Black Country Communion : split... et reformation en 2017

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Enemy of Reality
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Enregistré le : 04 sept. 2002, 21:27
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Message par Everflow »

On le sentait venir depuis des mois, cette fois ça semble bel et bien le cas :
BLACK COUNTRY COMMUNION released its third album, "Afterglow", last October amid a public feud between singer Glenn Hughes and guitarist Joe Bonamassa.

The war of words goes back to early September, when Hughes began telling journalists that Bonamassa's solo touring schedule was preventing BLACK COUNTRY COMMUNION from touring and fulfilling its potential. He stated that if the situation didn't change, "Afterglow" could be the group's last recording project.

Asked about the current status of BLACK COUNTRY COMMUNION, Bonamassa tells "As far as I'm concerned, my involvement is pretty much done, and I'll tell you why: Originally, I did it for the same reasons I did the stuff with Beth Hart and ROCK CANDY FUNK PARTY — it was an excuse to play a different kind of music that I don't get to play normally.

"The first two records were a blast — the band is fantastic when the Ritalin kicks in, the ADD goes away, and everyone's focused. It's a devastatingly good rock band of the early-1970s type, and Glenn is a fantastic singer — just one of the best ever. So I did it and did a nine-week tour in 2011 that really, by the end of it, wasn't fun for me. It wasn't because I didn't like the cats in the band, but it was just too much — too much involved in getting people from place to place and getting the band onstage. Everybody seemed to be very tense, and it made my crew very tense, and it's not the way I like to tour. I run a family — I have 21 people who go on the road with me all the time, and if you asked them who was the cause of the least of their problems, they would say me. Unless there was no Diet Coke — then it's a huge [expletive] problem, and either I'm going to the supermarket or somebody else is. [laughs]

"But it just wasn't fun for me anymore. All the stuff that Glenn says in the media, essentially pinning it on me — that I was the reason for the band's lack of touring and the band's lack of future. It became rapidly not fun at all. It would be dishonest of me to get onstage and pretend like I'm having fun to please the band. I'm just not the guitar player for that band, but, unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any out-of-work guitar players in L.A. that they can get. There are so many guys that can fill that rôle and I would be the first guy to queue up and buy a ticket. So that's my story with it. I'm happily not involved anymore, but I'm happy with the legacy that I left with that band and happy with the records we made. It was a great three years for me."
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Message par olivier64 »

Pas une grosse surprise en effet. :(
Mr. Gig
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Arf, malheureusement elle était visible à 100 km celle-là.

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à la base BCC ne devait faire que des albums studio... Du coup comme ça marche bien ils veulent tourner et ouai ça coince avec le Joe!

Quel dommage! Leur concert à Paris en juillet 2011 est un des meilleurs concerts que j'ai pu voir!

Glenn Hugues aurait proposé à Jimmy Page de rejoindre le groupe. Je ne vois pas Page dans BCC, pas trop le même style!
Yathin Lizzy
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Message par Yathin Lizzy »

Il devrait demander à Ritchie Blackmore tiens.... :D :D :D

En même temps le style de Black Country Communion c'est beaucoup de Glenn Hughes solo avec des musiciens prestigieux.
La patte Bonamassa est là bien entendu mais objectivement la musique n'est vraiment pas si loin du style de The Voice le côté soul/funk moins prononcé que sur les derniers albums de ce dernier.
Pour une fois Hughes a réussi une performance en sortant 3 albums dans un même projet.... chose qu'il n'avait jamais réitéré depuis Trapeze et Purple....

Pour revenir aux éventuels successeurs, le premier nom qui me viendrait naturellement à l'esprit serait Pat Travers.
Il a déjà souvent bossé et s'entend bien avec Hughes. Même s'il ne joue pas tout à fait dans la même cours que Bonamassa son style me paraît pas mal approprié au style de BCC
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Message par STEELER »

:up: D'accord avec toi sur plusieurs points. Hughes est une sacrée voix, mais son super-ego doit être difficile à supporter : il renverse ensuite la situation en se plaçant comme victime/ celui qui a été lésé. Je me souviens du "bordel" que cela avait été chez Purple! Selon de nombreux fans, il aurait "massacré" "Made In Europe" et les derniers morceaux de "Come Taste the Band" avec sa voix nasillarde : il était alors surnommé "the swine" !
Ceci dit, quand il est aux commandes sur des projets solo, cela donne de très bons résultats ("Soul Mover" par exemple).
BCC m'a plu pour la technique "réjouissante" des musiciens. Pas pour l'ingéniosité des morceaux : ils jouent dans un registre trop bluesy pour moi, cela me lasse. (Je reproche aussi ce manque de "surprise" au groupe Spiritual Beggars : excellent groupe, mais dans un registre très usé maintenant...).
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Message par aimé »

