LA Guns contre LA Guns

L'actualité brulante du Metal traditionnel et de tout ce qui gravite autour.

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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
Messages : 39572
Enregistré le : 04 sept. 2002, 21:27
Localisation : Beyond Within

Message par Everflow »

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I'm the lost one chasing colors to the sun
Colors bleed but never fade
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Metal Heart
Metal Heart
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Message par L'Ostrogauxe »

J'aurais bien donné mes impressions de cette chanson en live si j'avais pas passé cette partie du concert aux chiottes :oops:
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Guardian of the Flame
Guardian of the Flame
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Message par Graptemiss »

Avec l'âge, tu te rendras compte qu'en tant que femme, deux choix s'offrent à nous en concert: boire ou profiter de la musique. Sexisme injuste mais c'est comme ça, et vive le coca :D

Quant à la gueguerre, typique des chanteurs ça...ils tendent souvent à se considérer comme seul élément "reconnaissable" du groupe, les musiciens étant interchangeables à leurs yeux.
Larry a écrit :
26 mars 2018, 15:17
Le principal problème de Luke Cage, c'est l'acteur. Il a une bonne tête, mais dès que le plan est un peu large, on le voit, bras ballants, comme un culturiste qui attend le bus, et ça c'est mauvais.
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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
Messages : 39572
Enregistré le : 04 sept. 2002, 21:27
Localisation : Beyond Within

Message par Everflow »

I'm the lost one chasing colors to the sun
Colors bleed but never fade
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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
Messages : 39572
Enregistré le : 04 sept. 2002, 21:27
Localisation : Beyond Within

Message par Everflow »

Nouveau guitariste chez LA Guns :
California rockers L.A. GUNS have announced the addition of guitarist Frankie Wilsey to the group's ranks.

Commented the band: "We first met [Frankie] back in 2007 when he was playing in Stephen Pearcy's band, ARCADE, on the Rock Never Stops tour. Frankie spent more time on our bus than his own, impressing us with hours of classic bootleg videos from the '70s and '80s. He was clearly a rock aficionado, truly a scholar and a gentleman.

"Frankie's been playing guitar since 1977. He formed his first band, HEAD ON, in San Francisco in '81 and then went on to form the hometown Bay Area champions SEA HAGS in '88. He moved to Los Angeles in the early '90s, where he teamed up with Stephen Pearcy of RATT and Fred Coury of CINDERELLA to form ARCADE. In addition to lots of sessions in Los Angeles, Frankie recently toured with legendary singer John Waite and also had a residency in Las Vegas as Joe Perry in the definitive AEROSMITH tribute band AEROMYTH.

"Frankie joins [L.A. GUNS] with guns blazing, ready to tour the world and get involved in writing and recording new original material."

Says Frankie: "I met Phil [Lewis, vocals] and Steve [Riley, drums] years ago, traveling down this road. Found out they're blessed with classic-rock style and a road-warrior ethic that is rare in this weakling world of music.

"I have to say I think this is a very good matchup. Let's hope the fans feel the same."

Due to "extenuating circumstances and musical differences," guitarist Stacey Blades announced his departure from L.A. GUNS last week.

Blades played on four L.A. GUNS albums: "Rips The Covers Off" (2004), "Tales Trom The Strip" (2005), "Loud And Dangerous: Live From Hollywood" (2006) and "Hollywood Forever" (2012). He also authored a book, "Confessions Of A Replacement Rockstar", which was published in 2009.
I'm the lost one chasing colors to the sun
Colors bleed but never fade
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Metal Heart
Metal Heart
Messages : 2375
Enregistré le : 11 oct. 2009, 00:38
Localisation : Arlon - Belgique

Message par L'Ostrogauxe »

Haaaan... j'aime pas les line up qui changent
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Guardian of the Flame
Guardian of the Flame
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Message par Dave »

ouais moi j'aimais bien Stacey Blades...
R.I.P. Gary Dalloway : 20/08/2006
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Guardian of the Flame
Guardian of the Flame
Messages : 4914
Enregistré le : 25 mars 2012, 05:30
Localisation : Hells'ass - Speyer

Message par Graptemiss »


Je viens juste de réaliser que j'ai discuté pendant deux heures avec un type à propos du groupe Eleganz, que je ne connaissais pas du tout ("aaaah, intéressant").

Mais qu'en fait il parlait de "LA Guns".

être blonde j'vous jure :crazy:
Larry a écrit :
26 mars 2018, 15:17
Le principal problème de Luke Cage, c'est l'acteur. Il a une bonne tête, mais dès que le plan est un peu large, on le voit, bras ballants, comme un culturiste qui attend le bus, et ça c'est mauvais.
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kingdavid of steel
Defender of the Faith
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Message par kingdavid of steel »

ah ah,ça m'est arrivé aussi avec un allemand qui me parlais d'un groupe nommé "men ass",en fait Menace...
Mr. Gig
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Message par Mr. Gig »

En même temps les gens se comprendraient si tout le monde prononçait correctement les noms de groupes.

