Sepultura: Igor Cavalera s'en va

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Yathin Lizzy
Defender of the Faith
Defender of the Faith
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Enregistré le : 05 févr. 2006, 18:58

Message par Yathin Lizzy »

Pas une surprise mais c'est maintenant officiel!

Pour ceux qui esperaient une reformation, c'est plutôt mal barré.....

Drummer Igor Cavalera has officially announced his departure from SEPULTURA (as exclusively reported by BLABBERMOUTH.NET on January 13, 2006 and subsequently denied by both the band and Igor).

In a statement released today (June 12) to the Brazilian media, Igor attributed the split to "artistic incompatibility" with his SEPULTURA bandmates — guitarist Andreas Kisser, bassist Paulo Xisto Pinto Jr. and vocalist Derrick Green.

"I believe my mission in SEPULTURA has come to an end," Igor said in the statement. "I am very proud of everything we have done, but I feel that the group's current formation no longer lives up to my expectations as a musician and a person. Since my last European tour with SEPULTURA, which took place in December 2004, I have sensed that my ideas were not compatible with those of the rest of the band."

Igor, who hasn't performed with SEPULTURA since 2005, noticed that his personal ambitions were worlds apart from those of the other members of the group and he felt slightly detached from the creative process of SEPULTURA.

"After working in a band for so many years, the relationship between me and the rest of the group wore itself out and I feel that there is no longer a compatibility of thoughts and ideas between us," he said. "I tried to make this clear to the other guys and suggested that we take a break. However, their priority was to continue playing despite my absence."

As a drummer and musician, Igor will carry on and says he us looking forward to incorporating new sounds and influences — such as hip hop, hardcore, tribal percussion and electronic music — into his future projects to produce something authentic and real, similar to what SEPULTURA once represented in his life.

According to Igor, the decision to leave SEPULTURA was one of the most difficult in his career, since he — as one of the band's co-founders — dedicated most of his life to it.

"I would really like to thank all of the fans that supported me and continue supporting our music," he said. "I would also like to thank everybody that worked to make SEPULTURA the band that it had become."

Igor announced earlier in the year that he was taking a break from the group's touring activities to spend time with his second wife and their new son (who was born in January). Filling in on drums during the band's European tour with IN FLAMES was Roy Mayorga, who played with Igor's brother Max in SOULFLY for several years in the late '90s and again in 2001-2003.

Igor is the second Cavalera to leave SEPULTURA. In 1996, Max Cavalera exited the group after the rest of the band fired Max's wife Gloria as SEPULTURA's manager.

SEPULTURA have now officially selected Jean Dolabella (ex-UDORA) as their new touring drummer following Roy Mayorga's decision to join STONE SOUR as a full-time member.
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Message par Larry »

Bah surtout, Sepultura sans aucun Cavalera... hum...
Dark Avenger
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Message par Plantigrade »

Pitaing, ça craint du bouding :(
Ne peut plus mettre d'avatar, mais s'en bat les rouleaux...
Gold Saint
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Message par weik »

Il va peut être rejoindre son frère maintenant ;)
Yathin Lizzy
Defender of the Faith
Defender of the Faith
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Enregistré le : 05 févr. 2006, 18:58

Message par Yathin Lizzy »

Les temps sont durs pour Sepultura qui s'est retrouvé recemment en ouverture de In FLames...
Il y a quelques annees quand on y pense, In Flames jouait au Gibus lorsque Sepultura remplissait le Zénith.
Enfin, un groupe qui a la dignité de continer même dans les moments les plus pénibles mérite le respect!!!
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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
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Message par Everflow »

Ils ont du courage de continuer en effet, surtout que maintenant plus personne ne va les assimiler à Sepultura :/

Les frères Cavalera avaient formé le groupe, alors maintenant qu'ils sont partis...
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Holy Diver
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Message par KERMHIT »

:/ arrrff .. il privilégie la vie de famille sûrement
Yathin Lizzy
Defender of the Faith
Defender of the Faith
Messages : 16471
Enregistré le : 05 févr. 2006, 18:58

Message par Yathin Lizzy »