Dans l'interview diffusée cette nuit dans les Nocturnes, il a évoqué le sujet très furtivement: "je ne suis pas fait pour jouer dans un groupe". Je ne sais pas gérer les egos de chacun a t-il dit et il a parlé de rituels avant de monter sur scène en tournée qui le saoulent (j'ai pas compris) en disant qu'il aime monter sur scène et envoyer directement la sauce. Quand il a parlé des égos de chacun il n'a cité personne. Du coup je me posais la question mais en vous lisant ...
Ca devrait être podcast-able; ça se trouve dans la première heure de diffusion.
Un bon confit ne ment jamais... :non:
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Psyko Killer
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Message par Psyko Killer »

Je connaissais pas vraiment le groupe et encore moins son histoire, mais un pote m'avait passé les CDs et j'avais bien aimé en tout cas. Du coup ce départ veut dire quoi concrètement pour le groupe? Ils vont continuer sans lui et tourner?
Prochains concerts: Pyrenean Warriors Opean Air / Rising Fest / Iron Maiden 2021? (Goteborg-Paris-Zurich-Stuttgart-Barcelone) :cheers:
Mr. Gig
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Message par Mr. Gig »

Je suppose que oui.

Comme ça a été dit à quelques reprises au sujet du groupe, Glenn Hughes a comme un besoin perpétuel de s'occuper depuis qu'il est sobre, et je pense que ce projet dont il reste avant tout le principal instigateur lui tient suffisamment à coeur pour ne pas se résoudre à le laisser tomber.

C'est dommage de voir partir Joe B. étant donné qu'il a un toucher bluesy très communicatif et prenant, mais je doute pas qu'ils aient d'ores et déjà entamé des procédures de recrutement, après tout les gratteux dans ce giron c'est pas ce qui manque.
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Yathin Lizzy
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Message par Yathin Lizzy »

Hughes affirme qu'il souhaite continuer avec les musiciens restant mais que Joe Bonamassa refuse que cela se fasse sous le nom Black Country Communion.
Le groupe va donc changer de nom.
BLACK COUNTRY COMMUNION — the Anglo-American rock group comprising vocalist/bassist Glenn Hughes (DEEP PURPLE, TRAPEZE), drummer Jason Bonham (LED ZEPPELIN, FOREIGNER), Derek Sherinian (DREAM THEATER, ALICE COOPER, BILLY IDOL) and blues-rock guitarist/vocalist Joe Bonamassa — is officially "over" following Bonamassa's decision to exit the project. Hughes writes on his Facebook page: "Joe left and will not allow us to keep the name... Nice, huh? Jason, Derek and I will continue with a different name when the time is right."
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Enemy of Reality
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Message par Everflow »

Ça paraît bizarre quand même que Bonamassa refuse qu'ils continuent sous ce nom, alors qu'il était le premier à dire qu'ils fallaient qu'ils continuent avec un autre guitariste. :hum: Si tel est vraiment le cas, il manque pas d'air.
Mais bon, on a qu'une version de l'histoire pour l'instant.
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Enemy of Reality
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Message par Everflow »

Bonamassa n'est pas contre l'idée de revenir dans le groupe si on lui propose :
Guitarist/vocalist Joe Bonamassa says that he would make another BLACK COUNTRY COMMUNION album "in a minute," despite the fact that he left the band earlier this year following a public feud between singer/bassist Glenn Hughes.

The war of words goes back to last September, when Hughes began telling journalists that Bonamassa's solo touring schedule was preventing BLACK COUNTRY COMMUNION from touring and fulfilling its potential. He stated that if the situation didn't change, BLACK COUNTRY COMMUNION's third album, "Afterglow", could be the group's last recording project.

Asked what he would say if he bumped into Hughes in the street, Bonamassa told Classic Rock for the magazine's July 2013 issue: "I would say: 'Glenn, its nice to see you.' And you know why? I'm still a friend of Glenn Hughes, I'm still a fan of Glenn Hughes. I just disagree with the methods he went about trying to get me to commit to a two-year world tour of Shanghai and the great sea ports of the world."

