Jon Oliva's Pain

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Zorro of False Metal
Zorro of False Metal
Messages : 17870
Enregistré le : 04 sept. 2002, 23:40
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Message par Gandalf »

Je crée un topic différent de celui du 'Tage, car ils ont commencé la préparation du nouvel album, donc je tiendrai informés ceux que ca interesse ici.
J'ai dit "ont commencé", car le Mountain King a voulu que les zicos avec qui ils s'entend si bien, et qui sont si bons live, participent au processus d'ecriture.

Voila la news postée par le batteur Christopher Kinder:

Howdy peoples!

Yes, it is that time once again. Oliva and company on now very busy at work putting chapter 2 into full motion. JO has begun the heavy task of sorting through his many idea's and directions for the new record.

Full band rehearsals have begun. This is a very big departure from the first record, as all of the material for 'Tage Mahal was written prior to Jon asking the rest of us lonely musicians to record his debut solo release.

Jon has graciously decided to make the writing process a team effort!
He is presenting all of his current idea's to the band to formulate a very diverse and multi-influenced record. While the material is classic Oliva, it will undoubtably feature idea's and styles from each of us. Adding Jerry Outlaw to the mix, along with Matt, will automatically open up and endless amount of opportunities to explore.

Jon could easily write the record himself, but he is excited about adding different flavors to the final product. 5 other musicians will give him plenty to digest and a literal sea of options to compliment his great music.

Currently (2) songs are in full-production. We anticipate recording as many as 18 tracks to allow for bonus tracks and assorted goodies to be shared with all of you. The first two that we have begun work on fall in line with the bombastic/epic style of songs such as The Dark and Lunatic Mind. But make no mistake, Oliva has invisioned far more twists and turns than a roller-coaster while keeping your ears and your mind focused at all times. This album is going to be very diverse. Epic-heavy-trippy-powerful-and moody!....What more could ask for from Jon Oliva!

We will keep you updated on our progress. US touring should start around early September, so this will give us 10 weeks to put this record together and hopefully finish the recording before we hit the road to hang with all of you! I know I have said this before, but I am really working hard to solidify touring dates by the end of next week. We have worked out the itinerary and our promoter is working hard to complete the tour!
We cannot wait to share all the details with is going to killer!

That's it......Lot's of things in the works.
GANDALF :gandalf:
"Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost
It's empty and cold without you here, too many people to ache over"
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Zorro of False Metal
Zorro of False Metal
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Enregistré le : 04 sept. 2002, 23:40
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Message par Gandalf »

"Release date will be in early 2006, in time for the Euro-festival Tour which promises to be a very good tour indeed!

JOP will tour Europe again in October....Look for about 12 shows with an announcment coming very soon. "
GANDALF :gandalf:
"Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost
It's empty and cold without you here, too many people to ache over"
Black Stone Wielder
Black Stone Wielder
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Message par Fredo »

le pain de Jon Oliva est delicieux.

nous trainions ensemble, et c'etait un vrai mechant. il distribuait egalement d'autres "Pains", ceux ci dans la gueule. avec lui, c'est un vrai savatage en regle.
Miteux a la rage
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Metal Heart
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Re: Jon Oliva's Pain

Message par ZiGGy »

Gandalf a écrit :Je crée un topic différent de celui du 'Tage, car ils ont commencé la préparation du nouvel album, donc je tiendrai informés ceux que ca interesse ici.
Ils avaient promis le tout en un an au départ. Bon, on y croyait pas une seconde, mais de là à mettre plus d'un an entre les deux premiers albums de la prétendue trilogie, c'est fort. :hum:
En plus ça retarde la remise en route de Savatage, alors qu'une suite à Poets fait plus envie qu'un nouveau Pain. C'etait très sympa mais pas vraiment mémorable (de lapin).
:bouffon: Et c'est ainsi qu'Allah est grand. :bouffon:
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Zorro of False Metal
Zorro of False Metal
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Message par Gandalf »

Je préfère qu'ils tournent plus et que les albums soient décalés dans le temps. :)
Parce qu'honnetement, il vivra pas vieux, alors qu'on le voye le plus possible,et surtout, putain, qu'ils nous pondent un dernier Savatage, pour les 25 ans du groupe, avec tournée exceptionnelle à la clé. :(
GANDALF :gandalf:
"Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost
It's empty and cold without you here, too many people to ache over"
Metal Heart
Metal Heart
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Message par ZiGGy »