Finalement les 2 autres sont là depuis le début aussi (sauf Andreas sur le 1 er album mais ils avaient 16 ans et demi....)
Alors si ces 2 là étaient partis on ne se poserait même pas la question.
Moi je préfère privilégier la musique aux musiciens.
Et puis le groupe ne s'appelle pas Cavalera (ni Van Halen d'ailleurs... lol) et les frangins ne se sont pas fait virer ils sont partis!!!
Pour les 2 qui restent "Sepultura" fait partie de leur existence (10 ans de plus dans le groupe que Max Cavelera).Et parcequ'ils ont essayé péniblement de continuer à faire vivre le nom du groupe, je pense que la légitimité de continuer avec "Sepultura" comme nom leur appartient!
Et puis si ca pouvait éviter de les faire retomber dans l'anonymat le plus severe....
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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
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Enregistré le : 04 sept. 2002, 21:27
Localisation : Beyond Within

Message par Everflow »

Igor s'explique dans l'interview intégrale ci-dessous, il dit aussi qu'il ne serait pas contre de rejouer avec Max un jour...

Q: When I spoke to you in January, you told me that you were not leaving the band — that you were merely taking a break from touring to spend time with your new wife and kid, and that you were fully intending on returning to SEPULTURA at some point. That is obviously no longer the case. What happened in the last five months to change your mind with regards to your position within the band and to cause you to finally make the announcement that you were leaving the group?

Igor: "The main thing, really, that changed… It was after the European tour that SEPULTURA did with Roy [Mayorga, ex-SOULFLY, currently in STONE SOUR] on drums… I had a meeting with Andreas [Kisser, SEPULTURA guitarist] before he left for that tour, and then we had another meeting when he came back. And before he left, at the only meeting that we had, we pretty much agreed on all those things that everybody knew — that I was willing to take a break. I wasn't thinking or even saying anything about leaving the band, even though there was a lot of rumors going around. But my intention was really to continue doing this and taking a break. And we even talked about how we wanted to [have] an injection of new energy in the band, and that was something that with this break we might have been able to [achieve] that — to think about and reflect on a lot of different things; that was the plan. When he came back from that tour, we had another meeting, and in that meeting he just showed me a completely different side of it where he didn't feel like my break would be good for the band and good for everything, and he wanted to really continue doing a lot of touring and a lot of shows — they were already booking a lot of shows that I didn't know about — and things like that, which pretty much [led] me to make this decision. And not only that, but also in Brazil, a lot of things were going around, like a [news story in the media] 'A new drummer for SEPULTURA has been hired' — this guy [Jean Dolabella] from Belo [Horizonte], who was already playing in the band, which wasn't a lie, but the way that portrayed it, it was like he was the new drummer, and the band didn't come forward to say anything about that — not even on our web site — and I felt really disrespected [by that]. Not even to put something [on our web site to refute the rumors], since it was already out on the Internet and things like that. Like the time when you posted that story on Blabbermouth [referring to the January 13, 2006 article on this site stating that Igor was quitting the band — Ed.], right after that I put up something on the web site, explaining to the fans — at least like a little letter — just saying, if they [should] rely on [any information being spread about the band], it [should come] from the band directly — not to [believe anything] unless it came from us. And I think that's a pretty good relationship between a fan and a band — if they can go to a band web site, if they hear something, and if they see something from the band, there can be a little relief, or not — as was the case [on Monday, when the official announcement about Igor leaving was made — Ed.]. So those were the main reasons that I just started thinking completely differently, where I just felt that in their opinion, the [idea] of them moving on and continuing to play didn't include me as part of this plan. So I just felt that the most honest thing to do was to explain to everybody [what was going on] instead of just sitting at home [while] people [were] thinking that I was still taking that break, [but] where my mind was in a completely different place."

Q: But it is understandable why the other guys would want to tour and keep the SEPULTURA name alive, especially after a new album has just been released. After all, you only get one chance to tour behind an album and it's hard to tour for a new CD a year down the road. Why did you have such a problem with the other guys using a different drummer for the entire touring cycle for this album and just regrouping with you next year or whenever you were ready to become a full-fledged member of the band again?