Regarding what went wrong with BLACK COUNTRY COMMUNION, Bonamassa said: "In 2009, when we talked about it [BLACK COUNTRY COMMUNION], it seemed like the perfect situation for everybody. The words were — and these weren't my words — 'I have a solo thing that goes out every year,' or 'I have commitments with Billy Idol.' And I go: 'Well, I tour like an idiot, so we can just get together and play, maybe make a record and do a couple of one-off gigs.' We did a one-off thing at [London rehearsal facility) John Henry's, which is one of the best musical experiences of my life. That was exhilarating. It was four guys shooting for the fences. Unfettered rock 'n' roll, early '70s style. Everybody was on the same page at the very beginning. It's just when it became more successful, a couple of them wanted to move the game a little bit. And then I was, like, 'I can't.' That situation would break me. I did nine weeks in the summer. When I came home, I didn't pick up the guitar for a while. It burned me out. So unfortunately, the methods with which the whole thing came to a close, I don't agree with. But he's still my friend.

If Glenn phoned you in five years' time and said: "Joe, do you fancy playing a one-off gig?" would you do it?

Bonamassa: "I'd do it in a minute, yeah."

And what if he said: "I want to make another BLACK COUNTRY COMMUNION album"?

Bonamassa: "I'd do that in a minute. But I wouldn't want to play Peoria, Illnois, and then Rockford, and then St. Louis, and then an 80-show tour of the U.S. and the summer festivals. That's not on the cards. It never was on the cards, ever."
I'm the lost one chasing colors to the sun
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Yathin Lizzy
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Enregistré le : 05 févr. 2006, 18:58

Message par Yathin Lizzy »

Le groupe au complet sera de retour en 2017.
Glenn Hughes, Jason Bonham and producer Kevin Shirley have confirmed that BLACK COUNTRY COMMUNION will reunite in 2017.

BLACK COUNTRY COMMUNION was the Anglo-American rock supergroup featuring Hughes (DEEP PURPLE, TRAPEZE), Bonham (LED ZEPPELIN, FOREIGNER), keyboardist Derek Sherinian (DREAM THEATER, ALICE COOPER, BILLY IDOL) and blues-rock guitarist/vocalist Joe Bonamassa. The band split in late 2012 due to tensions between Bonamassa and Hughes.

Earlier today, Shirley took to his Facebook page to write: "We're refurbishing the fuel tanks and refitting the rocket. Getting ready for takeoff in 2017 again, and I'm fired up … Who's ready for another dose of BCC!?"

On his own Facebook page, Bonham posted a photo of BLACK COUNTRY COMMUNION and simply added the caption "2017!!!"

Hughes hinted at a possible reunion earlier in the day by posting a picture of the four musicians on Facebook and adding: "The lads …to quote Joe this morning… 'maybe it's time to break out the heavy bats again." In the comments, Glenn also added: "Thanks so much for your very kind messages … We hear you … & time is the HEALER …" He then wrote in a separate posting: "Preparing BCC Rocket Ship Re-launch for 2017 all systems go."
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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
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Enregistré le : 04 sept. 2002, 21:27
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Message par Everflow »

En soi c'est une bonne nouvelle, mais le problème c'est que Hugues va sans doute devoir mettre de côté sa carrière solo qu'il venait à peine de réactiver...
I'm the lost one chasing colors to the sun
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Yathin Lizzy
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Message par Yathin Lizzy »

Oui et non...
Pour le moment Hughes n'a rien sorti en studio depuis le moyen California Breed (BBC du pauvre...)
Et une tournée en décembre est toujours d'actu.
Ce qui a posé problème avant la séparation c'est l'emploi du temps de Bonamassa.
Je pense qu'ils se limiteront à une courte tournée après un éventuel album.

En tout cas, même si BBC est un bon groupe, pour moi il reste en dessous de ce que Hughes et surtout Bonamassa sont capables de faire chacun de leur côté. Ce n'est que mon point de vue.
Bonamassa continuera sa carrière solo de toute façon, j'espère que Hughes ne refera la même connerie de se reposer à nouveau uniquement sur ce projet.
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Enemy of Reality
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Message par Everflow »

Pour moi aussi leurs carrières solo ou projets parallèles sont meilleurs que BCC, c'est pour ça que j'espère que ça ne va pas occuper 100% du temps de Hughes. Mais j'imagine que la plupart des gens préfèrent BCC.

Et je dois reconnaître que BCC ont parfois quelques éclairs de génie, comme ci-dessous.