D'accord, mais qu'ils passent à Paris un samedi soir, et en dehors de mes periodes de dossiers !!! :D
:bouffon: Et c'est ainsi qu'Allah est grand. :bouffon:
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Zorro of False Metal
Zorro of False Metal
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Message par Gandalf »

Quand il passe à Paris avec Savatage, il remplit 300 personnes maximum à l'Elysée...Alors je crois qu'il faudra aller le voir ailleurs malheureusement... :/
GANDALF :gandalf:
"Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost
It's empty and cold without you here, too many people to ache over"
Metal Heart
Metal Heart
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Message par ZiGGy »

Je sais, donc qu'il enregistre, mordel de berde. Ou qu'il fasse une premiere partie, ou une petite salle avec une premiere partie qui attire également du public... Egoine ? :diable:
Il avait promis trois albums et un live en peu de temps pour relencer le Tage rapidement. Là on a rien, que dalle, du vent. :hum:
:bouffon: Et c'est ainsi qu'Allah est grand. :bouffon:
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Zorro of False Metal
Zorro of False Metal
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Enregistré le : 04 sept. 2002, 23:40
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Message par Gandalf »

Le 'Tage ne sera jamais relancé par JOP. C'est devenu un truc bien distinct depuis la sortie de l'album et la tournée.
Il dit dans la news qu'ils vont enregistrer 18 titres, pour faire aussi des bonus track etc...Ils peuvent en faire deux albums à la limite, mais s'ils estiment mieux de procéder de cette manière, et que la qualité soit au rendez vous, je leur laisse volontiers quelques années de plus de battements ;)
GANDALF :gandalf:
"Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost
It's empty and cold without you here, too many people to ache over"
Metal Heart
Metal Heart
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Message par ZiGGy »

Ca n'a jamais rien eu à voir, tu te méprends sur mes propos, mais je me souviens clairement qu'Oliva disait relancer Savatage après l'aventure JOP. Donc plus vite il en finit plus il y a de chances qu'il travaille à autre chose. En tout cas je ne le vois pas travailler sur deux projets en même temps si il n'a pas encore de matos pour le deuxieme album un an après le premier.
:bouffon: Et c'est ainsi qu'Allah est grand. :bouffon:
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Zorro of False Metal
Zorro of False Metal
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Enregistré le : 04 sept. 2002, 23:40
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Message par Gandalf »

ZiGGy a écrit :Ca n'a jamais rien eu à voir, tu te méprend sur mes propos, mais je me souviens clairement qu'Oliva disait relencer Savatage après l'aventure JOP. Donc plus vite il en finit plus il y a de chances qu'il travail à autre chose.
Ah ok, vu sous cet angle oui en effet.
Je pense sincerement qu'il fera une pause dans son aventure JOP pour les 25 ans de Savatage, mais que ce sera tout pour ce dernier. Il l'a laissé entendre il y a quelques mois dans une interview qi doit être dans le topic Savatage.
GANDALF :gandalf:
"Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost
It's empty and cold without you here, too many people to ache over"
Metal Heart
Metal Heart
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Message par ZiGGy »

Sinon j'aimerais bien voir TSO à Paris pour mon anniversaire. :help:
:bouffon: Et c'est ainsi qu'Allah est grand. :bouffon:
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Zorro of False Metal
Zorro of False Metal
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Message par Gandalf »

Arf tu l'as dit !
Ils ne sont pas connus ici, ils ne rempliraient pas des salles immenses comme aux USA, mais un petit Elysée ce serait génial ! :bang:
GANDALF :gandalf:
"Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost
It's empty and cold without you here, too many people to ache over"
Metal Heart
Metal Heart
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Message par ZiGGy »

Un petit Elysée ce serait ridicule. Ni l'esthetique ni l'acoustique ni la configuration n'y correspondrait. Le Bataclan irait mieux, en configuration assise il doit faire moins que l'Elysée debout... par contre la scene n'est pas plus grande. C'est sur qu'avec un succès correct en france ils seraient à leur aise dans un Olympia ou un Palais des Congrés. :hum:
:bouffon: Et c'est ainsi qu'Allah est grand. :bouffon:
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Zorro of False Metal
Zorro of False Metal
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Message par Gandalf »

Oui mais ca n'arrivera jamais, donc... :hum:
GANDALF :gandalf:
"Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost
It's empty and cold without you here, too many people to ache over"
Gold Saint
Gold Saint
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Message par weik »

Gandalf a écrit :Quand il passe à Paris avec Savatage, il remplit 300 personnes maximum à l'Elysée...Alors je crois qu'il faudra aller le voir ailleurs malheureusement... :/

oui je me rappelle de cette date ... avec un Elysée Montmartre à moitié vide :( une honte surtout que c'était un samedi :grr:
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Guardian of the Flame
Guardian of the Flame
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Message par Agent-M »

Effectivement, c'était pas glop, 'fin fallait s'y attendre... Reste que je garde un super souvenir de ce concert, comme à chaque fois avec Savatage :bow:

C'est vraiment quand il veut qu'il s'y remet :D
Lethal Mind (thrash prog) -
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Metal Heart
Metal Heart
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Message par ZiGGy »

Gandalf a écrit :Oui mais ca n'arrivera jamais, donc... :hum:
J'ai le droit de fantasmer non ? :wank:
:bouffon: Et c'est ainsi qu'Allah est grand. :bouffon:
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Zorro of False Metal
Zorro of False Metal
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Message par Gandalf »

Tout a fait !
j'espère autant si ce n'est plus que toi je te rassure...Mais parfois la réalité me rejoint...
GANDALF :gandalf:
"Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost
It's empty and cold without you here, too many people to ache over"
Metal Heart
Metal Heart
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Message par ZiGGy »

J'ai un pote qui a une salle très sympa. Une centaine de places en bourrant bien, et de quoi mettre deux zikos en plus de la batterie sur scene... Ca ira peut être pour faire venir TSO ? :D
:bouffon: Et c'est ainsi qu'Allah est grand. :bouffon:
Metal Heart
Metal Heart
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Message par BiWi »

bah moi aussi je préfererais un nouvel album de Savatage plutôt que JOP...non pas que "tage mahal" soit nul,au contraire, mais je préfère quand même SAVATAGE.........pourquoi pas une suite a STREETS? (je bande déjà) .......... :diable:

par contre concernant un éventuel show en France il faudrait peut être que les fans soient au courant et qu'ils se bougent le fion pour aller les voir..........c'est sûr que si oliva le dit seulement a un pauvre kéké de journaleux français,personne ne sera au courant faudrait qu'ils aient les mêmes moyens publicitaires que MAIDEN quoi...... :(
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Zorro of False Metal
Zorro of False Metal
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Enregistré le : 04 sept. 2002, 23:40
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Message par Gandalf »


Rehearsals have been going great, and this record promises to offer some incredible flavors throughout. The process has been a real team effort. It's been nothing short of 6 people brainstorming idea's and endless possibilities. Everyone is bringing new tunes and idea's to the table and we are working really well as a full writing unit.

Yesterday was spent working on an instrumental that Matt had recorded on his solo CD many years ago. Jerry, Kevin, Zahner and I took Oliva's suggestion to try and come up with some new idea's to incorporate into the song and really give it alot of flavor and fire. Success was realized just a few hours later, and once we have had to time to perfect the performances for the record, it is going to kill. Oliva is very pleased with this medley of styles and inspiration. After yesterday's rehearsal, Oliva said " You know, I am really relieved that I don't have to worry about bringing all the songs and idea's to the table. I know I asked you guys for input, but I really didn't know what to expect. This is going to be great, and we are going to deliver the goods once again". We are glad that he has asked for our help and proud to deliver what we can.

Have no fear people, this will still be an Oliva-style record but with lots of different influences. We are really enjoying these sessions and can't wait to get things started at Audio Lab once again.
GANDALF :gandalf:
"Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost
It's empty and cold without you here, too many people to ache over"
Chibre lorrain
Chibre lorrain
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Message par guardianofsteel »

M'en fous, j'veux du 'Tage :,( :,(
Thrashos dans la voiture au Rock Am Bach pendant la tempête a écrit :Putain on va crever coincé là-dedans comme un hérisson dans un pot de Mc Fleury
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Zorro of False Metal
Zorro of False Metal
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Message par Gandalf »


Okay, despite some arrangement changes and a wealth of vocals, solo's, and general ear-candy, most of the record has been written. Kevin and I begin cramming for our scheduled studio time later this month. We are hoping to get the drums and most of the bass tracks completed before we leave on this yet "un-confirmed" US tour...(What a pain in the ass this tour has become,..but we are hopeful and waiting for one more band to confirm). We will keep the same process for this record. Greg, our most excellent engineer/producer, will be at the helm. Audio Lab Studio's will be our home for the next few months before we head to Morrisound to mix.