On continue de me regarder avec des gros yeux quand je parle de Neïpaume Dèèèf', mais je suis pas près de m'arrêter pour autant...
When you're this gig, they call you...
...But you can't find the time
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Guardian of the Flame
Guardian of the Flame
Messages : 4914
Enregistré le : 25 mars 2012, 05:30
Localisation : Hells'ass - Speyer

Message par Graptemiss »

Napaum?? J'apprends un truc.

Par contre prononce LA guns et Eleganz à l'anglaise et ça sonne pareil :diable:
Larry a écrit :
26 mars 2018, 15:17
Le principal problème de Luke Cage, c'est l'acteur. Il a une bonne tête, mais dès que le plan est un peu large, on le voit, bras ballants, comme un culturiste qui attend le bus, et ça c'est mauvais.
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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
Messages : 39572
Enregistré le : 04 sept. 2002, 21:27
Localisation : Beyond Within

Message par Everflow »

Guitariste (encore) viré et nouveau live, du beau bordel :
L.A. GUNS has apparently parted ways with its guitarist of one month, Frankie Wilsey (SEA HAGS, ARCADE), and has replaced him with Michael Grant from ENDEVERAFTER. Grant will make his live debut with L.A. GUNS this weekend in Chicago and Detroit.

Writing on his Facebook page, L.A. GUNS bassist Scotty Griffin said: "Is [Michael] our permanent guitarist? What happened to the last guitarist? Whose solo album is better, Paul's or Ace's? I can't say... I'm just the bass player. But you heard it here first. Stay tuned." He added in a separate post: "Set up and ready to rock Illinois tonight! First show of the year, and first show with our newest member, Michael Grant of ENDEVERAFTER on lead guitar!"

Due to "extenuating circumstances and musical differences," guitarist Stacey Blades announced his departure from L.A. GUNS in early December.

Blades played on four L.A. GUNS albums: "Rips The Covers Off" (2004), "Tales Trom The Strip" (2005), "Loud And Dangerous: Live From Hollywood" (2006) and "Hollywood Forever" (2012). He also authored a book, "Confessions Of A Replacement Rockstar", which was published in 2009.
L.A. GUNS will release a new concert DVD, "Live In Concert", on February 12 via Cleopatra Records. The DVD contains footage of the band's uncut M3 Rock Festival performance on May 12, 2012 at the Merriweather Post Pavilion in Columbia, Maryland with songs not included in the HDNet live broadcast. Also included are behind-the-scenes, studio and interview extras as well as three studio music videos from their latest album, "Hollywood Forever". The accompanying CD provides the audio tracks for the M3 concert.

For the bonus material, documentarian Jack Foster interviewed Phil Lewis, Steve Riley, Stacey Blades and Scotty Griffin about songwriting, collaboration, and the band's history. In-studio footage throughout the recording process was also captured, including clips of legendary record producer Andy Johns (LED ZEPPELIN, THE ROLLING STONES, VAN HALEN). Former L.A. GUNS member Kelly Nickels makes a special appearance as well.

"Live In Concert" track listing:

Live At The M3 Rock Festival

01. Sex Action
02. Never Enough
03. You Better Not Love Me
04. Sweet Mystery
05. Revolution
06. Sleazy Come, Easy Go
07. Electric Gypsy
08. The Ballad Of Jayne
09. Rip N Tear

Studio Videos

10. You Better Not Love Me
11. Araña Negra
12. Requiem (Hollywood Forever)

The Making Of Hollywood Forever

13. The Beginning
14. Bookends
15. Writing Songs
16. Working Together
17. Time Crunch
18. Phil s Songs
19. Hot Rods & Strippers
20. Treasure Chest
21. Vinyl Spider
22. Hot Take

I'm the lost one chasing colors to the sun
Colors bleed but never fade
Yathin Lizzy
Defender of the Faith
Defender of the Faith
Messages : 16468
Enregistré le : 05 févr. 2006, 18:58

Message par Yathin Lizzy »

Mouais au-delà du jeu des chaises musicales autour du poste de guitariste, moi je vois surtout un beau foutage de gueule dans l'annonce promo de ce live .... car si on y regarde bien il n'y a effectivement que 9 titres.... donc aller jusqu'à 22 en y mettant que des conneries d'interview où je ne sais autre galerie à la con, c'est juste lamentable.
Ajoutez à cela que la plupart des titres live proposés ici font encore doublon avec les précédents live.
C'est dommage car il y a du très bon chez ce groupe, y compris après le départ de Tracy , et ils entretiennent ainsi eux-même leur image de has been alors qu'ils valent beaucoup mieux que cela.
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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
Messages : 39572
Enregistré le : 04 sept. 2002, 21:27
Localisation : Beyond Within

Message par Everflow »

Phil Lewis quitte LA Guns, ce qui n'empêche pas les 2 compères d'avoir un projet en commun :
Singer Phil Lewis has announced his departure from L.A. GUNS. His official statement on the matter reads as follows:

"Dear friends and fans, with a heavy heart, I have to inform you that as of January 1, 2017 I will no longer be a member of this lineup. I feel I have gone as far as I can in this band, and unless I get out and focus on myself and something new that has a future, I'm going to stagnate.

"For the last five years, I've been enthusiastic to record a new record. 'Hollywood Forever' really recharged my batteries and made me feel very proud to be in this band, but it feels like so long ago now. At this stage, I want to walk away with at least a little dignity.

"I want to thank you all for your solid support throughout the last 15 years. We've had the pleasure and honor of playing so many wonderful countries, and I've always made a point of getting out and meeting some of the best, most loyal fans in the business. Your smiling faces will always be a huge part of my adventure, and I want to say thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. What's the point of making records or playing shows if you don't have fans for feedback, and I feel blessed to have so many cool people who treasure the music as much as I do as a part of our fan base.

"I will continue writing, recording, and performing in the future. I have some solid plans, and I'm also open to where fate will take me on my musical adventure, and I sincerely hope if I'm anywhere near you, you'll come out and say hi and hear what I'm doing.

"I love rock and roll, it's been my religion and salvation for many decades, and I feel the fire burning in my soul to do more. I have no plans on slowing down or retiring anytime soon, so please don't be sad.

"Wish me luck and please stay in touch. Goodbye."

There is no word yet on what will happen to Lewis's previously announced project with L.A. GUNS guitarist Tracii Guns, which has been playing shows in recent months. The duo signed a deal with Frontiers Music Srl this past summer and were supposed to release an album in 2017, also under the name L.A. GUNS.
Frontiers Music Srl has confirmed that Phil Lewis's new project with Tracii Guns is unaffected by the singer's announcement that he was quitting the most recent version of L.A. GUNS.

Lewis and Guns have been playing shows in recent months and were supposed to release an album through the Italian record label in 2017, also under the name L.A. GUNS.

After Phil's surprise revelation on Thursday that he was leaving L.A. GUNS, the guitarist posted several short messages on Facebook to confirm that Lewis's departure only refers to the version of the band that includes drummer Steve Riley. The axeman also revealed that the recording of the new L.A. GUNS album featuring Lewis and Guns is going well.

The following message was later posted on the Frontiers Music Srl Facebook page: "For you diehard L.A. GUNS fans out there, you might have seen or read about Philip Lewis's announcement on Facebook yesterday that he was leaving THAT version of L.A. GUNS. To clear up any confusion, Philip and Tracii Guns are currently hard at work on their brand new studio album. The lineup is rounded out by Shane Fitzgibbon on drums and Johnny Martin on bass with Michael Grant on guitar as a touring member. Their album will be released in 2017!"

Earlier today, Grant released a separate personal statement commenting on Lewis's announcement. He wrote: "Although I'm saddened by the end of one chapter, I'm excited for the start of the next.

"I wish no one would have to get burned through all of this, but, unfortunately, we don't live in that kind of perfect world.

"Phil has a right to feel the way he feels. You gotta respect how he came from the heart with all of that. Takes courage. I can actually relate to his feelings in regards to my own music MICHAEL GRANT & THE ASSASSINS.

"I'm fortunate enough to be joining Phil Lewis, Tracii Guns, Johnny Martin and Shane Fitzgibbon in the new lineup of L.A. GUNS and we have a lot of tour dates already booked all around the world. So this isn't the end but the beginning of something really cool."

The last time Lewis and Guns joined forces was back in 2000 with legendary producer Andy Johns for the making of what would become "Waking The Dead".

Regarding the decision to use the L.A. GUNS moniker for the new album, Guns told LA Weekly: "When you put Phil and I together, that's the sound of L.A. GUNS. There's no way around that. As much as I love certain other [former] members of the band, it's hard to say what their contribution to the overall sound of the band was — but Phil Lewis and Tracii Guns, the band's gotta be L.A. GUNS. It can't be anything else."

On the subject of the musical direction of the next L.A. GUNS album, Tracii told radio personality Eddie Trunk: "We are nostalgia. The fact that we're making a record is killer, and I know that L.A. GUNS fans and people that like our kind of heavier music are gonna love it."