Igor: "Actually, that was my idea in the beginning of all this. But I just felt that were weren't really talking the same language anymore when they returned from Europe. Especially after this meeting, it was like… for me, the intention that they showed me was completely different. 'Cause I wasn't willing to tell them, 'You can't go out and tour,' and all that stuff. But at the same time, I just felt that over the years, things were going for us not so well — between us, our relationship — and for me, this was a chance for me to be free and do new things at the same time."

Q: You say that your relationship with the other guys deteriorated over the years, and in your statement announcing your departure from the band, you mentioned that you started feeling that you weren't on the same page as the rest of the group around the time of your last European tour with SEPULTURA, which was in December 2004. Did anything specific happen on that tour — any particular incident — that made you feel that way?

Igor: "No, it was more me than anything else. I was just not feeling well — like touring, and being out [away from home]. It was just a bunch of different feelings that I was feeling — it wasn't any one event or one special thing that triggered this whole thing. It was just myself; I just felt like a complete outsider in this whole thing — I just didn't wanna be there, I didn't wanna continue touring and all that stuff. I was just struggling with myself to keep doing this. I wasn't really happy. That was like, for me, the most… The thing that hit [me] the most was that I wasn't really feeling it anymore."

Q: Do you think that the things that were going on in your personal life — the breakup of your first marriage — contributed to you feeling this way, or do you think it was completely unrelated?

Igor: "I think it was unrelated to a certain extent because I could always deal with both things and have the joy of both, but at that time I wasn't having any fun being out and being on the road and playing — all that stuff. Even performing, for me, it was like… When performing got to the point that I wasn't really having… I don't know… like a feeling of fire inside, or something like that, that's when I really felt like I had to do something else."

Q: And you started feeling that around December 2004, right?

Igor: "Yeah, that's when it got really strong."

Q: You also mentioned in your statement on Monday that there were "artistic," or "musical," differences that contributed to the split. The way you are describing this situation, I'm not sure that "artistic" differences is how most people would see it. It almost seems like it was question of lack of motivation more than anything else.

Igor: "But it could be seen in that way. The way I was looking at it, it was different. When I put 'musical differences' [in the statement as a reason for the split] it was where I felt that I couldn't give anything more to the band. If I wanted to do something, I wanted to do something completely different from what I was doing with SEPULTURA. So I think it was even more from my part than the whole band itself."

Q: When I spoke to you yesterday, you mentioned to me that you felt that "Dante XXI" was the strongest album you have done with Derrick [Green, vocals]. So I think, with that in mind, people would probably be surprised that you would choose to leave when the band was at its strongest, musically speaking, at least as far as this lineup is concerned.

Igor: "It is definitely my favorite album out of all of them — the ones we did with Derrick. But at the same I feel very proud stopping the way I stopped, [having just released] such a great [album]. As far as promoting and going out and touring, I wasn't really feeling it, but being in the studio and writing the songs, I put 110 percent in it."

Q: You said earlier that you wanted the band to take a break. Do you really feel that a break would have helped? I mean, if all of you guys had agreed to go separate ways for a while and then regroup later on, do you think that would have made a difference or do you think that it pretty much would have meant the end of the band?

Igor: "I truly believe that it could have helped."

Q: But you also know that it could have meant the end of the band just as well, right?

Igor: "I don't know. I was looking more on the… not really on the business side of it, more on the artistic side of it, where if we took a break and if we did different things for a while that we could miss being in the studio, being on the road, and all that stuff. That's where I was coming from."

Q: One other thing that I have seen mentioned on various message boards, including the one on the official SEPULTURA web site, is that many people believe that you no longer have a passion for playing metal music — that you are more interested in getting involved in hip hop music and electronic sounds and DJing and all that stuff. Is there any truth to that? Do you still feel any kind of interest in playing hard-hitting metal, hardcore music or do you want to really do something completely different?

Igor: "I think it's both. I really wanna do stuff that's really heavy and really powerful, but I also wanna do different stuff, like I always wanted to do with SEPULTURA. I always put my influences [into the music] and they've always been very different — from metal all the way to all kinds of styles of music, and that always came across really good when we were writing songs. So I think it's both, you know. It doesn't necessarily mean that I wanna stop playing metal and just playing whatever I'm listening to at the moment. I think, for me, that's… I don't know if I could even that. When I play, I play in a certain style that even if I'm trying to play in a certain style, it's gone come out the way I play my drums. So I think, in my point of view, I'm always gonna have that fire inside to play heavier music, and I definitely don't wanna stop playing that kind of music, because the stuff that I do outside of SEPULTURA, it's a lot more fun than anything else — it's just having fun. Like the whole DJ thing — it's just having fun here and enjoying different… It's almost like discovering a new instrument by doing the turntable stuff and also trying out new electronic stuff with drums, just like I did with percussion at the time — really researching a lot of percussion, and Brazilian music, and things like that. But I wouldn't exchange everything I had just to be in that style or changing the whole thing."

Q: So if people were to say that you passion for playing heavy music has diminished in the last few years, that wouldn't be an accurate thing to say?

Igor: "No, I don't see it that way. I still have a lot of… When I play music, especially the old, fast stuff, I really enjoy that."

Q: The SEPULTURA webmaster posted a message on the band's site on Tuesday stating that SEPULTURA would continue following your departure, but it's not presently clear if that means they will just go on touring in support of "Dante XXI" or if they will try to carry on and record a new album with a different drummer. In your opinion, can SEPULTURA exist — and should SEPULTURA continue — without either of the Cavalera brothers in the lineup?

Igor: "Actually, I think it's… I don't have the right to say whether it should exist, or if it should go on, since I left the band. I think if it was like, if they threw me out of the band, or if it was like a fight, or if it was a different situation, I could have a different opinion, as far as continuing or not continuing. But as far as the way I see it [now], I think it's really up to them if they want to continue or if they wanna stop with SEPULTURA."

Q: Do you have an idea of whether they will continue? Has there been any discussions before you left as to whether they will go on?

Igor: "Before I left, there was definitely discussions about finishing the cycle for 'Dante' — the touring cycle — but nothing about continuing, as far as doing new things. But I don't know. That might change now that I am out of the band."

Q: But you will not try to stop them if they try to continue and record a new album under the name SEPULTURA with a different drummer?

Igor: "No, not at all."

Q: A lot of people are speculating, or thinking, that you decision to leave the band might have been influenced by your brother — that Max had something to do with your departure — so I want to ask you a couple of questions about that because a lot of people have a mistaken impression of where your relationship with Max currently stands. First of all, when was the last time you spoke to Max?

Igor: "He called me on my birthday last year [September 4, 2005]. But we didn't even talk about the band. It was way more personal stuff. There is definitely not the influence of Max on my decision to leave SEPULTURA."

Q: Did you ever tell him that you were thinking about leaving SEPULTURA?

Igor: "No, no, actually. No."

Q: In the 10 years since Max left the band, have you had ONE opportunity to sit down face to face with him and have a conversation with each other as brothers?

Igor: "No."

Q: The longest conversation you've had with Max in the last 10 years was how long, if you don't mind me asking?

Igor: "I don't even know… Every time we spoke, it was weird, because I wanted to make sure that it involve SEPULTURA, because I wanted to continue speaking to him more and more, and leave the band — his band and my band — out of [the conversation]. So we would talk for a long time, but we would never mention SOULFLY or SEPULTURA in the conversation at all."

Q: One other thing that I have seen mentioned on various message boards is the possibility of you joining your brother's band, SOULFLY, now that you are no longer a member of SEPULTURA. If Max was to call you up and say, 'I'd like you to do a tour with my band,' or record an album with SOULFLY, would you consider it? Is that something that is a possibility for you?

Igor: "I don't know. It's hard. It's the same as when people ask me if Max was to call me and ask me if he could rejoin SEPULTURA, if I would accept, and I think the answer is pretty much the same. I can't really speculate about something that's not real. Once it's real, then you have time to think about it and really have a strong opinion about it. When it comes to something that's not real, I think it's a waste of time to try [and guess how I would feel about it]. It's not real."

Q: Do you think there's a possibility that you may ever play with SEPULTURA again? Do you consider this a closed chapter for you or is the door open for you to one day play with these guys again?

Igor: "I don't know. It's hard to say. The thing that I always left really open and I always spoke very clearly about to everybody was the way that I wish I could play with my brother again. Even when I was in SEPULTURA — that was something that I never hid from anyone. And I think it's still the same. I think one day I will be able to play with him again. I don't know what format — if it's SEPULTURA, if it's a new thing — but the desire is there, and it's always been there, and I never made that a secret to no one."

Q: Looking back now, do you have any regrets about the way the whole split with Max happened, or do you think that you guys did absolutely the right thing in the way that you handled the situation?

Igor: "I don't know if we did the right thing, but I know for sure that we definitely learned from the things that we did — not only with him, but everything we've done in our whole career. It's hard to say if it was right or if it was wrong, but one thing is for sure — we learned a lot from that whole experience; it changed a lot of things in our heads."

Q: Do you have any regrets about anything that you did during SEPULTURA's career — things that you wish you could have done differently?

Igor: "No, not at all."

Q: So what are your plans for the immediate future? I know you're spending time with your family.

Igor: "That's still my plan. The bomb exploded, but my plan's still the same. I wanna definitely take this time to spend with my newborn, Antonio, and my family, and that's the main thing for me that I think about. And once other things start showing up, I will just take my time and really look into it in a way that… I am in no rush right now to jump into a different project, to do new things or to put any expectations on our fans to hear something new. So if it happens, it's gonna happen at the right time — I'm not rushing it at all."

Q: Do you still consider the other guys in SEPULTURA to be your friends?

Igor: "Yeah, yeah. Especially Derrick."

Q: Do they feel the same way about you, you think?

Igor: "I think so."

Q: But if there were any kind of tension between you and any of the other guys, it would probably be between you and Andreas, correct?

Igor: "I think it's a little stronger [between us]."

Q: One thing I wanted to ask you. I noticed that you've started spelling your first name with two Gs in all the press announcements and on the band's web site.

Igor: "Yeah, that's something weird that I started signing it — my name with two Gs. And then on the last SEPULTURA album, I wrote it with two Gs. There's no special meaning to it. I just started signing my autograph with two Gs and then I liked the way it looked. So I'm not studying Kabbalah or anything like that. [Laughs] I think it looks cool and when I started writing it, I thought it looked better than it did the other way, so that's how I write my name right now."
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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
Messages : 39148
Enregistré le : 04 sept. 2002, 21:27
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Message par Everflow »

Igor vient de monter un nouveau projet, avec le "death rapper" Necro, ils veulent faire du thrash/death old school.
Former SEPULTURA drummer Igor Cavalera has formed a brand new project with hardcore Brooklyn "death rapper" NECRO. Cavalera had previously appeared on the song "Necrotura" off NECRO's "The Circle of Tyrants" CD.

"The news is that myself and Igor have started a band, we will go into the studio in the next month and record demos," Necro told BLABBERMOUTH.NET. "We have been planning on doing this for months before he even left SEPULTURA, but now that he has left it seems like the perfect time to let people know about this new project we are working on.

"We don't have a band name yet, but we know we want to make some brutal old-school '80s thrash/death metal type of shit in the lines of DEATH, OBITUARY, SLAYER, METALLICA, SEPULTURA, MEGADETH, etc. just to name a few bands that were insane in 1986-1990.

"Igor will be playing drums, obviously, I will be playing all rhythm guitar and some leads, as well as the bass, until I find our Geezer Butler/Cliff Burton. Currently I am that person that can play in that style, so I will handle bass for now. And I will make an attempt at doing the vocals as well. Being I am a highly respected rapper who invented the genres 'death rap' and 'metal hiphop' it shouldn't be an issue, plus for those that just think I am a newjack hiphop guy that doesnt know shit about metal, I was in a band called INJUSTICE when I was just the tender age of 12 years old. I currently have the INJUSTICE 1990 demo online at MySpace. Here is the link for anyone that wants to hear it:

"Also you will notice I have a positive quote from Jeff Beccera of POSSESSED on the page who also recently contacted me and we will be working together on my next metal hiphop project, as well as Mark from LAMB OF GOD who reached out to me, too."