As previously stated, there are some real suprises all over this record. No two songs are alike, and there is some real experimenting going on with most of these songs. The double-leads and textures of Matt and Jerry is adding an incredible amount of substance and flavor all over these new tunes. Every rehearsal brings new idea's and better arrangements to each song. We should have 16 songs available for the record. Some will be bonus tracks for different parts of the globe, and we are also discussing DVD-Video options. 1 option has never been done before, but let's just say that you will be able to enjoy the entire album as a completely different and unique experience.....Very cool indeed!

Oliva is pushing his voice and the vocal arrangments to new heights. Some of this stuff is so evil yet very complex. Kevin and John Z did a great job in the studio last time, and JO has decided once again to push the vocal envelope as far as he can. Those boys got their work cut out for them this time! But, as usual, everyone is up to the challenge and we will be ready come late-August!.

One of the biggest suprises on the record will surely be the one song that the fans see as the most experimental and maybe the most infectious. The title is "I Don't Want". As for the music...Think something along the lines of Ministry meets Dr.Butcher meets Savatage meets an industrial-circus-freak show. Sorry for the strange analogy, but this song is so different from anything we have heard Jon write. But the tune is going to stick in your head and drive you nuts. It's gauranteed to cause non-stop headbanging for weeks.

Okay, back to work. Talk to again soon!
GANDALF :gandalf:
"Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost
It's empty and cold without you here, too many people to ache over"
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Zorro of False Metal
Zorro of False Metal
Messages : 17870
Enregistré le : 04 sept. 2002, 23:40
Localisation : Chez Mémé
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Message par Gandalf »

Gandalf a écrit :Hard Music Awards Lifetime Achievemennt Award
Friday, August 5 2005

For over 20 years Jon Oliva has contibuted some of metals most incredible and memorable music. Last night, at the First Annual Hard Music awards held in Tampa, Florida, he finally received an award fitting of those contibutions.

Congratulations to Jon Oliva for winning the much deserved Lifetime Achievement Award!

Une fan qui etait a la ceremonie:

Jon won the Tampa Hardmusic Awards Lifetime achievement award! Thanks to all of you who voted to make sure it happened! Jon couldn't have been more pleased and was very humbled by the fact that so many of you voted like you did!~! Way to go everybody! and Way to go Jon! You really deserved it!

The show was cool, especially in the Tampa Theater, that's where the photos for Streets were shot. Jon and Damond Jiniya presented the award for best male vocalist and were quite funny...they waltzed across the stage together at one point,lol! Speaking of Damond, I spoke to Damond on the break, and had a nice chat with him, catching up with him and hearing all the latest about his new band The Neglected! Watch out world, from what he shared with me it's gonna be a really cool band to check out! His hair is shoulder length and long again, he looked really cute ladies... Then after the break I hung out with The Mtn King as the show wound down and it was getting closer to the time for his award category...he was in a rare mood! very funny, we had a blast making sarcastic quips back and forth! and then it was time, when they named the nominees Kat, Kevin,Super G, Fluffy Adam, Betsy and a few others in our group screamed our asses off, then the big moment arrived and they called out Jon Oliva! Of course we screamed even louder at that so did a lot of other folks in the audience as well! Jon walked out and gave a very gracious acceptance speech, then it was out to the lobby for pix, and we were all outta there(it was really hot like 102 tonight even in the airconditioning it was miserable) I wanna thank Super G for the glass of wine it was really appreciated! You rock dude! (Jon did grab it from me and drink a third of it, but I got it back from him which wasn't an easy feat LOL) Betsy for driving, her wit and humor, and for being the coolest chick in the world as always, and Adam for just being Adam, and as always Kat for just being Kat! lol! I had a wonderful time...I'm too hyped up to sleep, and I hope that no one minds that I went ahead and posted the news, before Kat puts the official news and pix up, but I just couldn't sleep .
GANDALF :gandalf:
"Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost
It's empty and cold without you here, too many people to ache over"