Guns also reiterated his desire to make the strongest L.A. GUNS album possible, explaining: "L.A. GUNS I never looked at as a hobby, so I'm certainly not going to now. If I'm gonna write music with Phil Lewis with the L.A. GUNS name on it, it's gonna be taken very seriously by me personally, and I will strive to make those shows and this record and whatever the future is, you know, what I feel is the best thing for the band and the audience. And this is really the only band I've ever felt that way about — that I've gotta take care of it; I've gotta do what I think is right for it. Especially at this point, because if this is the last record that Phil and I ever do, well, that would be pretty damn good, because it would suck to leave it on a mediocre note."
I'm the lost one chasing colors to the sun
Colors bleed but never fade
Yathin Lizzy
Defender of the Faith
Defender of the Faith
Messages : 16468
Enregistré le : 05 févr. 2006, 18:58

Message par Yathin Lizzy »

Heu... en fait il y a encore peu Phil Lewis jouait dans 2 line up de L.A Guns : un avec Steve Riley et l autre plus récent avec Tracy Guns.
C est la version avec Riley que Lewis abandonne.
Il continue avec Tracy sous le nom de L.A Guns.
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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
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Enregistré le : 04 sept. 2002, 21:27
Localisation : Beyond Within

Message par Everflow »

C'est encore pire que RATT, je n'y comprends plus rien. :D
I'm the lost one chasing colors to the sun
Colors bleed but never fade
Yathin Lizzy
Defender of the Faith
Defender of the Faith
Messages : 16468
Enregistré le : 05 févr. 2006, 18:58

Message par Yathin Lizzy »

Le mois dernier les 2 versions de L.A Guns étaient programmés 2 soirs d affilé lors d un fest glam américain. Phil Lewis est donc monté 2 fois sur scène pour interpŕeter à peu de choses près les mêmes morceaux mais avec différents musiciens.
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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
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Enregistré le : 04 sept. 2002, 21:27
Localisation : Beyond Within

Message par Everflow »

:lol: :crazy: :fete:
I'm the lost one chasing colors to the sun
Colors bleed but never fade
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Guardian of the Flame
Guardian of the Flame
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Enregistré le : 20 avr. 2003, 14:33
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Message par Dave »

Everflow a écrit :C'est encore pire que RATT, je n'y comprends plus rien. :D

moi non plus !!! :D

c'est un bordel !!! je croyais que Tracii était revenu et qu'il jouait donc avec Lewis et Riley !!
R.I.P. Gary Dalloway : 20/08/2006
Yathin Lizzy
Defender of the Faith
Defender of the Faith
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Enregistré le : 05 févr. 2006, 18:58

Message par Yathin Lizzy »

Non! Le line up avec Riley et Lewis était toujours en activité.
Tracy Guns a fondé un autre L.A Guns avec Phil Lewis car Riley et Tracy ne peuvent plus se blairer....
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Guardian of the Flame
Guardian of the Flame
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Enregistré le : 20 avr. 2003, 14:33
Localisation : Hauts de Seine (92)

Message par Dave »

ah ouais, putain steve Riley doit l'avoir mauvaise !!

j'ai cru lire qu'ils vont faire un album ensemble (lewis et traccii donc) en 2017
R.I.P. Gary Dalloway : 20/08/2006
Yathin Lizzy
Defender of the Faith
Defender of the Faith
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Enregistré le : 05 févr. 2006, 18:58

Message par Yathin Lizzy »

Oui c est écrit dans le communiqué plus haut :-)
Gold Saint
Gold Saint
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Message par weik »

Et pourquoi Steve Riley retournerai pas dans WASP hein ?????!!!!
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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
Messages : 39572
Enregistré le : 04 sept. 2002, 21:27
Localisation : Beyond Within

Message par Everflow »

Album pour Tracii et Phil Lewis :
L.A. Guns - featuring vocalist Phil Lewis and lead guitarist Tracii Guns - have revealed the artwork for their upcoming new album, The Missing Peace, to be released on October 6th.
I'm the lost one chasing colors to the sun
Colors bleed but never fade
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Guardian of the Flame
Guardian of the Flame
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Enregistré le : 20 avr. 2003, 14:33
Localisation : Hauts de Seine (92)

Message par Dave »

ils se sont pas foulés pour la pochette en tout cas !
curieux d'entendre ce que ça va donner tout de même !
R.I.P. Gary Dalloway : 20/08/2006
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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
Messages : 39572
Enregistré le : 04 sept. 2002, 21:27
Localisation : Beyond Within

Message par Everflow »

ça pulse :

I'm the lost one chasing colors to the sun
Colors bleed but never fade