
Marko Syrjälä of recently conducted an interview with GREAT WHITE guitarist Mark Kendall. An excerpt from the chat follow below. What is going on with GREAT WHITE at the moment?

Kendall: Well, our singer Jack [Russell] got really sick. He got, I guess it's called a perforated bowel, which is in the large intestines. He had to have surgery and we had about 15 shows left and out managers were talking to the promoters and we talked about getting a fill-in singer, so we got Terry Ilous who is from XYZ. We just wanted to fulfill our obligations and not cancel on everyone where the shows were booked already. We just had a few shows left, we'd done about 70 shows this year and we have about 15 to go. So a lot of the promoters are saying, "That's fine, Terry Ilous" at first…and then another promoter goes, "That name is not big enough." Our manager manages Jani Lane from WARRANT and he wasn't doing anything, so he goes, "What about Jani Lane?" So he [the promoter] goes, "OK, that's a bigger name so OK, we'll take Jani Lane." So we went and rehearsed with Jani and he did a great job. Can't hesitate to ask… is Jani Lani actually any bigger of a name than Terry Ilous, actually...and how you ended up doing this Sweden show with Paul Shortino on vocals?

Kendall: Well, I don't know… it is according to him [the promoter]. We like Jani, you know…. and Terry, I think he brought a little bit more, more of his own thing, instead of just singing the songs perfectly. He did them right but put his own touch on it. It was just fun; he really knows how to put on a good show. So we were really loving that, but the promoter was still like, "Jani Lane is a bigger name." So we said, "Fine," and we went and did two shows in Texas last week with him. He did great, he sang fine, he did the songs verbatim just like Jack, note for note. So then, we're going to Sweden and they don't want Jani or Terry (laughs). So somehow the name Paul Shortino came up and they go, "Oh, yeah, we love Paul Shortino and he's never been here before…" and I guess ROUGH CUTT is known more in Europe or something, I dunno. But I know Paul from years ago and we're friends so we called him up and he came up from Las Vegas and we jammed. He learned the songs and stuff and came and jammed for one day. This was a lot of information for the guy, you know. So he got through it but the others guys were, I think were…and nothing against Paul, he's a great guy and I love him and he has a great blues voice, but the other guys were a lot more prepared and they really handled it and got the crowd crazy and it was just smoother. So we're just finishing this and waiting for Jack to get well. The last we heard, it was gonna be at least eight weeks and it could be longer, so we're just hoping he has a speedy recovery so we can get back on board next year and we want to make a new record. Well, about Jack's state of health, there are some rumors with people saying that he might be out for one year or two years or even forever. How do you see the situation with him at the moment?

Kendall: Well, you know, I think it's up to him. There has been a lot of self-abuse over the years. His addictions are no secret, along with mine. I've been an alcoholic my whole life, but I was able to go through enough pain before I did too much damage to myself and then got away from it. I had 11 years of sobriety and I had one slip and it was only like two days, then I was right back in the program. I just lost my head and threw an excuse in the air to drink and immediately realized that no, this ain't working. Gotta get back in the program. Some people, some of the addicts I've met, they don't have a bottom. Death is their bottom sometimes. I've done everything I can to help Jack but I'm just praying that this is enough for him. So you're saying this is like the last chance for him …

Kendall: You see, he's taken a drug over the years called…. it's a steroid, it's a…what do you call it…it's for the voice... prednisone. It's OK to take a little bit of it, maybe on the fourth show where maybe your voice is rough so you just take a small amount. But he's been abusive with it over the years and it does a lot of damage. I kind of [did] a quick study on it. I went on the Internet asking about side effects and almost everything that is wrong with him stems from this drug. It's all the side effects like weak bones — I mean, if the guy falls down, he gets like 13 breaks in the leg. His bones are brittle… and now it's starting to attack his organs. Then he takes other medication for pain, so that becomes a rut, because he's an addict. He takes pills that would make you and I fall down, but when he falls down, because of his brittle bones… you know what I mean. So now he's got this damage, this stuff attacks your pancreas, your intestines, all kinds of stuff… and now that's starting to happen. So we're just hoping that this is his bottom, and that he does get well. He's admitted that this is the reason, that's a good start. So we're finishing out our obligations for these shows and then we'll see where we are at next year and how he's doing and if it looks like he's coming back. He seems to be optimistic and he wants to get better so time will only tell if he's going to get sober, get well, get skinny, and go out and be the rock god that he is or is he gonna become this other guy that just lays there ill. I don't understand. Like I said, addicts are different. Some need to die before they get it. Some get it sooner. Hopefully this is enough for him to wake up and change his life because that's what we're hoping for.

Posté : 10 nov. 2010, 10:27
par ominergy
Choix étonnant que celui de Jani Lane (enfin choix du management) j'ai du mal à l'imaginer chanter "rock me"ou "old rose motel"...Terry Illous me semblait effectivement mieux adapté pour le job.

Great White 2 (Jack Russell)

Posté : 13 déc. 2011, 21:40
par Everflow
Jack Russell a décidé de lancer sa propre version de Great White, entrainant une situation similaire à celle de LA Guns :lol:
GREAT WHITE singer Jack Russell has released the following statement:

"To all my friends:

Just wanted to announce that I will be coming back with my band, GREAT WHITE, and a BRAND NEW lineup.

"My new bandmates are some of the most incredible musicians I have ever had the privilege to play with: Matthew Johnson, former guitarist for GREAT WHITE; Derrick Pontier, former drummer for GREAT WHITE; Dario Seixas, former bassist for FIREHOUSE and the Stephen Pearcy band; and Robby Lochner, former guitarist for Rob Halford's band and Cherie Currie.

"I am very excited about this new beginning.

"I am feeling better than ever, despite any rumors you may hear to the contrary.

"Unfortunately, and as confusing as it will be, my former bandmates and their manager have decided to continue to tour next year under the name I created, GREAT WHITE. I will be touring under the name GREAT WHITE FEATURING JACK RUSSELL to try avoid any confusion.

"So now the true fans will know the difference.

"I will be announcing tour dates as soon as they become available.

"Our first performance will be at the pre-NAMM Jam on January 14, 2012. Only shows advertised as GREAT WHITE FEATURING JACK RUSSELL will include myself on vocals.

"I have missed all of you terribly and look forward to seeing you all on the road. You have no idea how much your love and devotion has meant to me during what has been one of the hardest periods of my life.

"Happy holidays! Much peace and love to you and your families. Have a blessed New Year.

"Yours, as always, Jack Russell, founder and lead vocalist, GREAT WHITE

"P.S.: JACK IS BACK!!!!!!!!"

Posté : 13 déc. 2011, 21:46
par PE
Ridicule d'avoir 2 Great Whites, quand on se rappelle qu'après le drame de Rhode Island, ils affirmaient qu'il valait mieux remiser le nom, par respect pour les victimes...

Posté : 13 déc. 2011, 21:53
par Tony Le Pouilleux
Dit-il avant d'annoncer son P-E's Heavenly! :diable: :cherchezpas: