Metaldays 2024 [Slovénie]

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Defender of the Faith
Defender of the Faith
Messages : 5924
Enregistré le : 31 août 2012, 16:44

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L'orga annule cette année, dû à l'édition catastrophique de l'année dernière. Elle donne rendez - vous l'année prochaine :
Dear MetalDays Community,

It is with a mix of emotions that we share this news: MetalDays will not be held in 2024. Unfortunately, due to the challenges we've encountered, we've had to make the tough decision not to proceed with the festival this year.

After extensive discussions, we have made the difficult decission to postpone MetalDays 2024 and instead shift our focus to MetalDays 2025, scheduled to take place from July 27th to August 2nd, 2025. While this decision was not made lightly, we believe it is the most reasonable and in the best interest of everyone involved.

As you know, we have openly shared the challenges faced by MetalDays, along with many other festivals, over the past year. MetalDays 2023 encountered unprecedented difficulties due to severe flooding, leading to the cancellation of the last two festival days. The aftermath, coupled with the financial setbacks, has made it challenging for us to deliver the experience you all deserve.

At MetalDays, our mission from the very beginning has been to organize the best possible event. We set the bar very high, and you, our dear visitors, as well as the bands, agents, crew, and partners, do not deserve anything less. Given the circumstances, taking a break and redirecting our efforts to ensure a stellar next edition feels like the right step forward.

Rather than rushing into another planning cycle with financial challenges, we see this as an opportunity to take a hiatus, regroup, and dedicate ourselves to ensuring the success of the next edition.

We wish you all nothing but the best and express our gratitude once again for all your support at every MetalDays edition. Keep your eyes on our socials and website for updates. Our paths will cross again soon.

The MetalDays Team.

*Tickets purchased for 2024 will be valid for 2025, and ticket holders will be contacted via email.

**MetalDays 2024 ticket holders can visit GoatHell Festival free of charge.
ChaNoir a écrit :Merde on n´est pas venus pour voir Chantal Goya en perfecto!
Metalrunner a écrit :Je sais je suis un thrasheur romantique et fragile :D
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Defender of the Faith
Defender of the Faith
Messages : 5924
Enregistré le : 31 août 2012, 16:44

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J'ai découvert que Le Baraillec avait un mentor :D :

Vous remarquerez que vers 30 minutes on voit des Gwen ha Du Image, comme par hasard... Image
ChaNoir a écrit :Merde on n´est pas venus pour voir Chantal Goya en perfecto!
Metalrunner a écrit :Je sais je suis un thrasheur romantique et fragile :D
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Defender of the Faith
Defender of the Faith
Messages : 5924
Enregistré le : 31 août 2012, 16:44

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Épisode 2 de cette nouvelle saga qui s'annonce aussi prometteuse que celle du Motoc' ! :amour:

ChaNoir a écrit :Merde on n´est pas venus pour voir Chantal Goya en perfecto!
Metalrunner a écrit :Je sais je suis un thrasheur romantique et fragile :D
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Guardian of the Flame
Guardian of the Flame
Messages : 3424
Enregistré le : 18 oct. 2011, 15:02
Localisation : Dublin
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Message par Achille »

Vidéo retirée... COMME PAR HASARD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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