I'm the lost one chasing colors to the sun
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Yathin Lizzy
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Message par Yathin Lizzy »

Everflow a écrit :Mais j'imagine que la plupart des gens préfèrent BCC.
Le public "métal" certainement... et pour ce qui concerne Hughes.
Mais pour comparer
- Bonamassa par exemple lors de son dernier passage à Paris a rempli le Grand Rex, ce qui représente quand même 2800 places avec des places allant jusqu'à 100 euros.
- Hughes a rempli le Divan du monde (490 places) avec des places autour de 40 euros mais a mis plusieurs mois avant de le remplir.
Lors de leur seul passage à Paris, BCC a rempli à peine la moitié du Bataclan.
Mais malgré tout, Hughes attire plus de monde avec BCC qu'en solo.
En tout cas pour la France.

Bonamassa est un artiste très estimé dans le milieu du blues et attire un public très large (rock et blues).
Pour autant, son public ne se retrouve pas pour autant en grande majorité dans la musique de BCC qui à mon sens se rapproche davantage de l'univers musical de Hughes. (encore plus vrai pour le dernier en date)

Je repense aussi à une interview récente de Hughes où il disait avoir envie de continuer à évoluer au sein d'un groupe plutôt qu'en solo.
En même temps, quand on y repense , il a eu le même guitariste (J.J Marsh) pendant toute sa carrière solo depuis Feel(y compris sur les albums de HTP) et des batteurs réguliers (Ferguson, puis Chad Smith)... donc même en solo c'est au sein d'un groupe qu'il évoluait.
Hughes , et on l'a vu tout au long de sa carrière a besoin de s'entourer de partenaires forts ou stables.
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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
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Message par Everflow »

J.J. Marsh :amour:
Le mec avec un charisme de moule asthmatique, mais un touché en or.
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Holy Cross
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Message par Holy Cross »

BCC est un groupe énorme je trouve. La carrière solo de Bonamassa est enorme mais ce projet est quand même différent et plus rock. Je le trouve d'aussi bonne qualité que sa carrière solo mais dans un registre plus rock...

Son of yesterday est en effet un bijou!

J'ai vu BCC au Bataclan et ça reste un des meilleurs concert que j'ai vu!
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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
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Message par Everflow »

ça avance :
Legendary bassist/vocalist Glenn Hughes spoke to Myglobalmind about the progress of the songwriting sessions for BLACK COUNTRY COMMUNION's much-anticipated fourth album, tentatively due next spring. He said: "[Guitarist Joe Bonamassa and I] actually started about six weeks ago as Joe was at my home for about a week of writing. Today [October 25] we are starting another week of writing together where we will finishing writing BCC 4. Then we go into the studio in January and the album will come out May 20th."

He continued: "It's such a focused thing. Joe and I are very excited about BCC 4. Back in April when Joe and I were having dinner in Santa Monica, we talked about making this new album and decided to really go for it as well as how now may be the right time to do the reunion. Certain things work at the certain times. The love and support we have behind BCC are amazing."

Hughes added: "I think all the things that have happened in my life have happened for a reason. Joe is a solo artist and we both love BCC. He is booked out a year in advance as he is a busy guy. I returned to being a solo artist and [my forthcoming solo] CD, 'Resonate', is a return to form for me with another America tour next year. For me, all I want to do for the rest of my life is to write, play, and record music. As long as I'm healthy spiritually and mentally, which I am, that's all that resounds to me. That's all I know how to do in life is to give love and music back to others."

Read more at ... gH62PQK.99
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Enemy of Reality
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Message par Everflow »

Les détails et le single en écoute (qui sonne assez Led Zep) :
BLACK COUNTRY COMMUNION, the Anglo-American rock group comprising vocalist/bassist Glenn Hughes (DEEP PURPLE, TRAPEZE), drummer Jason Bonham (LED ZEPPELIN, FOREIGNER), Derek Sherinian (DREAM THEATER, ALICE COOPER, BILLY IDOL) and blues-rock guitarist/vocalist Joe Bonamassa, will release its long-awaited and highly anticipated fourth album, "BCCIV", via Mascot Records on Friday, September 22. This is the band's first studio album since 2013's "Afterglow".

Just like its three predecessors, "BCCIV" was overseen by Kevin Shirley, whose catalogue of hit records for LED ZEPPELIN, IRON MAIDEN, AEROSMITH, JOURNEY and THE BLACK CROWES has made him one of the hottest producers that rock music has to offer. Shirley, who originally had the idea of putting Hughes and Bonamassa in a band after seeing them jamming together onstage in Los Angeles back in November 2009, is the group's unofficial "fifth member."

