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Sodom - Epitome Of Torture

Posté : 22 janv. 2013, 18:39
par Psyko Killer
- New album coming in April 2013 - album title revealed -

As brutal as the production of Waldemar Sorychta is the diverse songwriting on the new studio album "Epitome Of Torture", a kind of tour de force through the whole history of thrash metal, featuring harsh arrangements, melodic solos and raging vocal attacks.

"Epitome Of Torture" will be released in Germany on April 26th, in Europe on April 29th and in the US/Canada on May 7th through SPV / Steamhammer and will be available in four editions: as a jewel case release, in a digipak and double gatefold LP with coloured vinyl and download.

Stay tuned for more infos coming soon!

Posté : 22 janv. 2013, 22:37
par Tony Le Pouilleux
En espérant qu'il sont plus comme l'éponyme que le dernier.

Posté : 07 févr. 2013, 18:25
par Psyko Killer
New album out in April 2013
Different Formats: DigiPak, Jewelcase, Double-LP & Download

Germany’s most eminent thrash metal band SODOM have announced the arrival of their new studio album Epitome Of Torture on 29 April 2013 (Germany: 26 April 2013, US: 7 May 2013). In recent months, vocalist/bassist Tom Angelripper, guitarist Bernemann and their new drummer Markus “Makka” Freiwald recorded a total of twelve new tracks (plus a Motörhead cover) which present Sodom as more diverse and multi-faceted than ever. “Epitome Of Torture features not only your typical Sodom fare, but also two or three numbers which are slightly more moderate and melodic than what people have come to expect from us,” Tom Angelripper explains, “so wait and see!”

Epitome Of Torture was produced by Waldemar Sorychta, whose expertise as a sound engineer and audio magician thoroughly benefitted Sodom’s 2010 release In War And Pieces. Tom Angelripper: “Waldemar is a true authority. He doesn’t let you get away with anything, he knows all our weak spots. Which occasionally makes working at the studio a little demanding, but at the end of the day it’s all worthwhile, as the result shows.” The Sodom frontman describes the sound on Epitome Of Torture as “hard-as-nails and contemporary, without ignoring our tried-and-tested old-school attitude.”

The new album will be available in four different formats: as a limited-edition DigiPak including two bonus tracks and a poster, in a regular jewel case, as a double gatefold vinyl including three bonus tracks and for download. The cover artwork featuring Sodom‘s popular “Knarrenheinz” logo was developed by graphic designer Meran Karanitant, who has caused a stir with his work for Six Feet Under, Hatebreed and Dimmu Borgir, among others.

There will also be a video clip to support Epitome Of Torture: together with the ROAX team (Sodom: Lords of Depravity Vol 1+2, Volbeat, The BossHoss, W:O:A – to name but a few), Sodom are about to start shooting a video for their new album song ‘Stigmatized’ in Berlin. “Sodom haven’t had an official video clip for some time, so it’s about time we did one,” Tom Angelripper confesses. “That’s why the mini film will be uncompromising, a shocking clip which our fans can look forward to!”

Posté : 10 févr. 2013, 15:33
par Everflow

Posté : 26 févr. 2013, 13:35
par Psyko Killer
SODOM - cover and tracklisting for new album revealed!

“The devil is in the detail,” as the old saying goes. Translated to Sodom vocalist/bassist Tom Angelripper’s sharp-tongued and highly critical powers of observation, you might also say: the worst perversions often hide behind seemingly harmless terms. What are we referring to? For example to ‘Katjuscha’, one of twelve hard-as-nails songs which Sodom present on their latest studio album, Epitome Of Torture. After all, Sodom’s ‘Katjuscha’ has little to do with the same-named folk song by Mikhail Isakovsky, but is about the Russian rocket launcher which has been responsible for death and destruction thousandfold. “The Katjuscha has been produced since World War II and is still used today,” the Sodom frontman explains. “It’s been responsible for the death of more people than Stalin’s organ. To name such a deadly weapon after a girl is as grotesque as giving the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima the code name ‘Little Boy’.” It’s obvious that Sodom 2013 haven’t changed their scornful view of the world, presenting an album in Epitome Of Torture that is as uncompromising as ever in musical as well as lyrical terms. “Unfortunately there’s still plenty of inspiration for angry lyrics around,” says Angelripper.

