Stuart Rose (Pentagram) 1962-2016

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Chibre lorrain
Chibre lorrain
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Message par guardianofsteel »

Cet ancien batteur de Pentagram est décédé... RIP.

We're saddened to learn of the passing of Stuart Rose...drummer for Pentagram in the mid ‘80s. Stuart came on board in the midst of the name change from Death Row to Pentagram in 1984. His one full-length release with the band was the 1987 album “Day of Reckoning”, which would eventually become monumental in regards to the history and evolution of “doom metal”. Stuart was really happy to have both audio and visual of his playing finally surface properly on the Pentagram dvd collection “All Your Sins” in 2015. Among the cherished footage is his '84 performance with the band at the historic CBGBs in NYC. Stuart was a talented drummer, a clever and funny guy, and he will be missed. We offer our utmost condolences and prayers to his family during this time. Godspeed.
Thrashos dans la voiture au Rock Am Bach pendant la tempête a écrit :Putain on va crever coincé là-dedans comme un hérisson dans un pot de Mc Fleury
Strong Arm of the Law
Strong Arm of the Law
Messages : 193
Enregistré le : 06 avr. 2014, 13:27

Message par heavydevy02 »

Ben merde alors, j'ai beau avoir fait tourner l'album une tonne de fois, j'ai jamais remarqué que le batteur de l'album était quelqu'un d'autre qu'Hasselvander (à l'exception d'un titre) :/