BLACK COUNTRY COMMUNION is an earth-shattering combination of American and British rock influences — a bona fide super group that conveys to the world a simple but important message: classic rock is alive and well, and in good hands in the 21st century. Their communion together forms something that is greater than the sum of its parts, creating a legacy being cemented within the halls of music history.

The initiative for the new album came from Joe Bonamassa, who contacted the band in 2016 to see if they would be up for going back into the studio to write and record a fourth album.

Says Joe: "I just felt the time was right for BLACK COUNTRY COMMUNION to go back into the studio and write and record a new album. When I contacted Glenn, Derek and Jason, they immediately agreed to give it shot. The timing was right."

During October 2016, when news first broke about the band getting back together, things on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, started blowing up and fan reaction was overwhelming. It was clear to see that BCC fans were hungry for another album. "BCCIV" is destined to become one of the biggest hard rock albums of 2017.

BLACK COUNTRY COMMUNION's inception took place when frontman and bass guitarist Glenn Hughes and Joe Bonamassa fused their styles on stage in Los Angeles in November 2009 for an explosive performance at Guitar Center's King Of The Blues event. With the help and guidance of producer Kevin Shirley, they further added to their rock lineage by recruiting drummer Jason Bonham and keyboardist Derek Sherinian.

Taking their name from the industrial area in Britain, and the birthplace of both Hughes and Bonham, BLACK COUNTRY COMMUNION released their self-titled debut album in 2010, and with that, unleashed their brand of take-no-prisoners hard rock to a world thirsting for music with substance.

Following the release of another two studio albums, 2011's well-received "Black Country Communion 2" and 2012's equally impressive "Afterglow", plus a smoldering live CD released in 2011, "Live Over Europe", the band has firmly established themselves as one of hard rock's premier acts. The band took a hiatus in 2013 and focused on their successful solo careers.

BLACK COUNTRY COMMUNION has cultivated a reputation not only as amazing songwriters, but as a powerful live act, is only exceeded by their dedication to their craft, and a willingness to challenge and motivate each other to make the best music they can.

Now, seven years on from its inception, Bonamassa feels the time is right to bring the original BLACK COUNTRY COMMUNION lineup back for album No. 4.

"We had around four months to write this album, and I think the results speak for themselves," comments Glenn Hughes. "All four of us wanted to make a record that stood up to the first three albums. However, the new album is more of a progression, as we wanted to be careful not to repeat the previous albums. A lot has happened since we last recorded the 'Aferglow' album in 2013, so, in many ways, the new album shows BLACK COUNTRY COMMUNION with a much harder, riffier and bigger and bolder sound. If you're looking for a folk album, this ain't the one."

The band assembled to record "BCCIV" at Cave Studios in Los Angeles in December 2016. The album was mixed at Cave Studios in Sydney in March 2017. The songs on "BCCIV" will appeal to all fans of high quality hard rock, also those that admire singers of distinction. Hughes is not known as The Voice of Rock for nothing.

In terms of content, "BCCIV" expands upon the progression that took place between the first three albums. With an abundance of heavy riffs, undeniable hooks, melodic flair and infectious choruses, "BCCIV" is a spectacular album that gets bigger and bolder with repeated spins.

"I wanted the new album to physically shake your soul. It’s a wake-up call." explains Hughes.

All songs on the new album were co-written by Glenn Hughes and Joe Bonamassa. Glenn wrote all the lyrics on the album except for the song "The Last Song For My Resting Place", which was written by Joe.

"BCCIV" track listing:

01. Collide (4:07)
02. Over My Head (4:06)
03. The Last Song For My Resting Place (7:57)
04. Sway (5:24)
05. The Cove (7:11)
06. The Crow (6:00)
07. Wanderlust (8:18)
08. Love Remains (4:53)
09. Awake (4:42)
10. When The Morning Comes (7:56)
11. With You I Go (bonus track on vinyl edition only)

Read more at ... ozO5xPP.99
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Enemy of Reality
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Message par Everflow »

Très chouette titre chanté par Bonamassa :

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Enemy of Reality
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Message par Everflow »

Celle-ci rocks :

I'm the lost one chasing colors to the sun
Colors bleed but never fade
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Holy Cross
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Message par Holy Cross »

Set list de leurs 2 uniques concerts ce début d'année 2018 :

One Last Soul
Save Me
Song of Yesterday
The Outsider
This Is Your Time
The Battle for Hadrian's Wall
The Crow
Over My Head
The Last Song for My Resting Place
Drum solo
Man In the Middle
Black Country

Mistreated (Deep Purple cover)
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Holy Cross
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Message par Holy Cross »

Yassin était à Londres hier!!

C'était bien?