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Posté : 24 sept. 2012, 14:26
par Psyko Killer

Dernier message de la page précédente :

+ Sabaton
+ U.D.O.
+ Circle II Circle
+ Eskimo Callboy
+ Van Canto

Quelle prise de risque... :up: :diable:

Posté : 24 sept. 2012, 21:02
par mike-polar
Psyko Killer a écrit :
+ Eskimo Callboy

Euh..pardon? :euh:

Posté : 24 sept. 2012, 22:02
par Pierre
Une petite présentation du groupe sur le site du WOA, où ils sont confirmés, histoire de faire saliver tout le monde...
Ce serait donc du porn metal dansant avec une pointe de glam rock psychédélique :bravo: :lol:

According to the dictionary, polarise is a weak verb which often has a strong effect, most of the time unintentionally. However, this is not the case for Eskimo Callboy. "While writing of our album, it was our top priority not to miss out on the famous "shake of the heads" by the critics", said singer Sebastian aka Sushi regarding the themes of polarisation and provocation. So, a system lies behind everything that the six piece does. It is no coincidence that the band's name tries to approach the poles apart...
For ten years, the six musicians of Eskimo Callboy wandered through this cosmos called „Rock Music“, until they found each others in 2010. Rumor tell, that spirits had their part in the game, when the present concept first took shape musically. The song "Monsieur Moustache vs. Clitcat" represented the initial spark to what Eskimo Callboy represents today, according to their own statement: “Danceable porn-metal, with a pinch of psychedelic glam rock!“ This cat¬ches on, turns on and scandalizes. Sometimes.
In past year, the 6-track EP "Eskimo Callboy 2010" reflected the creativity of these six midt-wenty fellows from Castrop-Rauxel in Germany at the beginning of their existence as a band; however, since then a lot has happened. Too much to remain unmentioned. Everything had to be recorded on an album. "After we had released our EP, we went direcly on stage. After six months and 30 shows, so many things had happened that an album was needed. Even relati¬onships broke up because of the band, so that everything had to be renewed and, above all, recorded."
Despite of all developments, when writing the new songs Eskimo Callboy oriented themselves towards the sound on their EP. But as time went by, their compositions were becoming increa¬singly sophisticated, so that on the new longplayer just a sort of bridging remains. The best example for this development is the first single „Is Anyone Up“, in which the band self confidently combines brutal metal-riffs with poppy electro-elements and anthemic refrains. Whether songs like “Bury Me In Vegas“, “Wonderbra Boulevard“ or “The Kerosene Dance“, Eskimo Callboy make clear that they are cutting-edge with their modern metal-sound. "The album is harder and at the same time it has become more pop, though it remains connected to the previous style, so that we can say that we have remained faithful to oursel¬ves."
Remaining faithful to themselves means also keeping their light-heartedness of which they owe their multitude of fans. They come close, carelessly, lightly and courageously. They conti¬nue joining what is difficult to join and creating issues for discussion. "For years, each member has been musically well acquainted with metal, but privately we listen to a lot of electro and pop music, too. Nothing was too absurd when we wrote the EP. We have tried many new things and we have rejected nothing, actually. And although Eskimo Callboy became more professional in some respects during the first year, it was clear that we didn't want to lose our light-heartedness."
Signing with Redfield Records belongs to the "professional things". "The label saw our shows. Then, we talked and they seemed to be assured by what they had seen and heard." But also the band's organization became more professional, the structure of today is a team that "feels like a small family". They have become best friends, while the band is growing more and more, no longer being being a simple hobby. "We spend so much time together; therefore, the sense of community has also tremendously grown."
This is why their lyrics are often about true, collectively experienced stories. "Behind every song lies a true story, which is improved with lots of imagination. However, no one should take the lyrics too seriously, because they involve a lot of sarcasm. They are about parties, sex, booze experiences and interpersonal relationships."
The savoir vivre of the carefree youth is especially reflected again in the dance-parts of their music. Because these six know from personal experiences, what their generation wants. "Par¬tying and dancing! Through the electronical elements, a danceable mix can be noticed in our music. That is very important to us, because our music is meant to create a good mood."
The priorities are set, it´s all about looking ahead now. "We simply want to continue as before. A lot of travelling, meeting new people, visiting cities, in order to expand our network -shortly: having a good time. Our "big" goal is to participate in a tour through the United States. But above all, we do not want to give up that what our music stands for. Because it's not just about the music alone, but also about a temporary sense of life, that we want to achieve with it."

Posté : 02 oct. 2012, 08:38
par Psyko Killer
+ Kreator
+ Heaven Shall Burn
+ Masterplan
+ Amaranthe :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang: :diable:
+ Eric Fish
+ Blaas Of Glory

Posté : 29 oct. 2012, 18:51
par Psyko Killer
+ Onkel Tom :lol:

Posté : 13 févr. 2013, 10:23
par Psyko Killer
Et voici le programme de la soirée pour l'escale du Havre:


Posté : 27 févr. 2013, 14:19
par Psyko Killer
Saxon appearing as part of the FULL METAL CRUISE!!

The first of three „On Land“ shows (Southampton, May 7th) features Saxon as the headliner and they will be performing the Denim & Leather album in it’s entirety!
:bave: :bave: :bave:

Posté : 27 févr. 2013, 14:22
par Thrashos
Ca aurait été étonnant qu'ils en soient pas en même temps. :D

Posté : 27 févr. 2013, 14:27
par Psyko Killer
Je parle pas de la présence du groupe, et à ce sujet j'ai quand même été surpris de voir qu'ils étaient pas sur la croisière justement, j'étais persuadé qu'ils la faisait! :lol:
Mais du show avec Denim And Leather en entier... ;)

Posté : 27 févr. 2013, 14:34
par Thrashos
Mouais c'est sympa, mais ils en jouent quand même une bonne partie à chaque fois, ont déjà fait des set similaires l'an dernier (ou l'année d'avant je sais plus), et même quand ils ne le jouaient pas en entier, ils ont fait des dates avec les morceaux mis de côté depuis un moment, donc au final pas grand chose de nouveau... enfin je parle pour ma part, reste que c'est sympa quand même. ;)

Posté : 27 févr. 2013, 14:38
par Psyko Killer
Bah écoute j'ai vu Saxon 3 fois déjà et pour le moment je n'ai eu le droit qu'à 3 chansons de l'album. Voilà c'est un album que j'adore et quand je vois qu'ils vont le jouer en entier ça me donne envie c'est tout!

Je comprends pas trop tes interventions du coup...

Posté : 27 févr. 2013, 16:01
par BurningDarkness
Pierre a écrit :Une petite présentation du groupe sur le site du WOA, où ils sont confirmés, histoire de faire saliver tout le monde...
Ce serait donc du porn metal dansant avec une pointe de glam rock psychédélique :bravo: :lol:

According to the dictionary, polarise is a weak verb which often has a strong effect, most of the time unintentionally. However, this is not the case for Eskimo Callboy. "While writing of our album, it was our top priority not to miss out on the famous "shake of the heads" by the critics", said singer Sebastian aka Sushi regarding the themes of polarisation and provocation. So, a system lies behind everything that the six piece does. It is no coincidence that the band's name tries to approach the poles apart...
For ten years, the six musicians of Eskimo Callboy wandered through this cosmos called „Rock Music“, until they found each others in 2010. Rumor tell, that spirits had their part in the game, when the present concept first took shape musically. The song "Monsieur Moustache vs. Clitcat" represented the initial spark to what Eskimo Callboy represents today, according to their own statement: “Danceable porn-metal, with a pinch of psychedelic glam rock!“ This cat¬ches on, turns on and scandalizes. Sometimes.
In past year, the 6-track EP "Eskimo Callboy 2010" reflected the creativity of these six midt-wenty fellows from Castrop-Rauxel in Germany at the beginning of their existence as a band; however, since then a lot has happened. Too much to remain unmentioned. Everything had to be recorded on an album. "After we had released our EP, we went direcly on stage. After six months and 30 shows, so many things had happened that an album was needed. Even relati¬onships broke up because of the band, so that everything had to be renewed and, above all, recorded."
Despite of all developments, when writing the new songs Eskimo Callboy oriented themselves towards the sound on their EP. But as time went by, their compositions were becoming increa¬singly sophisticated, so that on the new longplayer just a sort of bridging remains. The best example for this development is the first single „Is Anyone Up“, in which the band self confidently combines brutal metal-riffs with poppy electro-elements and anthemic refrains. Whether songs like “Bury Me In Vegas“, “Wonderbra Boulevard“ or “The Kerosene Dance“, Eskimo Callboy make clear that they are cutting-edge with their modern metal-sound. "The album is harder and at the same time it has become more pop, though it remains connected to the previous style, so that we can say that we have remained faithful to oursel¬ves."
Remaining faithful to themselves means also keeping their light-heartedness of which they owe their multitude of fans. They come close, carelessly, lightly and courageously. They conti¬nue joining what is difficult to join and creating issues for discussion. "For years, each member has been musically well acquainted with metal, but privately we listen to a lot of electro and pop music, too. Nothing was too absurd when we wrote the EP. We have tried many new things and we have rejected nothing, actually. And although Eskimo Callboy became more professional in some respects during the first year, it was clear that we didn't want to lose our light-heartedness."
Signing with Redfield Records belongs to the "professional things". "The label saw our shows. Then, we talked and they seemed to be assured by what they had seen and heard." But also the band's organization became more professional, the structure of today is a team that "feels like a small family". They have become best friends, while the band is growing more and more, no longer being being a simple hobby. "We spend so much time together; therefore, the sense of community has also tremendously grown."
This is why their lyrics are often about true, collectively experienced stories. "Behind every song lies a true story, which is improved with lots of imagination. However, no one should take the lyrics too seriously, because they involve a lot of sarcasm. They are about parties, sex, booze experiences and interpersonal relationships."
The savoir vivre of the carefree youth is especially reflected again in the dance-parts of their music. Because these six know from personal experiences, what their generation wants. "Par¬tying and dancing! Through the electronical elements, a danceable mix can be noticed in our music. That is very important to us, because our music is meant to create a good mood."
The priorities are set, it´s all about looking ahead now. "We simply want to continue as before. A lot of travelling, meeting new people, visiting cities, in order to expand our network -shortly: having a good time. Our "big" goal is to participate in a tour through the United States. But above all, we do not want to give up that what our music stands for. Because it's not just about the music alone, but also about a temporary sense of life, that we want to achieve with it."
Pour revenir sur Eskima Callboy, j'ai lu récemment un article sur Earache Records dans lequel Digby Pearson disait que pour lui c'est un groupe super prometteur qui va beaucoup monter et tout et tout. Oui oui, le gars qui a signé Carcass, At The Gates et compagnie :euh:

Posté : 27 févr. 2013, 18:58
par Thrashos
Psyko Killer a écrit :Bah écoute j'ai vu Saxon 3 fois déjà et pour le moment je n'ai eu le droit qu'à 3 chansons de l'album. Voilà c'est un album que j'adore et quand je vois qu'ils vont le jouer en entier ça me donne envie c'est tout!

Je comprends pas trop tes interventions du coup...
Ben comme je te l'ai dit, je parle pour moi seulement qui ai déjà vu tout ces titres et pour la plupart même un paquet de fois, mais je dis que ça reste sympa, et en l’occurrence surtout pour toi ou d'autres qui n'ont pas vu tout ces titres live, y'a rien de mal la dedans ni de critique, simple constat personnel. ;)

Après j'adore ce groupe, je les ai vu près de 20 fois, et ça reste un de mes favoris en live, je ne m'en lasse pas, donc je suis pas du genre à leur lancer la pierre hein. :D

Posté : 28 févr. 2013, 07:23
par Psyko Killer
Vous faites chier d'être vieux!!! :diable:

Posté : 28 févr. 2013, 12:09
par Thrashos
Non non, je vais en avoir 24. :D 8-)

Posté : 28 févr. 2013, 13:19
par Psyko Killer
Ah! :lol: Tu les as vu en quelle année la première fois?

Posté : 28 févr. 2013, 13:57
par Thrashos
Je sais plus, y'a 5/6 ans à peu près, quand j'ai commencé à vraiment me bouger.

Posté : 28 févr. 2013, 13:58
par Psyko Killer
En 5/6 ans tu les as vu 20 fois?! :o :bave:

Posté : 28 févr. 2013, 14:09
par Thrashos
Vive les fests. :D :bang:

Posté : 28 févr. 2013, 14:23
par Psyko Killer
C'est pas faux! :up:

Posté : 19 avr. 2013, 10:53
par Pierre

Posté : 19 avr. 2013, 10:56
par Jeff Von Dijon
Je sens que des gens seront déçus! Ben ouais tba en même temps que Van Canto et Gamma Ray le dimanche, non mais oh! :cherchezpas:

Posté : 03 juin 2013, 11:52
par Shaka
C'était ENORME !!! :bang:

Bon, bien sûr, faut aimer le metal à l'allemande.

J'ai mis plein de photos sur mon facebook pour ceux que ça intéresse.