TRAUMASPHERE: Voidcall Tape out now! (Death metal/ Old school/ Twisted)

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Metal Heart
Metal Heart
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Enregistré le : 18 mai 2007, 21:08
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Message par Gabalgabow »


This is dark and twisted death metal with old school roots,
right in the middle between old school thrashing death and a more adventurous death metal that keeps an old school aura. Recommended for fans of old school darkness who need something more unusual.
Think about very early IMMOLATION, early GORGUTS (First albums), old MASSACRA, TIMEGHOUL, old MORBID ANGEL with a touch of early SUPURATION and old SKELETON OF GOD.


This demo composed of 5 compositions was initially recorded more than 17 years ago, and released very confidentially on CDr format... It is now finally rematerialized on tape for your morbidly epileptic pleasures!

Strictly limited to 100 pro tapes (Factory pressed black cassettes + pro covers).

Available against 3,90 Euros + postage on this webshop: ... -tape.html
Modifié en dernier par Gabalgabow le 29 mars 2019, 19:54, modifié 1 fois.
NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine:

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Metal Heart
Metal Heart
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La cassette de TRAUMASPHERE est aussi disponible sur Bandcamp:

NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine:

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Metal Heart
Metal Heart
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Message par Gabalgabow »

TRAUMASPHERE (Fra) Tape out now !
Darkened old school death,
With twisted influences.


Available from:
NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine:

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Metal Heart
Metal Heart
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Message par Gabalgabow »

A review of TRAUMASPHERE was posted on VOICES FROM THE DARKSIDE Webzine (Ger)

France has had a bunch of great bands and most of them are or have been well known in the underground. And sometimes there are great bands that have been criminally overlooked and that is exactly the case with TRAUMASPHERE. Formed as a duo between Ivan Sikic (vocals, guitars and bass) and Guillaume (drums and keyboards), TRAUMASPHERE has only one independent release, this 4 song (plus an instrumental segment) demo from 2001. And now Visceral Circuitry Records has done a well deserved re-issue on tape format. These guys play an amazingly twisted and evil type of Death Metal in the vein of bands such as COSMIC ATROPHY, ZEALOTRY, TIMEGHOUL and sometimes they even resemble the almighty DEMILICH. Sure enough, there are sloppy bits in the performance, but in my humble opinion it just adds a lot of that organic feel to it. Something that has been lost since the over-produced, perfectly time-aligned, crystalline sounding albums proliferated at the turn of the century, taking away most of the elements that actually made Metal interesting. But fear not. The crushing and dark atmosphere mixed with the horror sci-fi inspired lyrics make "Voidcall" an absolute must if you dig the aforementioned bands. The production is raw, specially the drums, which sound natural and a little muffled. Guitar and bass tonnes are clear, although the guitars are a little treble side-heavy. But besides that, the mix lets every instrument breathe and everything fits into place. The vocals are deep grunts and some deep clear vocals that add a nice differentiation in the songs. Weird riffs aplenty bond smoothly with a bunch of odd drum patterns. Curiously enough, that doesn't take anything from the songs; they just sound better and way more interesting than just technical wankery. If you have the opportunity to get this demo tape, go ahead and do it. It is worth the money and the time. It is one of the most interesting recordings I've heard lately. Now, this is a posthumous release. The band split up and changed name, not once but twice, with Ivan being the only constant member. In 2005, as ABYSSAL SUFFERING, they released a 3 song demo tape entitled "Soul Pioneer". Then in 2001 there was another 3 song demo tape entitled "Retreat", this time under the UMMON moniker. No more info is available at the moment. So, go get this tape now from the label. Believe me, you won't regret it.
NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine:

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Metal Heart
Metal Heart
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Enregistré le : 18 mai 2007, 21:08
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Message par Gabalgabow »

A review of TRAUMASPHERE was posted on VOICES FROM THE DARKSIDE Webzine (Ger)

France has had a bunch of great bands and most of them are or have been well known in the underground. And sometimes there are great bands that have been criminally overlooked and that is exactly the case with TRAUMASPHERE. Formed as a duo between Ivan Sikic (vocals, guitars and bass) and Guillaume (drums and keyboards), TRAUMASPHERE has only one independent release, this 4 song (plus an instrumental segment) demo from 2001. And now Visceral Circuitry Records has done a well deserved re-issue on tape format. These guys play an amazingly twisted and evil type of Death Metal in the vein of bands such as COSMIC ATROPHY, ZEALOTRY, TIMEGHOUL and sometimes they even resemble the almighty DEMILICH. Sure enough, there are sloppy bits in the performance, but in my humble opinion it just adds a lot of that organic feel to it. Something that has been lost since the over-produced, perfectly time-aligned, crystalline sounding albums proliferated at the turn of the century, taking away most of the elements that actually made Metal interesting. But fear not. The crushing and dark atmosphere mixed with the horror sci-fi inspired lyrics make "Voidcall" an absolute must if you dig the aforementioned bands. The production is raw, specially the drums, which sound natural and a little muffled. Guitar and bass tonnes are clear, although the guitars are a little treble side-heavy. But besides that, the mix lets every instrument breathe and everything fits into place. The vocals are deep grunts and some deep clear vocals that add a nice differentiation in the songs. Weird riffs aplenty bond smoothly with a bunch of odd drum patterns. Curiously enough, that doesn't take anything from the songs; they just sound better and way more interesting than just technical wankery. If you have the opportunity to get this demo tape, go ahead and do it. It is worth the money and the time. It is one of the most interesting recordings I've heard lately. Now, this is a posthumous release. The band split up and changed name, not once but twice, with Ivan being the only constant member. In 2005, as ABYSSAL SUFFERING, they released a 3 song demo tape entitled "Soul Pioneer". Then in 2001 there was another 3 song demo tape entitled "Retreat", this time under the UMMON moniker. No more info is available at the moment. So, go get this tape now from the label. Believe me, you won't regret it.
NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine:

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Metal Heart
Metal Heart
Messages : 1168
Enregistré le : 18 mai 2007, 21:08
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Message par Gabalgabow »


NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine:

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Metal Heart
Metal Heart
Messages : 1168
Enregistré le : 18 mai 2007, 21:08
Localisation : Nord pas de calais
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Message par Gabalgabow »

New reviews of the TRAUMASPHERE Tape were published!

What we have here is a reissue of the only Traumasphere demo that dates back to 2001. The demo was self released in 2001 on CDr and it recently got a limited to 100 cassette tape reissue with different cover artwork.
Traumasphere was a death metal band from France. After releasing their demo, they changed name to Abyssal Suffering and then Ummon (both bands also made it only to one demo).
The Traumasphere demo is old school death metal with signs of progressive/experimental.
The opening track ‘Eradicated’s basic riff is an old school death metal riff and the vocals are classic death growls. The bass intonations in the end of the phrases are absolutely needed and well done. The rhythmic patterns and twist is very much 90’s. A slow break in the middle of the song with some melodic passages reminded me of the old Finnish scene. It was a great idea to accompany them with whispering vocals. The lead guitar parts are very good in the early 90’s ways.
There is always an obscure feeling in songs like ‘Awaken In The Chronosphere’. The numerous rhythmic changes give it a progressive touch. I suppose bands like Atheist or Pestilence (especially “Testimony Of The Ancients” era) were in their minds when writing the song. Some riffs may still be chaotic, but the band shows a will to technicality.
‘Orbital Grave’ is a keyboard/synth instrumental that takes the listener’s mind travelling in cosmos. It is really weird to think of a grave travelling in space forever. This could have been a Nocturnus intro.
‘Civilization?’ opening riff is a typical death metal riff of the 90’s. The growls are deep and the guitar tries to perform fast and technical. In my opinion they don’t succeed much in this because the result is chaotic at times. However, the mixing here doesn’t do justice to the song that will end in whispers.
The last song is ‘Organic Brain Lost In Vacuum’ and it is my favorite song of the demo. There is an evil drive in the way the bass is used here with some twisted subharmonies. The riff changes are nice and there is also an excellent use of the pauses. When the solo breaks the general sound level raises, but I suppose this is just the way it was recorded/produced.
Traumasphere demo is a typical death metal demo of its time. I suppose demo hunters already have it. If not, here is your chance to listen to a nice example of how European death metal sounded in the millennium while still being influenced by the 90’s.

Thousands of bands around the world make music and demos or play music on other sound carriers and 99% of that music will never be heard by the rest of the world. At first this was also the case with the French band Traumasphere, who in 2001 made a demo with technical death metal in the vein of Death, Incantation and Demilich. Just to indicate how underground metal can still be, Visceral Circuitry Records will release this demo again in 2018, on tape. Yes, a sound carrier that hardly anyone uses nowadays, although this form may also be making a comeback. And that while the band has not active for some time now. The music sounds exactly as it sounded in 2001 on the demo, namely as a demo often sounds and that is sometimes quite rudimentary and sloppy. But this gives the five songs something authentic and brings back a certain nostalgic feeling, from a time that many of the readers may not have experienced, namely a time that pioneering in the metal scene was still a thing. So on Voidcall there is technical death metal in the vein of Death in particular and the songs are very well composed and can be followed very well despite the demo quality. If you listen to the songs, it is almost a shame that the band has stopped, but if this re-release has enough commercial success, the band will probably start up again.

Vuosituhannen alussa toiminut ranskalaisbändi Traumasphere teki urallaan tiettävästi vain yhden demon ennen kuin vaihtoi nimeä. Myöhemmin Abyssal Suffering- ja Ummon-nimillä toiminut sooloprojekti toimi kaksikkona vain hetken ja duomuotoiselta bändiltä käteen jäänyt Voidcall julkaistiin vuonna 2001.
Viisi biisiä sisältävä ja noin vartin kellottava Voidcall on death metalia 90-luvun alun hengessä. Osa riffeistä on kimurantteja ja kokeellisia. Tempo heiluu nopeamman ja hitaamman paukuttelun välillä ja toisinaan se tuntuisi heiluvan tahattomastikin, ehkä silkan osaamattomuuden takia. Ilmiö, jonka varmasti monet kokemattomat bändit tunnistavat.
Voidcall tuntuukin soivan koko ajan yhtyeen taitorajojen ylärajoilla. Paikoin teknisyyttä tavoitteleva soitto on silkkaa kyvyttömyyttä, paikoin ihan kelpoa ysärivääntöä. Loppujen lopuksi kyse on kuitenkin demosta, jonka uusintajulkaisun tarpeellisuudesta voi olla montaa mieltä. Kasettimuotoon demon on kuitenkin pienlafka Visceral Circuitry Records pistänyt.
Tunkkaiset soundit ajavat asiansa. Örinälaulu on mitä on, mutta eipä tässä suurimpana ongelmana olekaan soundit tahi laulu, vaan takkuileva soitto ja tyyliään hakeva biisimateriaali. Kenelle tätä sitten voi suositella? Kasettifaneille ja keräilijöille. Muut jättäkööt teoksen omaan arvoonsa.

Check out the music here:
NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine:

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Metal Heart
Metal Heart
Messages : 1168
Enregistré le : 18 mai 2007, 21:08
Localisation : Nord pas de calais
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Message par Gabalgabow »

New reviews of the TRAUMASPHERE Tape were published!

What we have here is a reissue of the only Traumasphere demo that dates back to 2001. The demo was self released in 2001 on CDr and it recently got a limited to 100 cassette tape reissue with different cover artwork.
Traumasphere was a death metal band from France. After releasing their demo, they changed name to Abyssal Suffering and then Ummon (both bands also made it only to one demo).
The Traumasphere demo is old school death metal with signs of progressive/experimental.
The opening track ‘Eradicated’s basic riff is an old school death metal riff and the vocals are classic death growls. The bass intonations in the end of the phrases are absolutely needed and well done. The rhythmic patterns and twist is very much 90’s. A slow break in the middle of the song with some melodic passages reminded me of the old Finnish scene. It was a great idea to accompany them with whispering vocals. The lead guitar parts are very good in the early 90’s ways.
There is always an obscure feeling in songs like ‘Awaken In The Chronosphere’. The numerous rhythmic changes give it a progressive touch. I suppose bands like Atheist or Pestilence (especially “Testimony Of The Ancients” era) were in their minds when writing the song. Some riffs may still be chaotic, but the band shows a will to technicality.
‘Orbital Grave’ is a keyboard/synth instrumental that takes the listener’s mind travelling in cosmos. It is really weird to think of a grave travelling in space forever. This could have been a Nocturnus intro.
‘Civilization?’ opening riff is a typical death metal riff of the 90’s. The growls are deep and the guitar tries to perform fast and technical. In my opinion they don’t succeed much in this because the result is chaotic at times. However, the mixing here doesn’t do justice to the song that will end in whispers.
The last song is ‘Organic Brain Lost In Vacuum’ and it is my favorite song of the demo. There is an evil drive in the way the bass is used here with some twisted subharmonies. The riff changes are nice and there is also an excellent use of the pauses. When the solo breaks the general sound level raises, but I suppose this is just the way it was recorded/produced.
Traumasphere demo is a typical death metal demo of its time. I suppose demo hunters already have it. If not, here is your chance to listen to a nice example of how European death metal sounded in the millennium while still being influenced by the 90’s.

Thousands of bands around the world make music and demos or play music on other sound carriers and 99% of that music will never be heard by the rest of the world. At first this was also the case with the French band Traumasphere, who in 2001 made a demo with technical death metal in the vein of Death, Incantation and Demilich. Just to indicate how underground metal can still be, Visceral Circuitry Records will release this demo again in 2018, on tape. Yes, a sound carrier that hardly anyone uses nowadays, although this form may also be making a comeback. And that while the band has not active for some time now. The music sounds exactly as it sounded in 2001 on the demo, namely as a demo often sounds and that is sometimes quite rudimentary and sloppy. But this gives the five songs something authentic and brings back a certain nostalgic feeling, from a time that many of the readers may not have experienced, namely a time that pioneering in the metal scene was still a thing. So on Voidcall there is technical death metal in the vein of Death in particular and the songs are very well composed and can be followed very well despite the demo quality. If you listen to the songs, it is almost a shame that the band has stopped, but if this re-release has enough commercial success, the band will probably start up again.

Vuosituhannen alussa toiminut ranskalaisbändi Traumasphere teki urallaan tiettävästi vain yhden demon ennen kuin vaihtoi nimeä. Myöhemmin Abyssal Suffering- ja Ummon-nimillä toiminut sooloprojekti toimi kaksikkona vain hetken ja duomuotoiselta bändiltä käteen jäänyt Voidcall julkaistiin vuonna 2001.
Viisi biisiä sisältävä ja noin vartin kellottava Voidcall on death metalia 90-luvun alun hengessä. Osa riffeistä on kimurantteja ja kokeellisia. Tempo heiluu nopeamman ja hitaamman paukuttelun välillä ja toisinaan se tuntuisi heiluvan tahattomastikin, ehkä silkan osaamattomuuden takia. Ilmiö, jonka varmasti monet kokemattomat bändit tunnistavat.
Voidcall tuntuukin soivan koko ajan yhtyeen taitorajojen ylärajoilla. Paikoin teknisyyttä tavoitteleva soitto on silkkaa kyvyttömyyttä, paikoin ihan kelpoa ysärivääntöä. Loppujen lopuksi kyse on kuitenkin demosta, jonka uusintajulkaisun tarpeellisuudesta voi olla montaa mieltä. Kasettimuotoon demon on kuitenkin pienlafka Visceral Circuitry Records pistänyt.
Tunkkaiset soundit ajavat asiansa. Örinälaulu on mitä on, mutta eipä tässä suurimpana ongelmana olekaan soundit tahi laulu, vaan takkuileva soitto ja tyyliään hakeva biisimateriaali. Kenelle tätä sitten voi suositella? Kasettifaneille ja keräilijöille. Muut jättäkööt teoksen omaan arvoonsa.

Check out the music here:
NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine:

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Metal Heart
Metal Heart
Messages : 1168
Enregistré le : 18 mai 2007, 21:08
Localisation : Nord pas de calais
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Message par Gabalgabow »

TRAUMASPHERE (Fra) Voidcall Demo CDr. Out now!

The tape version of this demo is almost totally sold out,
so I made a short press (50 copies) of a new CDr version!
It comes as Digifile folding cover.


Dark and twisted death metal with old school roots!
Listen here:

Available for 3,35 euros from NIHILISTIC Distro:


NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST: Underground Death metal/ Brutal death webzine:
