Blood Incantation - Hidden History of the Human Race

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Guardian of the Flame
Guardian of the Flame
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Enregistré le : 02 mars 2010, 17:39
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Message par mike-polar »

3 ans apres la sortie de Starspawn, un des meilleurs albums de death metal de ces 10 dernieres annees, Blood Incantation revient avec leur second album "The Hidden History of the Human Race" qui sortira le 22 novembre. A noter qu'ils sont desormais sur Century Media en Europe. :up:
Cosmic death metal band, Blood Incantation, have joined forces with Century Media Records to release the band’s second studio album, Hidden History Of The Human Race, outside of North America, Mexico and Canada. Dark Descent Records will be handling the American release and the album will be available worldwide on November 22.

Featuring classic 1970s artwork by Sci-Fi god Bruce Pennington, Hidden History Of The Human Race promises to be both a meditative inquiry on the mystery and nature of human consciousness, and a dynamic foray into the realms of progressive, brutal and atmospheric death metal, as revealed by Blood Incantation.

Recorded completely analogue at World Famous Studios in Denver, CO, Hidden History Of The Human Race expands the sonic cosmos explored on Blood Incantation’s critically acclaimed debut Starspawn.



"Slave Species Of The Gods"
"The Giza Power Plant"
"Inner Paths (To Outer Space)"
"Awakening From The Dream Of Existence To The Multidimensional Nature Of Our Reality (Mirror Of The Soul)

’Inner Paths (to Outer Space)’ is a meditative journey through the inner cosmos of the human mind. We improvised this track on psychedelics over a period of several months, allowing it to grow and evolve as it chose. The atmosphere is meant to allow the listener time and space to explore their own thoughts and go on their own journey before the epic brutality of the album returns for the final track.”

Album déjà pre-commande pour ma part. :bang: Je n'ai pas ecoute l'extrait car je prefere avoir la surprise.
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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
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Message par Everflow »

Comme je ne connais pas moi j'ai écouté l'extrait et je suis surpris. :D
Grossièrement, on dirait Pink Floyd qui s'est mis au death metal. Nan bon, c'est juste très frais pour death metal, et finalement plus que ça sans doute.
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Guardian of the Flame
Guardian of the Flame
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Message par mike-polar »

Je n'ai pas ecoute le morceau poste plus haut mais on me dit que c'est un interlude musical en milieu de l'album...un peu etrange comme choix de single, mais bon ils sont un peu dans leur monde on dirait. Mais oui, le cote space/Pink Floyd rencontre Morbid Angel est totalement assume. En tout cas Everflow, ce groupe vaut vraiment le coup!

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Guardian of the Flame
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Message par BurningDarkness »

Rhaa faut encore que je l'écoute, apparemment il tue bien !
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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
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Re: Blood Incantation - Hidden History of the Human Race

Message par Everflow »

:bang: :malades:
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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
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Message par Everflow »

Changement de registre cette fois. :D
Je suis cette scène de loin mais ça semble être le haut du panier par rapport à tous les groupes interchangeables ou unidimensionnels.

et en bonus le packaging :

I'm the lost one chasing colors to the sun
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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
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Enregistré le : 04 sept. 2002, 21:27
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Message par Everflow »

I'm the lost one chasing colors to the sun
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Guardian of the Flame
Guardian of the Flame
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Enregistré le : 02 mars 2010, 17:39
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Message par mike-polar »

J'ai recu mon vinyl dans la semaine et j'ai enfin pu l'ecouter 3-4 fois. :bang:

Ma foi, il est est tres bon même si a mon sens, un chouilla en dessous de Starspawn (album qui pour moi frole la perfection). Ca reste encore a approfondir de mon cote puisque c'est tres dense comme musique et il y a tellement d'idees de riffs a decortiquer malgre un temps de jeu tres court (a peine 36 minutes!!).

Les premier morceau est une tuerie - ca ouvre avec un riff qui fait tres Immortal Rites de Morbid Angel et ca enchaine un tourbillon de riff sur riff sur riff sans temps mort. Le deuxieme morceau claque egalement tres fort, tres groovy mais prend le temps d'aerer quelques passages plus space au ambiance moyen orientales je dirais. Le morceau instrument est egalement tres bon - tres bien agence avec un debut tres space et proggy pour finir sur un gros riff bien dissonant a la Gorguts.

La face B de l'album est compose d'un seul morceau de 18 minutes (!!!) et c'est la que je pense qu'ils ont ete un chouilla trop ambicieux. Il y a tellement de riffs, d'interludes que je m'y perds un peu. Autant le morceau de 13 minutes sur le premier album passe a vitesse lumiere, autant la il y a quelques passages ou on dirait un peu la soupe au riff - sans trop de fil conducteur. Mais dans l'ensemble j'y trouve quand même mon compte.

Donc- pour moi c'est une reussite. Ils avaient place la barre tres haut mais le resultat est heureusement a la hauteur de mes attentes.

A noter aussi le son excellent - le tout a ete enregistre sur bandes analogues ce qui fait vraiment la difference avec beaucoup d'enregistrements modernes. La on a vraiment l'impression d'entendre un groupe qui joue ensemble et pas un assemblement copier/coller de fichiers audio.
Modifié en dernier par mike-polar le 01 déc. 2019, 19:26, modifié 1 fois.
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Guardian of the Flame
Guardian of the Flame
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Message par BurningDarkness »

ça tombe bien je l'ai écouté (version digitale) 2 fois ce matin :bang:
j'ai bien apprécié, honnêtement je trouve qu'il passe tout seul malgré la longueur des morceaux
Metal Heart
Metal Heart
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Message par metalrunner »

A quand une tournée commune avec Vektor?
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Guardian of the Flame
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Message par Achille »

Je viens de m'écouter l'album... Putain comme ça envoie bien ! A Approfondir !
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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
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Enregistré le : 04 sept. 2002, 21:27
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Message par Everflow »

La qualité vidéo de cet enregistrement live studio a du charme. :D

I'm the lost one chasing colors to the sun
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Metal Heart
Metal Heart
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Enregistré le : 03 août 2009, 13:31

Message par metalrunner »

A les bc rich les guitares du métal :amour:
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Guardian of the Flame
Guardian of the Flame
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Enregistré le : 02 mars 2010, 17:39
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Message par mike-polar »

Les patrons quoi! :bang: Ah la la ce groupe est trop bien. Encore un groupe qu'on aurait du voir en live cet ete :,(

On croise les doigts pour l'annee prochaine. :(
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Guardian of the Flame
Guardian of the Flame
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Enregistré le : 30 déc. 2009, 22:00
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Message par BurningDarkness »

Presque trop proche de la version studio mais bien sympa à regarder
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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
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Enregistré le : 04 sept. 2002, 21:27
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Message par Everflow »

Le groupe sort un album... ambient.
Avec un bonus de 27 minutes :D
Cosmic death metal band, Blood Incantation, have announced the release of their first ambient record, Timewave Zero, out on February 25.

Recorded in World Famous Studio in Denver, Colorado, Timewave Zero will be available as 180g Gatefold LP+CD, Ltd. CD+Blu-ray Digipak and on all digital platforms.

The Ltd. 2CD Digipak version will come along with an additional 27-minute-long bonus track (“Chronophagia”) and contains a Blu-ray with the full album as 5.1 mix + over 40 minutes of visuals directed by Wayne Joyner.

Pre-order here.

The band comments: “An astute listening to our previous recordings reveals a gradual and deliberate increase of Experimental, Progressive and Psychedelic components. Timewave Zero is the distillation of these elements into a concentrated piece; stripping away the Metal and emphasizing the Dark, Cinematic and exceedingly Cosmic atmosphere our music is known for.”

“Io” (21:00)
“Ea” (19:40)
“Chronophagia” (27:37) – BONUS DIGIPAK ONLY
I'm the lost one chasing colors to the sun
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Guardian of the Flame
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Message par Achille »

Fainéants ! :lol:

Putain quand j'ai vu la news j'étais content, je m'attendais à une autre tuerie death...
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Message par Keyser »

Déjà pas un grand fan du groupe, c'est pas cette sortie qui va me faire changer d'avis !
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Guardian of the Flame
Guardian of the Flame
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Enregistré le : 02 mars 2010, 17:39
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Message par mike-polar »

Malgré la hype, qui est un peu démesuré (comme toujours dans la presse metal, j'ai envie de dire) j'aime beaucoup Blood Incantaion, surtout Starspawn en fait. Cela dit, je ne pense pas me le prendre celui-ci. Ça reste cohérent avec l'esthétique du groupe, mais de la à le sortir en vinyle sur Century media, c'est peut-être un peu too much pour moi…même si ca sera sûrement sympa a ecouter en musique de fond :D En tout cas, j'imagine que cette sortie en fera rager plus d'un...surtout s'il y en a qui vont acheter sans lire la description :lol:
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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
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Enregistré le : 04 sept. 2002, 21:27
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Message par Everflow »

Nouveau single :

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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
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Enregistré le : 04 sept. 2002, 21:27
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Message par Everflow »

Le groupe sort un clip brillant (ça change des horreurs d'IA), sans aucune trace de death metal, issu de son dernier single de 2023.
On dirait un mélange Pink Floyd / Tangerine Dream qui ferait la bande originale de 2001 l'odyssée de l'espace. :mad:
Get lost in Blood Incantation’s interstellar new video “Luminescent Bridge” – available today ahead of their performances at the renowned Roadburn Festival. "Luminescent Bridge" pivots to the introspection of infinity. Created entirely in the studio, the nine-minute track plays out like a dying star—ominous, forlorn, yet hopeful of rebirth.

Blood Incantation tells, “Originally conceived as an acoustic interlude in the tradition of ‘Meticulous Soul Devourment’ and ‘(Mirror of the Soul)’, ‘Luminescent Bridge’ quickly became something entirely different upon entering Rocky Mountain Recorders in March 2023. Compelled by a tangible air of creativity, we forwent acoustic instruments entirely and ended up implementing several spur-of-the-moment ideas - such as drums, grand piano and even trombone - to create a vast, dynamic tapestry of textures both alien and familiar, yet remaining quintessentially Blood Incantation in feeling and atmosphere. Drenched in analog and digital synthesizers, multiple tape echoes and soaring electric guitar, this intended outro to a subsequently abandoned 7” EP became a towering landscape of otherworldly sonics, earning its place as the title track for our latest maxi-single release.”

“With this expansive energy in mind, we knew the eventual music video would similarly have to be something completely new for us, further evolving our imagery and aesthetic into new realms as we make our way towards our imminent third album. Thanks to the masterful VFX and cinematography of our friends Miles Skarin and Alex Pace who also worked on the music videos ‘Inner Paths (to Outer Space)’ and ‘Obliquity of the Ecliptic’, and the ‘Timewave Zero’ live Blu-Ray, respectively - we are able to present to you the official video for ‘Luminescent Bridge’.

Of the video, director and visual effects artist Miles Skarin says, “When the Stargate Research Society asked us to help visualise a recent extrasolar communication they had received, we knew this would be a project of epic proportion. The data packet they sent to us from Colorado contained footage of Blood Incantation's interstellar expedition to a distant star system. What we saw after decompressing the video stream blew us away, not only had they captured a beautiful cinematic exploration of the exoplanet's sand dunes, but we can see their journey across the expanse of space was successful. Alex Pace's cinematography from this location was stunning and provided us with everything we needed. Due to the solar radiation exposure, the data from the interstellar voyage was difficult to decipher, so we have used our artistic abilities in VFX and 3D animation to reconstruct the visual of crossing the Luminescent Bridge, first depicted by the artist Steve R Dodd."

Blood Incantation telegraphed their love of and respect for kosmische musik with their acclaimed instrumental album, Timewave Zero – shortly followed by the mind bending Luminescent Bridge 12-inch maxi single which was released as the next stepping stone into the group's final form. Side A features "Obliquity Of The Ecliptic" - voidward death metal—crushingly opaque, mysterious – met by its inquisitive, ethereal Side B – “Luminescent Bridge”.

Luminescent Bridge was recorded at Rocky Mountain Recorders Studio (Denver, Colorado) with Chris McNaughton. It was mixed and mastered by Arthur Rizk (Kreator, Cavalera Conspiracy, Power Trip). The release builds off the finer points of Blood Incantation’s Starspawn (2016) and Hidden History of the Human Race (2019), but the cosmogonic regality adds new dimensions to the cosmic death metallers' ever-widening framework.
I'm the lost one chasing colors to the sun
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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
Messages : 39572
Enregistré le : 04 sept. 2002, 21:27
Localisation : Beyond Within

Message par Everflow »

Prochain album avec encore une pochette spatiale :
The new Blood Incantation album, Absolute Elsewhere, is unlike anything you’ve ever heard before. Yes, that’s an audacious, possibly hyperbolic claim, but few can claim a sonic watershed as readily as this Denver, Colorado quartet. Hovering at nearly 45 minutes, their longest full length recording yet, the album’s two sprawling movements – "The Stargate" and "The Message" – are as confounding as they are engaging, exponentially expanding upon the formulas laid down by their scene-shattering debut Starspawn (2016) and landmark followup Hidden History of the Human Race (2019).

As Blood Incantation’s Paul Riedl tells, “Absolute Elsewhere is our most potent audial extract/musical trip yet; like the soundtrack to a Herzog-style sci-fi epic about the history of/battle for human consciousness itself, via a 70s Prog album played by a ‘90s death metal band from the future.”

For inspiration, the group looked to the mid-70’s progressive rock collective, Absolute Elsewhere (best known as a celestial stopover for King Crimson drummer, Bill Bruford) as the album’s namesake. For the uninitiated, Absolute Elsewhere’s obscure 1976 album, In Search of Ancient Gods, was constructed as a musical accompaniment to the works of Chariots of the Gods author, Erich Von Daniken, and his theories of non-terrestrial humanoid prompts towards mankind’s evolution. The subject matter of which should serve as no surprise to anyone familiar with Blood Incantation’s cosmically philosophical leanings.

But make no mistake, the four musicians working under the Blood Incantation banner for the past decade – guitarist and vocalist Paul Riedl, drummer Isaac Faulk, guitarist Morris Kolontyrsky and bassist Jeff Barrett – have successfully left the microgravity of genre behind and are re-writing the Rosetta Stone of extreme music with a new language entirely. Demonstrations like their 2022 all-synth show or 2024’s Roadburn Festival headlining appearance where they played back-to-back death metal and ambient made it clear: Blood Incantation have honed their abilities to go boldly where few bands have gone before, and reveal no signs of slowing down.

For Absolute Elsewhere, the band’s first full-length since their cinematic Timewave Zero EP (2022) and epic Luminescent Bridge maxi-single (2023), Blood Incantation decamped to the celebrated Hansa Tonstudios in Berlin, Germany in July 2023 to record with wünderkid producer Arthur Rizk (Power Trip, Spectral Voice, Kreator, Wayfarer, Sumerlands, etc). This legendary, pre-Weimar-built recording complex was where many of their most progressive influences including Tangerine Dream, Eloy and Brian Eno created classic albums in the 1970s.

Unmistakably, Hansa and Berlin became part of the underlying character of the album, culminating in Tangerine Dream’s own Thorsten Quaeschning contributing lead synths, Mellotron and programming to “The Stargate [Tablet II]”. Other special guests include Nicklas Malmqvist, from Sweden’s star-riding Hällas, on lead synths/keys, piano and Mellotron throughout all tracks, and Malte Gericke, the Sijjin/ex-Necros Christos mainman contributing guest vocals in his native tongue. Underscoring the classic Progressive Rock vibe, the album is adorned with contemporary visionary paintings by the iconic and reclusive '70s sci-fi artist Steve R. Dodd. Together, this international all-star team adds to the unearthly atmospherics of Absolute Elsewhere, which defines a new musical epoch for Blood Incantation.

Today they have launched their Stargate Research Society discord and Elsewhere Searcher app – a home for discussions of all things Blood Incantation. Researchers at the society recently unearthed an '80s era floppy disk containing vintage celestial tracker software. The researchers were able to re-activate the space tracker and through meticulous study of the visible solar system have noticed the appearance of a new red planet in the vicinity of Orion's Belt. The researchers also claim that the new planet is intermittently emitting signals, although no recordings of these transmissions have been captured yet. The society has made their research available to the public in an effort to warn citizens of the planet’s rapid approach toward Earth, with a possible collision occurring in October 2024. Check out the tracker at
I'm the lost one chasing colors to the sun
Colors bleed but never fade
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Guardian of the Flame
Guardian of the Flame
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Message par Achille »

Superbe pochette, bien dans l'esprit du groupe.

La description du disque promet en tout cas lol
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