"I was 13 years old when that demo was recorded, playing both lead and rhythm guitar, while my brother Ill Bill was playing bass and handling vocals at 17 years old. We had opened for SEPULTURA and OBITUARY at L'Amour [in Brooklyn] when i was 12, and also did many shows opening for bands like NAPALM DEATH at the Cabaret, SADUS, IMMOLATION, BIOHAZARD and LUDACHRIST.

"Not 100% confirmed, but Alex Skolnick [TESTAMENT] should be doing a lot of the leads on this new project, as he did the leads on the track 'Necrotura', which featured Alex, Igor and Matt Harvey from EXHUMED.

"I am funding the whole project out of my own pocket, 'cuz as you might or might not know, I run my own record label, Psycho+Logical-Records, for the past six years, 100% indie and have moved over 200,000+ units of CDs combined with no major label help. So if we can't find a metal label to release this project, we have something to fall back on, but we would prefer a professional experienced full-on metal label to release this project. We shall see.

"For those that wanna hear the metal hiphop songs I did with Jamey and Sean of HATEBREED, John and Trevor of OBITUARY, Igor and more, go to my metal hiphop page on MySpace and you can hear samples:"

Igor Cavalera will be joining Necro on stage on August 26, 2006 at the Nokia Theatre in New York City to perform "Necrotura" and many other songs live with Necro and crew. Also appearing will be Ill Bill (NON-PHIXION), Lord Ezec a.k.a. Danny Diablo (SKARHEAD, CROWN OF THORNZ), and Sabac Red (NON-PHIXION) and Riviera Regime.
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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
Messages : 39148
Enregistré le : 04 sept. 2002, 21:27
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Message par Everflow »

Plus de précisions sur ce projet entre Igor et Necro : Speaking of Igor Cavalera, what can you tell me about your new project with him and what can we expect it to sound like as well as when you plan on recording and releasing it? Will it be under the Necro name or is it gonna be a new band name? And if so what is the name of the project?

Necro: "Well, this is all very new, we haven't recorded anything yet, but we plan on recording in the next month and the style will be all brutal shit, '80s style like DEATH, SEPULTURA, OBITUARY, METALLICA, MEGADETH, SLAYER and many other bands from that time. I am writing all the riffs and Igor will write all the drums so it's kinda like a Lars-and-James thing for us and it will be sick, I don't wanna release anything if it isn't godly, so if I release it, you can be sure we feel it's insane. [It] just has to be better than anything out now. Most shit sucks now so I don't think that will be hard. The real competition is the shit that was dropped in the 1980s and early '90s, so you can expect something real unique. My brain is heroin and Igor is one of the best drummers metal has ever seen, so we have a good foundation for insanity. So far we have no name or title for this, but it will have its own band name and it will be 100% metal — no rap. I will release a project that is all metal hip hop shit as well, but this band with myself and Igor is all metal."
Traduction : ça va tabasser :D
I'm the lost one chasing colors to the sun
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Metal Knight
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Message par Metal Knight »

ah oui ca s'annonce bien ca !
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Message par NicoGan »

Refuse/Resist :(

Mon Chaos AD est mort, mort en Territory ennemi, il fallait un Manifest, lancer The Hunt, je pensais que c'était de la Propaganda pour ceux Who Are Not As Others, c'est en Nomad que je dirai Amen :(
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Metal Knight
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Message par Metal Knight »

Brothers and former SEPULTURA bandmates Max (guitar, vocals) and Igor Cavalera (drums) were reunited for the first time in 10 years at the 10th annual D-Low Memorial Festival Thursday night (August 17) at the Marquee Theatre in Tempe, AZ.. Igor came out and joined headliners SOULFLY (featuring Max on guitar/vocals) for renditions of the SEPULTURA classics "Attitude" and "Roots Bloody Roots". Other guest musicians at the show included former MEGADETH/current F5 bassist David Ellefson, ex-SOULFLY/current STONE SOUR drummer Roy Mayorga (who played on "No Hope = No Fear"), Danny Marianinho of NORTH SIDE KINGS ("Defeat U") and Max's stepson Richie Cavalera (INCITE; on "Bleed" and "Stay Strong").

SOULFLY bassist Bobby Burns told BLABBERMOUTH.NET early this morning: "The show was fuckin' insane! Roy Mayorga came out and did 'No Hope = No Fear' with us. Dave Ellefson did 'Prophecy' and 'Defeat U'. And the one and only Igor Cavalera came out and did 'Attitude' and 'Roots' with us!!! It was far beyond badass, trust me... Best D-Low show yet..."

The D-Low concert, which is held every year in memory of Max Cavalera's stepson Dana "D-Low" Wells, who was killed in a 1996 car wreck (article), is SOULFLY's biggest show of the year and draws fans from all over the United States. In 2004, SOULFLY filmed portions of their "The Song Remains Insane" DVD at the event.
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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
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Message par Everflow »

Ils vont bien finir par remonter un Sepultura bis :D
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Message par Metal Knight »

On ne demande que ca !
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Message par NicoGan »

Si c'est pour faire un nouveau Roots moi j'en veux pas
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Vraiment trop injuste
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Message par over'phil »

roots c'est vraiment l'album le plus primitif de Sepultura, c'est celui qui plait au Djeun'z, ideal pour jumper a tout vas

C'est avec cette tournée que Sepulutura avait joué dans un Zenith Archi Bondé ce qui changait dimetrallement la tournée arise 1991 a l'Elysée montmatre avec Heathen et Sacred Reich ou de la date du Zenith plutôt desertique en 1992 avec Loudblast, Fudge Tunnel et No return.

Je reste sur la date genial de l'Elysée montmartre, quel dommage que j'ai raté Sepultura / Sodom en 1989 au Gibus.

Si c'est pour faire du Roots autant que Igor et max ne reforma pas Sepultura.
Hatred Dusk devient HD !!!!!!!!!!
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Message par Julien06 »

:o je trouve au contraire que Roots est un très bon album, en tout cas bien mieux que ce qu'ils ont sorti par la suite.

D'ailleurs j'ai laché Sepultura après Roots.
Bib a écrit :L'important, c'est que tu sois de base !!
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Defender of the Faith
Defender of the Faith
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Message par Cardinal-Sin »

Roots j'ai pas du tout accroché, je l'ai acheté uniquement parcqu'il y avait une version 2 Cd's avec pas mal de vieux trucs sur le deuxième cd's, mais j'ai bien du mal à l'écouter celui là... à part 2,3 titres
:metallian: :papy: :metallian: BY STEEL WE RULE - :metallian: :papy: :metallian:
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Poulpe névrosé
Poulpe névrosé
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Message par Le G@SP »

Roots je l'ai jamais aimé et si le groupe avait continué avec Max Cavalera, il serait ce qu'est Soulfly actuellement, faut pas se leurrer, ils seraient pas revenus au thrash! Par contre en live ça dépotait toujours bien si on se réfère au live qu'ils ont sorti bien après le départ de Max.
Viva, viva, viva the Blues / In Aztec land they will play like gods / Viva, viva, viva the blues / The sombreros will have eyes just for them / REMEMBER... =T=
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Message par kreator »

Cardinal-Sin a écrit :Roots j'ai pas du tout accroché, je l'ai acheté uniquement parcqu'il y avait une version 2 Cd's avec pas mal de vieux trucs sur le deuxième cd's, mais j'ai bien du mal à l'écouter celui là... à part 2,3 titres
Pareil pour moi dans "the roots of SEPULTURA" j'écoute plutôt le 2ème CD que "roots" même si c'est l'album qui m'a fait découvrir SEPULTURA :oops:
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Enemy of Reality
Enemy of Reality
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Enregistré le : 04 sept. 2002, 21:27
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Message par Everflow »

C'est clair que le deuxième CD de Roots valait l'acquisition à lui seul, 'tain les versions live! :bang: Si seulement ils avaient pu sortir un live complet de ce tonneau...
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Colors bleed but never fade
pink floyd
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Message par pink floyd »

il existe en pirate ou bien dans leur premier dvd
l'ouverture d'esprit est un manque de personnalité
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Enregistré le : 07 juil. 2006, 17:41

Message par NicoGan »

Sur les Live de Sepultura je reste sur Slave of Pain (comment ça les bootlegs ça compte pas ? :D )