The bitter thrash metal attack ‘Waterboarding’, which deals with torture methods, fits perfectly into this context. “It always surprises me how inventive – in the most negative sense of the word – people can be when it comes to torturing others,” states the vocalist, who recorded Epitome Of Torture together with guitarist Bernemann and new drummer Markus “Makka” Freiwald. “At the same time, Epitome Of Torture features not only typical Sodom numbers, like the title track, our new hit ‘S.O.D.O.M.’ and ‘Stigmatized’, the toughest Sodom number in ages, but also two or three recordings which are slightly more moderate and melodic than what people have come to expect from us,” Tom Angelripper points out. He is referring to songs such as ‘Cannibal’ and ‘Tracing The Victim’, which allow guitarist Bernemann to present his impressive musical skills, as well as ‘Into The Skies Of War’, on which Angelripper allowed himself to be inspired by icons such as Motörhead and Tank: “Luckily, it’s impossible to hide my influences.”

Epitome Of Torture was produced by Waldemar Sorychta, whose expertise as a sound engineer and audio magician thoroughly benefitted Sodom’s 2010 release In War And Pieces. Tom Angelripper: “Waldemar is an exceptional producer, who always succeeds in evening out an artistŽs weak spot and promoting his strengths. He doesn’t let you get away with anything, he knows all our weak spots. Which occasionally makes working at the studio a little demanding, but at the end of the day it’s all worthwhile, as the result shows.” The Sodom frontman describes the sound on Epitome Of Torture as “hard-as-nails and contemporary, without ignoring our tried-and-tested old-school attitude.”

The new album will be available worldwide through SPV/Steamhammer in four different formats: as a limited-edition DigiPak including two bonus tracks and a poster, in a regular jewel case, as a double gatefold colored vinyl with three bonus tracks and for download. The cover artwork featuring Sodom‘s popular “Knarrenheinz”logo was developed by graphic designer Meran Karanitant, who has caused a stir with his work for Six Feet Under, Hatebreed and Dimmu Borgir, among others.

Release Dates are: Germany April 26th, Europe April 29th and US/Canada May 7th!


Limited Edition Digipak:

1. My Final Bullet 04:40
2. S.O.D.O.M. 03:46
3. Epitome Of Torture 03:31
4. Stigmatized 02:56
5. Cannibal 04:19
6. Shoot Today – Kill Tomorrow 04:01
7. Invocating The Demons 04:25
8. Katjuscha 03:43
9. Into The Skies Of War 03:51
10. Tracing The Victim 04:46
11. Waterboarding 05:06 (bonus track)
12. Splitting The Atom 04:28 (bonus track)

Jewel Case:

1. My Final Bullet 04:40
2. S.O.D.O.M. 03:46
3. Epitome Of Torture 03:31
4. Stigmatized 02:56
5. Cannibal 04:19
6. Shoot Today – Kill Tomorrow 04:01
7. Invocating The Demons 04:25
8. Katjuscha 03:43
9. Into The Skies Of War 03:51
10. Tracing The Victim 04:46

2LP (coloured vinyl):

LP 1

Side 1
1. My Final Bullet 04:40
2. S.O.D.O.M. 03:46
3. Epitome Of Torture 03:31

Side 2
1. Stigmatized 02:56
2. Cannibal 04:19
3. Shoot Today – Kill Tomorrow 04:01

LP 2

Side 1
1. Invocating The Demons 04:25
2. Katjuscha 03:43
3. Into The Skies Of War 03:51

Side 2
1. Tracing The Victim 04:46
2. Waterboarding 05:06 (bonus track)
3. Splitting The Atom 04:28 (bonus track)
4. Ace Of Spades 02:36 (bonus track)

Pas fan au départ! J'ai déjà mi longtemps à comprendre le dessin :oops: , mais une fois la mascotte repérée l'artwork passe déjà mieux même si je le trouve bien en dessous du dernier!

Posté : 26 févr. 2013, 13:41
par Mr. Gig
J'ai l'impression que ça devient un peu le bordel les pochettes de Sodom ces derniers temps. :D

Posté : 26 févr. 2013, 13:44
par Psyko Killer
Ouai il y a trop de détails au premier regard, après ça va mieux, mais c'est vraiment trop au début! :nul:

Posté : 26 févr. 2013, 13:47
par Balin
En espérant que la qualité de la musique soit à l'opposée de celle de la pochette.

Posté : 26 févr. 2013, 21:19
par Kiss of Death
moi je l'aime bien, elle en jette !

Posté : 27 févr. 2013, 13:48
par Everflow
ça me fait un peu penser à celle du dernier Kreator, avec le personnage au centre, mais bon, ça doit être une impression à la con.

Posté : 27 févr. 2013, 14:00
par Cardinal-Sin
elle fait un peu trop collage numérique... dessinée à l'ancienne ça aurait pu être sympa.

Posté : 27 févr. 2013, 21:47
par Kiss of Death
oui la réalisation est pas top et un vrai dessin à la main aurait été mieux, mais bon ça doit prendre plus de temps et Angelripper a besoin de son chèque rapidement pour refaire sa cuisine.

Posté : 27 févr. 2013, 23:23
par DirtyRottenImbecile
Cet artwork :beurk: "Alors on va rajouter des squelettes , plein de squelettes , puis un tank, puis un gibet pour faire le plus METAL possible"

Posté : 27 févr. 2013, 23:31
par Tony Le Pouilleux
Le concept est bon, mais le rendu est dégueux, j'aime bien mieux celle du précédent.

Posté : 17 mars 2013, 23:19
par guardianofsteel

Posté : 18 mars 2013, 08:53
par Dark Avenger
Moi j'ai pas écouté ce qu'ils ont fait depuis M16; GeorgeHarrisonFord a écouté le suivant et l'a trouvé bien déguelasse(and not in a good way ;) ).

Posté : 18 mars 2013, 17:11
par Lama of Steel
Pour ma part, je me suis arrête au Masquerade in Blood, que je n'ai pas beaucoup aimé à l'époque.

Posté : 18 mars 2013, 17:16
par Thrashos
En tout cas, je risque de ne pas encore consacrer de vraie écoute à celui-ci, qui comme le dernier ne me fait pas beaucoup d'effet avec cet extrait... comme le dernier Destruction d'ailleurs... heureusement que ça envoi toujours autant live.

Posté : 18 mars 2013, 17:44
par guardianofsteel
Y a quand même plus de passages thrash dans ce seul morceau que dans tout l'album précédent :D

Posté : 19 mars 2013, 00:57
par Gaëtan
Cardinal-Sin a écrit :elle fait un peu trop collage numérique... dessinée à l'ancienne ça aurait pu être sympa.
Me suis dit exactement la même chose. Dommage du coup...

Posté : 21 mars 2013, 16:06
par Psyko Killer
Perso j'avais adoré "In War And Pieces" et là c'est clairement plus direct, mais ça s'écoute plutôt bien! On verra la suite de l'album mais pour ma part cet album semble bien parti. :D

Posté : 31 mars 2013, 15:04
par Everflow

Posté : 10 avr. 2013, 19:37
par guardianofsteel
Un nouveau morceau plutôt sympa même si le chant est assez horrible à mon goût. Reste que ça devrait le faire en live ce titre : ... =176681477

Posté : 11 avr. 2013, 12:41
par Globox666
Morceau sympathique mais objectivement bien basique. Effectivement au niveau de la voix c'est un peu bizarre, c'est plus gras que d'habitude dans les graves (des fois on jurerait entendre Kam Lee dans Massacre) et plus aigus dans les aigus (façon black metal).

Posté : 11 avr. 2013, 12:54
par Thrashos
Effectivement, le chant... :euh: