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Nouvel album solo de Luca Turili

Posté : 14 nov. 2005, 22:59
par Pierre
Il est en train de l'enregistrer et la sortie est prévue pour janvier ou février :)
L'album live de Rhapsody ( :lol: :lol: :lol: :diable: ) sortira vraissemblablement à la même période :D

RHAPSODY guitarist Luca Turilli is currently putting the finishing touches on a new solo album, tentatively due in January/February 2006. Turilli's last solo CD, "Prophet of the Last Eclipse", came out in 2002.

RHAPSODY will be releasing their first live album ever in early 2006. The recordings will be based on performances made during leg one of MANOWAR's "Demons, Dragons and Warriors World Tour" where RHAPSODY appeared as the special guests in spring 2005.

RHAPSODY released "Symphony of Enchanted Lands II - The Dark Secret", in September 2004 via Magic Circle Music/SPV. The CD features a very special appearance by acclaimed actor Christopher Lee ("Star Wars - Episode 2: Attack of the Clones", "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring", "Gremlins II", "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow").

Posté : 15 nov. 2005, 00:48
par Everflow
Il y aura de l'accordéon comme la dernière fois? :D

Posté : 15 nov. 2005, 14:16
par Souflette
:rhapsody: :fete: :bang:

Posté : 15 nov. 2005, 20:01
par Bib
J'avais bien aimé le 2ème album de Turilli un peu plus éloigné de Rhapsody (enfin pas trop non plus) et j'espère que le nouveau sera au même niveau ! :bang: :bang: :rhapsody:

Posté : 15 nov. 2005, 23:12
par Pierre
Je n'en espère pas grand chose...

Posté : 15 nov. 2005, 23:58
par Gandalf
Allons allons, gardons espoir ! Lucas est quelqu'un de bien !
:D :D

Posté : 27 janv. 2006, 14:17
par Everflow
Luca a également un autre projet solo :
Furthermore, lead guitarist Luca Turilli will be involved in the release of two additional projects. His third full-length solo album, "The Infinite Wonders of Creation", will display awe-inspiring six-stringed wizardry. Turilli will also introduce his new project, LUCA TURILLI'S DREAMQUEST, with their debut album, "Lost Horizon".

Posté : 27 janv. 2006, 20:44
par Mc Brain
lost horizon, ça fait référence au l'horizon qui se bouche de plus en plus de son groupe principal? :D

Posté : 27 janv. 2006, 21:51
par BiWi
la falsitude dans toute sa splendeur...... :/

Posté : 27 janv. 2006, 21:53
par Everflow
Et pourquoi ça?

Posté : 27 janv. 2006, 22:00
par BiWi
paske....... :D

non en fait je connais pas trop ses albums solos mais j'aime pas des masses les groupes comme rhapsody......c'est tout...... :oops:

Posté : 04 avr. 2006, 22:31
par Gandalf
Voila plus de details:


Street Date: May 29, 2006


Title: The Infinite Wonders Of Creation


Secrets Of Forgotten Ages
Mother Nature
Angels Of The Winter Dawn
The Miracle Of Life
Silver Moon
Cosmic Revelation
Pyramids And Stargates
Mystic And Divine
The Infinite Wonders Of Creation
Bonus 5" Single:

Including 3 brand new tracks from the upcoming album Luca Turilli's Dreamquest "Lost Horizons".


LUCA TURILLI – The Infinite Wonders Of Creation

Best known as lead guitarist, co-composer and co-founder of symphonic film-score metal flag bearers Rhapsody, Luca Turilli is an experienced and accomplished musician. With his third solo album entitled The Infinite Wonders of Creation, Turilli ends his epic trilogy. The trilogy began in the 1999 with King of the Nordic Twilight, followed by Prophet of the Last Eclipse, both of which commanded impressive chart positions in Germany, as well as other countries around the world.

While the first album was lyrically and musically inspired by a fantasy tale created by Luca, the second album represented an evolution for Luca's “typical” sound. Lyrically, the album was influenced by one of his favorite science-fiction movies: Event Horizon, directed by Paul W.S. Anderson.

In order to turn the mystic atmosphere of the cosmic landscapes into music, Luca started incorporating some unique and experimental elements to his music, with an array of futuristic and electronic sounds.

After exploring and exhausting the topics of the past and the future, Luca’s vision led him to create a musical representation of the present in order to complete the trilogy. With The Infinite Wonders of Creation, Turilli composed a symphony dedicated to Mother Nature; a topic that has inspired and invigorated him musically and philosophically. Immediately capturing the imagination of the listener with atmospheric sounds and continuing to draw them in with operatic female vocals and symphonic instrumentation, it becomes immediately clear that The Infinite Wonders Of Creation is an intimate and abstract album covering a wide range of themes: life, death, good, evil, the cosmos and philosophy. Songs like “Mother Nature” and “Altitudes” display the dual elegance and power of Turilli’s compositions.

The Infinite Wonders Of Creation marks the debut of Luca’s dual musical talents: as a guitar virtuoso and also as a prodigious keyboardist. Turilli is joined by the same band members who performed on the two previous albums: vocalist Olaf Hayer, bassist Sascha Paeth and drummer Robert Hunecke-Rizzo and guest vocalist Bridget Fogle.

The Infinite Wonders of Creation presents the logical extension of Luca’s well known musical attributes, both musically and lyrically; a voyage into the inner workings of artist, thinking man, and maestro. This album both wraps up one chapter in Luca’s career and points to magnificent possibilities in his future.

Posté : 08 juin 2006, 11:08
par Bib
Bon allez, un petit up sur ce sujet, pour préciser que c'est une grosse daube ! :lol: :lol: :/

Je conseille à tous les fans de Turilli et de Rhapsody de se jeter dessus pour brûler tous les exemplaires qu'ils pourraient croiser ! :lol: :lol: :lol:

En attendant je suis bien dég... :( :(

Posté : 08 juin 2006, 11:16
par blackoum
merci pour ta chronique détaillée, j'hésitais à l'acheter et grâce à ton post, je vais plutôt aller m'acheter un bidon d'essence.

Posté : 08 juin 2006, 11:18
par Bib
:D :D

Les chroniques c'est ma spécialité !

Cela étant, je ne vois pas grand chose à en dire... Il ne se passe strictement rien dans cet album... C'est lent, mou, chiant... :(
Aucune chanson ne sort de marasme... :/ :(

Posté : 08 juin 2006, 11:22
par Bertrand
Bib a écrit :C'est lent, mou, chiant... :(
Aucune chanson ne sort de marasme... :/ :(
tout le contraire de Primal Fear et Running Wild :diable:
T'as plus d'excuses pour ne pas aimer maintenant.

Posté : 08 juin 2006, 11:23
par Bib
:o :o :o Oups !

Il est pas si mal finalement ce Turilli ! :lol: :lol:

Posté : 08 juin 2006, 12:30
par hevydevy
Tain j'avais lu "Nouveau solo de Turilli". J'ai eu peur, lui qui fait toujours le même depuis le premier Rhapsody, ça aurait été une révolution :D

Posté : 08 juin 2006, 12:52
par Bib
Ben pour le coup c'est assez différent... :/ :(

Posté : 06 nov. 2006, 20:21
par Everflow
Turilli bosse déjà sur le suivant, qu'il voudrait être le Keeper of the Seven Keys Part III...
"I just came back from Wolfsburg where I ended the first part of the production for the second DREAMQUEST album (please check for more details). During that time I had also the possibility to plan the production of my fourth solo album. I can already tell you that the next album will be the solo album I always dreamed of. Olaf Hayer will be the absolute hero of the fourth release. I always thought his voice sounds very similiar to the one of Michael Kiske (please check our cover of 'I'm Alive' if you have some doubts!). And I will never deny that thanks to Michael's voice and the two 'Keepers' from HELLOWEEN I started loving the melodic speed metal around 20 years ago.

"And so here we come with my crazy vision... my next solo album will try to be the imaginary 'Keeper of the Seven Keys, Part 3' that I would have liked to hear sung by Michael Kiske in 1990, a 'monumentum' to melodic speed/power metal with anthemic refrains and sing-a-long melodies. But this is only a part of the whole plan. The new album will comprehend a giant orchestra too, a giant choir and a lot of very special guests for a complete cinematic approach. Just wait for it, my friends, I am having so much fun composing it! A great tour will follow the fourth solo album's release and me and Olaf will be then on all the stages worldwide to promote it in the best way."

Posté : 06 nov. 2006, 21:52
par Bib
Houlà, tout un programme ! :o :o